Essay on "Rogerian Argument"

Essay 4 pages (1315 words) Sources: 4

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Rogerian Argument Against Bipartisan Squabbling

"Our Founding Fathers intended no parties when they created this institution," yet the current political environment is plagued by bipartisan squabbles and discontent (Dingell 2011). Extreme bipartisanship creates a huge divide that makes the political process less effective and is thus only hurting the American people. Both parties refuse to work with one another, causing more chaos within the political environment than collaboration. The extreme degrees of bipartisanship rivalry seen in government practice today are only causing the stagnation of any potential progress the American people are trying to invoke.

Many within each party, both Republican and Democrat believe that their view is best. This is what is expressed in Brock et al.'s article "GOP Ideals Unite, Not Divide," which presents a convincing argument, but yet one which still tends to miss the mark. The Republican Party is held together by "fundamental values" and therefore aims to work towards a progressive future for this country. Yet, this view often spurs the misconception that the Democrats are essentially failing to provide the success they had previously promised voters. Here, the Republican voice suggests that "a Democratic majority in the Senate has led our country in the wrong direction -- to unprecedented budget deficits, an exploding national debt and rising gas prices, while failing to address the tragedy of never-ending unemployment and declining housing values," (Brock et al. 2012). This voice then tends to turn to demanding that the only solution is a Republican majority to pick up where the Democrats are supposedly sacking off. Moreover, this point
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-of-view focuses on believing that winning is everything, "The point is to win elections, not to enthuse about lost causes" (Brock et al. 2012). Yes, winning is important to guaranteeing successful change, yet it should not always be the primary focus of political efforts.

Personally, I see this as a very combative solution. After all, winning is not the most important element, protecting the rights and livelihood of the American people are much more pertinent in today's volatile economic environment. Such a mentality is unintentionally directing the efforts of Republicans in a war like fury to be victorious over the Democratic enemy, rather than helping the situation through efficient execution of strategy. In this tangent, many may loose concern for putting effort into real solutions because their mindsets are in a war-like state. Here, Brock et al. even states that "a dismal economy" looks more like a "clear opportunity" during a competitive campaign environment than a serious issue that is plaguing millions of American (Brock et al. 2012). The divide between Democrats and Republicans creates a situation where the party rarely agrees on things. Thus, the current political environment witnesses more disunity than uniformity. This comes in a situation" with Republicans as diverse as Jacob Javits and Jesse Helms" are only united on the fight against the Democrats, thus making anything the Democrats want to pass extremely difficult ( Brock et al. 2012).

Essentially, Democrats are not failing. Their efforts have often just been hindered by the extreme degree of bipartisan rivalries occurring within the top tiers of government.

Deficit began quite a while before the Democrats had a majority hold onto government. The events were already in motion when the Obama Administration took hold, yet it was the extreme bipartisan rivalries that followed his election that created a situation where little could be done to address the growing deficit and debt. In fact, the Democratic led administration has spent much effort on addressing unemployment

American Recover and Reinvestment Act were passed in 2009 to help open up thousands of jobs for unemployed Americans. Essentially, "it is an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put in a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century," (National Telecommunications and Information Administration 2012). The Acts are aiming to help the economy recover and reduce the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Rogerian Argument" Assignment:

My essay is a Rogerian Argument paper on an opinion piece in a news paper that I disagree with. It is to find common ground with an audience that holds the opposite opinion. Its trying to reduce any tension or hostility and show that both sides can benefit from the common ground that I am proposing.

Here is the link to the article:

Here is the format for the essay:

1. Introduction - introduce the issue (the *****"shared problem*****") and note your desire to resolve it.

2. State your opposition*****'s viewpoint - let your audience know that you fully understand their position. You can quote them and even offer evidence that support their argument. Also, explain how you see the opposing side as a logical one.

3. Discuss your viewpoint - let the audience know in a non-combative way how your viewpoint differs from their own. Do not point out how you are right, your viewpoint is better, they should change their mind, etc.

4. Identify common ground - point out how the issue can be resolved so that you and the audience are satisfied with the results and how you both benefit.

Only use credible internet sites ending in .edu, .gov, or .org. Do not use Wikipedia or other non-credible sites; do not use .com sites.

The essay must be written in 3rd person.

How to Reference "Rogerian Argument" Essay in a Bibliography

Rogerian Argument.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Rogerian Argument (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Rogerian Argument. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Rogerian Argument” 2012.
”Rogerian Argument”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Rogerian Argument”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Rogerian Argument [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Rogerian Argument. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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