Term Paper on "Role of Government"

Term Paper 7 pages (2122 words) Sources: 1+

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Role of Government

Government economic regulation occurs when: (1) undesirable market structures exist (i.e., fewness of firms); (2) there is a desire to control or dilute large power blocks in the economy (e.g., the strategic position of utility companies). (3) the market or other conduct of a firm is judged to be socially undesirable (e.g., unfair pricing policies); (4) there is a perceived need to conserve and efficiently use a natural resource; and (5) significant negative economic externalities (e.g., pollution) are associated with a firm's activities. Government social regulation focuses on firms' impacts on people as employees, consumers and citizens. The primary reason for economic and social regulation is to correct perceived or actual market failures.

Increasingly, people are saying that government regulation doesn't appear to be working. Some of the more cynical have developed villain theories or power theories that hold that powerful groups can solve problems, but they simply don't want to because the solution would not be to their advantage. Others believe in the conflicting objectives theory that states that issues and complex and have competing objectives that make it difficult to design effective solutions. However, the findings of this paper are than government regulations are failing because trying to alter market dynamics doesn't work. True, the dynamics of the market created the market failure, but the dynamics of the market will eventually resolve it as well if only given a chance.

2.0 Market Structure, Power and Conduct

Proponents of government regulation argue that the government has a responsibility to ensu
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re that no one company controls an industry to the point where the market is not competitive. Monopolies can cease innovation and force people to pay exorbitant prices for its products. However, monopolies don't necessarily thrive because of unfair business practices. In 1994, the government accused Microsoft of using its more than seventy percent share of the personal operating systems market to prevent competition. However, what the case revealed was that Microsoft dominated the industry because of its innovation, solid marketing and successful products offered to the market at very affordable prices, exactly those factors that monopolies are supposed to impede. In January of 1969, the United States Department of Justice filed an antitrust suit against IBM to break it up into smaller, competitive companies because it controlled almost 70% of the computer market at that time. In 1982, the case against IBM was ruled to be "without merit." Even so, IBM did not continue its market dominance as advocators of government regulation for this company had asserted that it would. Instead, the company began to falter after a series of product failures. As a result, many companies gained market share against IBM with some even over taking it. These Microsoft and IBM examples illustrate how true market forces compel monopolies to act in the interest of the consumer and that government regulation isn't really necessary to accomplish this.

The prices of goods and services shall be set in accordance with domestic supply and demand with the consumer as the ultimate regulator because government regulation of prices eliminates price competition. The economic effect of regulating prices is to fix marginal revenue for the sale of a product at the regulated price. Thus, the seller has to adjust its marginal costs so that they equal the marginal revenue. If the size of the operation at that level of cost is anything other than the most efficient size in the long run, there will be inefficient allocation of resources, resulting in over-investment in some industries and over-investment in others. Of course, this waste in bad for the consumer, the very person the price control was intended to help.

3.0 Negative Economic Externalities

One form of market failure, a negative externality, arises when the actions one party result in a benefit or cost accruing to some external party that did not consent to the impact. Examples of negative externalities might be a manufacturer that irresponsibly releases pollution or consumes scarce natural resources. Market failure results because the manufacturer bears no costs for its actions; instead, costs are imposed on downstream parties that did not cause them. Advocates of government regulation believe that it can correct this type of market failure by imposing standards or fees to force firms to internalize some of these social costs. but, the United States environmental regulatory system that was set up in the 1970s has offered the regulated community little flexibility in how best to achieve environmental performance goals and has focused on solutions that have provided little incentive to the regulated businesses to move beyond compliance.

A better approach to government regulation for dealing with negative externalities is to approach this type of market failure from an information asymmetry perspective. Information asymmetry refers to variations across persons in the amount and quality of information about the characteristics of a good. There is ample evidence to suggest that there is a positive link between environmental and financial performance:

Boston nonprofit, Alliance for Environmental Innovation, reviewed 70 research studies in 1998, all of which found a positive relationship between environmental and financial performance. Companies that outperform their peers environmentally were also found to perform better on the stock market by as much as two percent.

The Storebrand Scudder Environmental Value Fund, launched in 1996, uses nine ecoefficiency criteria to select firms that rank in the top third in environmental performance within their industry sector. The fund grew 51% between 1996 and 1998, and outperformed the comparable Morgan Stanley international World Index by eight percent over the same period.

1996 study by ICF Kaiser Consulting Group that looked at 327 S&P 500 firms found that companies could push up their stock price by as much as five percent by improving their environmental performance.

Given that firms are and should be driven by motivations for profit, the above data suggests that the government would be well served to collect and disseminate corporate environmental performance information to correct negative externalities which are really a problem of information asymmetry. In this way companies will look at their own operations and decide what measures will help them meet their goals rather than having to follow one-size-fits-all government regulations.

4.0 Social Regulation

The social regulation of business actually harms rather than helps those it is intended to benefit. Regulations that increase the cost of employing workers serve as a hidden tax on job creation and decreases wages.

Government-mandated costs such as unemployment and disability insurance, retirement benefits, child care, government paperwork requirements, and the cost of lawyers and accountants raise the cost to employers above what they would be if true market forces determined these benefits. The minimum wage is supposed to help low wage earners, but it increases unemployment among the poor and the unskilled by making employers pay more than the true market value of the employee. Federal labor laws also introduce other inefficiencies by making it more difficult to dismiss poor performing employees and by forcing them to engage in costly and time-consuming negotiations with labor unions, really just a group trying to distort market forces in their favor.

Most recently, the government has set its aims on regulating healthcare and is considering national healthcare plans. However, existing evidence shows that taxes would skyrocket and healthcare services would dramatically deteriorate under national healthcare. The real problem is that healthcare institutions do not operate as true businesses and the solution is to fix this problem rather than to rely on unproven government intervention. Well respected management gurus Michael Porter and Elizabeth Teisberg studied the healthcare industry and recommend fixing it rather than replacing it with national healthcare. Their specific recommendations are that the industry should create unique value rather than trying to focus on delivering as many services as they possibly can; consumers should have better access to information so that they can compare medical services and prices; and that consumers should have financial incentives so they will take the same care when purchasing medical services as they do when buying other products and services they directly pay for. Once again, the solution is to let market dynamics take care of the problem.

5.0 General Regulatory Issues

Along with government regulation comes inefficient and costly bureaucracy because government is not faced with market forces that make private businesses perform well. Those in favor of government regulation say that the system can be fixed, but as Ludwig von Mises explains,

It is a widespread illusion that the efficiency of government bureaus could be improved by management engineers and their methods of scientific management.... What they call deficiencies and faults of the management of administrative agencies are necessary properties. A bureau is not a profit-seeking enterprise; it cannot make use of any economic calculation.... It is out of the question to improve its management by reshaping it according to the pattern of private business. "

Also, according to Ludwig von Mises, "All such deficiencies are inherent in the performance of services which cannot be checked by money statements of profit and loss."… READ MORE

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This is for graduate level Microeconomic class***** case study. My side is present in the con of *****Role of Government*****. Since I am an international student from Asia (Taiwan), please help me to write down one deeply and critical think discussion papers for this *****case analysis*****. We need to represent the economics view about con of government control. Please, be writing down creativity and economist reaction to review this problem. Because we will need to debate for the other groups, professor ask us make microeconomic view point or reaction to support each side of debate team. He asks us use the one or two graphs and tables to support our papers and be qualifying the graduate level microeconomic class of study. please help me write down some concept that let him think I am qualifying for academic graduate level of student Please~ make it critical and deep thinking to qualify the (international student) graduate level of class discussion ) Thank you~

Moreover, could you please be careful about the plagiarism. Our school have some kind computer system can check out every graduate student papers before hand into professor. They are really caring about this problem! Please help me to write down one unique and deep thinking paper. Please try it! I really need to your help!! Please~~ (sorry, could I ask you one more question? After you complete the papers, will you give another person for this paper? For example, my classmates order the same topic and you give them the papers which you done for me, and it will cause us a lots of trouble*****¦.) Sorry to ask you this kind of question because I heard some of the case happening before, so I don*****t want it happen in this one*****¦sorry!

Thank you for your kindness! I am very appreciating it!!

How to Reference "Role of Government" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Role of Government.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Role of Government (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Role of Government. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Role of Government” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039.
”Role of Government” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039.
[1] ”Role of Government”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Role of Government [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039
1. Role of Government. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/role-government-economic-regulation/37039. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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