Case Study on "Risk of Accepting the Offer"

Case Study 5 pages (1378 words) Sources: 0

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risk of accepting the offer is that the company will be shut down and the employees will be let go. There are no promises to protect the employees and many of the stores can be expected to be closed. The legacy of the DeeBilder name will be lost. The reward will be financial -- most of the firm's value will be locked in, such that employees and shareholders will receive nearly full value for the company.

There are risks associated with not accepting the offer. Home Depot is entering the market, so there is the risk that the company is run into the ground by Home Depot. If the offer is not accepted, the company is likely to see its value decrease and runs the risk of going bankrupt. DeeBilder is unlikely to succeed competing head-to-head against Home Depot. Therefore, it is likely to lose market share and ultimately will lose firm value. The current bid of $70 million may be as valuable as DeeBilder is going to get, now that it must compete against Home Depot.

Rejecting the offer and preparing for a market war has some rewards, with respect to the personal stakes involved. The DeeBilder family has a strong personal stake in the company, so choosing to battle would be a moral victory for the company. It would also likely result in defeat. Home Depot competes on the came basis as DeeBilder using economies of scale to achieve cost advantage. Home Depot has greater economies of scale than does DeeBilder, so will win in this battle. In order to fight Home Depot, DeeBilder will need to develop other competencies. There is significant risk in this tactic. The company does not have the core competencies that support a differentiated strategy. Thus, adopting such a strategy will be dif
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ficult. Essentially what Home Depot is doing to DeeBilder is what DeeBilder did to the mom-and-pop hardware stores in the region. There is little chance of DeeBilder surviving at anywhere near its current size by adopting a differentiated approach. Moreover, the surviving mom-and-pop stores have already developed the competencies needed to survive as differentiated providers, whereas DeeBilder has not.

The reason that Home Depot has made the bid is to save the company some time and effort is squashing DeeBilder. Thus, there is some value for Home Depot in making this acquisition. The valuation of $75 million is not necessary a good valuation, as making such valuations on private companies depends on a number of assumptions. So the $70 million offer is not out of line with the value of the company. Home Depot may be willing to come up a bit on this offer. They are playing hardball in an attempt to intimidate DeeBilder, but ultimately Home Depot has the bargaining power. They are going to win this battle sooner or later. DeeBilder runs the risk that if they reject the offer Home Depot walks away, knowing that they are going to win the battle sooner or later.

For DeeBilder, however, there are potential rewards for entering into a negotiation. They understand that Home Depot would like to move them out of the way to make their entry into the market easier. There is value in that for Home Depot, and $70 million can be viewed as the opening offer. It would be worth looking at the history of Home Depot's moves into other markets to get a sense of their approach -- do they negotiate or are they serious about this being a one-time offer.

In terms of other options, there is little that DeeBilder can do in this situation. This takeover offers only marginal value for Home Depot in clearing DeeBilder out of the way, which means that Home Depot management has little say in the issue. One option that they can have is that they can negotiate not on price but to protect their employees' jobs and maybe earn a management position for some members of the DeeBilder family. This option could backfire in that Home Depot could still walk away, wanting to put its own people into the region. However, it could also… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Risk of Accepting the Offer" Assignment:



Write a 3 ***** 5 page report explaining your analysis of the situation and describing your recommended solution. The report should be formatted as follows:

1. Briefly summarize our options in response to the HDI offer. What are the risks and rewards for each option? 1.5 ***** 3 pages, showing that you understand the situation.

- Accept the offer of DHI before midnight tonight

- Counter DHI*****s offer and try to negotiate a better price

- Reject their offer and prepare for a market war

- Any other options you can think of (This is a good place to read up on corporate takeovers and general management shenanigans associated with negotiations.)

Describe your recommended solution, explaining why you chose this option and what you expect as the outcome. 1.5 ***** 3 pages, showing that you have thought about your strategy carefully. NOTE: Please do not offer more than one recommendation. The summary section is where you look at options. This section is where you make a decision.

- If you decide to accept DHI*****s initial offer, why do you think the other shareholders will agree?

- If you decide to counter, what will you offer as a counter proposal? Why do you think DHI will consider your offer? Which shareholders do you expect to agree with your approach?

- If you decide to reject the offer, how do you plan to compete against DHI in the NNY market? Explain what strategies you will use and why.

- If you choose a different strategy, explain in detail how it will work and why you think it will be successful. Which shareholders will support it?

You can use any 12 point typeface. Please make good use of headings and white space (Like the format of this assignment)


This is an exercise in strategic thinking and balancing risks and rewards in an uncertain situation. There is no right or wrong answer, but there is good and bad analysis.

Summary of situation ***** 40%. The best summaries will be thorough and explain options clearly. Try to relate choices to material from the course.

Recommended solution ***** 50%. The best recommendations will explain things thoroughly and will address likely outcomes and the responses of DHI and shareholders. I will be especially impressed if you think of something new or different (that will work.)

General writing ***** 10%. Please make it clear, logical, and easy to follow.


How to Reference "Risk of Accepting the Offer" Case Study in a Bibliography

Risk of Accepting the Offer.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Risk of Accepting the Offer (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Risk of Accepting the Offer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Risk of Accepting the Offer” 2010.
”Risk of Accepting the Offer”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Risk of Accepting the Offer”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Risk of Accepting the Offer [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Risk of Accepting the Offer. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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