Thesis on "Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship"

Thesis 8 pages (2014 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Revelations from "Men Seeking Women" Personal Ads

Men and women are different.

Not better or worse just different...'

Allan and Barbara Pease

Pears, 2003, para. 2)

Letter of Intent

Desire for a Long-Term Relationship

Do more men prefer no-strings attached (NSA) relationships or long-term relationships (LTR) more?

Contrary to the contemporary image of single bachelor, content to live alone, Alice Wyllie (2007), staff writer for the Scotsman, purports: "it seems men would rather be in a secure relationship than playing the field." (para. 5) the title Wyllie (2007) utilized for her article: "Men can't live without love" reflects the contention of Penny Conway, a spokesperson for that men prefer to be in a LTR more than women. Conway argues that even though women do like being in a relationship with a man, they can be more content with being single than men. (Wyllie, 2007) Generally, when one long-term relationship ends, females have friends and family members to surround them. Men, however, frequently isolate themselves from this type of support and instead, seek to begin a new long-term relationship.

One report from a study of 15,000 people across Europe by the online dating service, found that "men were more dissatisfied by their single status than women." (para 10) in light of this contention, this his researcher intends to utilize personal ads as an avenue to explore the consideration that males placing these particular ads more likely desire long-term relationships than females who post
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and/or respond to personal ads. The intended report proposes to confirm the hypothesis: When men place classified ads, their ads reveal they more likely desire long-term relationships than women who place personal ads.

Despite differences which will be presented during the course of this proposed research effort, as Allan and Barbara Pease (Pears, 2003, para. 2) note at the start of this letter of intent, neither men or women our better than the other sex, they are merely different. Buss (1999) notes some differences in answering the two questions: "What do women want? And "What do men want?" Buss (1999) contends that the answer to for the riddle of all ages, what women want adds up to: "Resources and commitment. Resources and commitment. Resources and commitment." What women desire, he purports, includes, but may not be limited to:

Economic capacity (Richer women like even richer men.)

Social status (That's why all those senators are always featured in lurid headlines.)

Age (Actually, on average women only want a man about 3 years older.)

Ambition and Industriousness

Dependability and Stability


Compatibility (This does not seem to directly indicate either resources or commitment. Rather, this suggests the potential for both parties to successfully sustain the relationship.)

Size and strength (Yes, women like tall men.)

Good health

Love-Love is the most valued characteristic in a partner for both women and men.

Kindness (a code word for commitment.)

Sincerity (Another code word for commitment.) (Buss,1999)

To the answer to the question "What do men want?," Buss (1999) contends the answer to the Reproductive capacity and fidelity, and include, but not be limited to:



Attractive body shape-in particular, a low waist to hip ratio. (Buss,1999)

Research Considerations

This researcher contends the topic relating the message men's motives reveal proves to be significant as this topic has prevailed since the beginning of time and will continue until its end. Books and articles are written and published regarding this core of this subject (the relationship between men and women). Songs are written and sung about the core of this subject (the relationship between men and women). Repeated studies are conducted exploring the relationship between men and women, along with the desires they possess and profess regarding their relationships. This researcher chose this particular question as it constitutes both a universal and personal interest. Answering this research will enhance the understanding of desires men possess and profess in personal ads. Men and women of all ages (from teens to those in their nineties) will be interested in reading answers this research presents.

Dependent and Independent Variables

The dependent variable "desire for a long-term relationship," includes the following categories:

personal ads with desire for a long-term relationships and personal ads with desire for relationships that are not long-term.

The independent variable for this study effort, "gender," with includes the classifications:

male, and female.

Considerations which will be explored and noted during the course of the intent is study will include the following factors to be noted in the ads:

Physical attractiveness


Relationship preference

These components will be denoted by the accompanying codes: 01; 01; 03:

The following reflects one example:

Physical attractiveness

01 physical attractiveness in a partner is important. Assign this code if the ad indicates a desire for partners who are "physically fit," "handsome," etc.

02 physical attractiveness in a partner is unimportant. Assign this code if 03 don't know/can't tell." (Guidelines, 2008)

The primary sources researcher intends to draw the potential ad sampling from, which served as a source this researcher used for this letter of intent will be Craiglist

http://[insertnameoftown] international online listing includes a variety of characterizations including, but not limited to:

Strictly platonic

Men seeking women

Women seeking Men

Craigslist, Inc. provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, goods, services, romance, local activities, and advice through its Website. The company was founded in 1995 and is based in San Francisco, California. It has operations in the United States, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, the Americas, Canada, Asia, and Europe. (Craigslist, Inc., 2008)

The potential sampling frames this researcher examined appeared to confirm this researcher's hypothesis. Readership demographics, this researcher proposes, would include teens through adults of all ages, which imply that demographics of classified ad writers in this source are not confined to one particular age group. Compared to classified ad writers in general this particular category draws a greater readership. Even individuals in the general public who may not post or respond to one of the personal ads would likely read at times, due to human interest value. This researcher contends that a sample drawn from this source will not likely to affect the generalizability or reliability of your results. This ads' source compared to another source for personal ants, such as a hard copy of a newspaper, would not be as productive for research nor for accessibility for reader.

Part II: Personal Classified Ads

The actual sampling frame this researcher intends to it utilize for the intended study, as noted earlier in this proposal we'll be retrieved from Craigslist. The methodology used to collect the sample will be, in a sense, a review of the literature (personal ads) from at least five different geographical locations.

The intended frame will include samplings from ages ranging from:

Samplings will be retrieved from both Men Seeking Women and Women Seeking Men categories. From the sampling this researcher retrieved (presented in Part III), this researcher initially reviewed more than 40 personal ads to select a sampling of the seven shown in Part III.

Several of the ads this researcher started to consider were not accessible, as they had been "Flagged" for removal by a previous viewer. The reason most likely for an ad being flagged and removed would be it contained offensive material.

The following introduces the Platonic section of Craigslist:

Unless all of the following points are true, please use your "back" button to exit this part of craigslist:

I am at least 18 years old.

A understand "strictly platonic" may include miscategorized personals ads.

I agree to flag as "prohibited" anything illegal or in violation of the craigslist terms of use.

I agree to report suspected exploitation of minors to the appropriate authorities.

By clicking on the links below, I release craigslist from any liability that may arise from my use of this site.

The following relates tags for viewers to review in a current Men Seeking Women list (locations removed):

Mr. Lonely - 31 - pic

Watching TV - 37 lookin for a good woman - 19 spontaneous/generous/great smile&great laugh/Energetic/easy going guy. - 23 -) pic

Looking for someone fun to go out with tomorrow night.... - 27 - pic

One Boy + One Girl = hope? - 37

Fishing buddy - 30

Looking for a good time -for real - 27 - pic

Gentleman here. - 25

Ladies, (no men please!!) looking for a good man?

- 32 - pic


If you are not happy but a curious and wanting person for some change. - pic

Model Wanted - 26 - pic

Happy Halloween! - 37 - pic

Marriage turned platonic seeks same or single woman - 45

Part III: Sampling of Personal Classified Ads

Sampling of Personal Ads from Craigslist

M4W: On the rebound and looking for Ms. right - 20

Look ladies I just want a happy home, marriage and family.

M4W: Looking to relocate for the right country girl

Hi, I'm new to this but... I want a faithful… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship" Assignment:

I will email the instructions in word as well just incase its easier to read. Thanks

Classified Advertisement Research Project


The hypothesis would be something like: Men are more likely than women to desire a long term relationship. The dependent variable would be "desire for a long term relationship" and its categories would be (1) personal ads with desire for a long term relationships and (2) personal ads with desire for relationships that are not long term. The independent variable would be "gender" with categories (1) male and (2) female. Notice how a variable cannot have one dimension. It cannot be only "male" because there would be no test of difference there--all the cases would be "male."

What*****s Due:

This order should contain the following:

A five page Letter of Intent (Part I)

A two page narrative about the classified ads (Part II)

One page sampling of classified ads (Part II)



You decide to get started right away, beginning by outlining what you will need to include in your Letter of Intent. To reiterate from the announcement above, the Letter of Intent should summarize the proposed research in 5 pages or less in which you: introduce the topic of interest, state a clearly formulated and testable (via classified ads) research hypothesis, and lay out a methodology for testing that hypothesis: identify and define (conceptualize) variables of interest, discuss appropriate measurement (operationalization) of primary variables of interest (including a preliminary codebook), and discuss possible sources of relevant classified ads (though you do NOT worry about selecting specific ads for analysis, or sampling, yet). Eventually, you will complete a pilot study analyzing no less than 100 classified ads. This will necessitate actually gathering a sample of ads (Assignment 7), collecting data through a content analysis of those ads and conducting some elementary an*****s (Assignments 11 and 15). But, the actual doing of this research comes later. For now, you just want to lay out WHAT your question of interest is and HOW you propose to go about testing it. At the minimum, you determine that your Letter of Intent should include the following information:

(A) Introduce the topic of interest. You are asking for money to do this research. It helps to have a research question that is interesting, important and/or addresses some problem that you identify. Contextualize this research, why this topic? Why this particular question? What would answering this research tell us? Who might be interested?

(B) State formal hypothesis/hypotheses: This hypothesis should follow the same format as in assignment 4. One clearly stated hypothesis is sufficient, though you may test two hypotheses if you desire (no more than two hypotheses are allowed for this project). It should clearly state the expected relationship between two VARIABLES of interest in a testable manner. If you don*****t write a hypothesis that states the expected relationship between two variables, it*****s hard to do the rest of the assignment right. For example, in the original research from which this assignment is adopted Simon Davis hypothesizes that, for heterosexuals, men will be relatively more interested in the physical attractiveness of potential partners than women. (Note that the hypothesis makes no mention of classified ads per se, since ads in this case are simply the source of data for testing a more general hypothesis about the relationship between gender and interest in physical attractiveness).

(C) Identify the variables of interest: Clearly state your dependent and independent variables of interest, which are implied in the hypothesis/hypotheses. Each hypothesis would have one independent variable and one dependent variable (ignore any variables other than those implied in your hypothesis). In the above, the variables of interest are gender (independent) and interest in physical attractiveness (dependent). Men, on average, are expected to score higher levels of *****interest in physical attractiveness***** than are women.

(D) Conceptualize each variable of interest: To conceptualize a variable, you define what you mean by that variable in the abstract. Sometimes this is fairly straightforward and deserves only passing mention (e.g. gender). But often, variables can be defined many different ways. So, continuing the example from above, if the variable is *****interest in physical attractiveness,***** what exactly is physical attractiveness? The term physical certainly seems to help limit things here by implying that personality features would not be considered as relevant, but what types of physical features are attractive? Is attractiveness relative or absolute? Any time an ad ***** refers to desired physical traits in a partner, would those be a-priori *****attractive***** or does the ***** need to refer to specific types of physical traits? If specific types of physical traits, which ones qualify and why? If someone wants an *****athletic***** partner and another wants a *****voluptuous***** partner, would they both be coded as attractive or only one or the other? Would an expressed preference for a partner of a particular race constitute physical attractiveness? Certainly, race is physical trait and could thus be considered one element of physical attractiveness.

a. You can certainly do well on this assignment and project even if all of your variables are fairly straightforward conceptually. But, more complex conceptualization of one variable, if done well, will garner additional credit.

(E) Operationalize each variable of interest: Operationalization tells both what to look at and how to categorize what you see into a set of exhaustive and mutually exclusive categories so it will be a variable. This often involves refining what you are interested in so that it is something observable. You choose a level of measurement, decide on the categories, and then carefully spell out what observable cues you will use for categorizing classified advertisements. Try using examples of phrases from actual classified ads, but not the sample you will be coding (basically, you will either count how many times or in how many words, phrases or sentences an ad says something or you will categorize some content. If you categorize, your operationalization should focus on defining the differences among the categories. If you count, your operationalization is focused on defining exactly what content you are counting (e.g. words, phrases, sentences) or otherwise measuring. Ideally, this would be explained in sufficient detail that someone other than yourself could easily follow these instructions and record the variable the same way you would (reliability)

a. Be sure to indicate if your variables are nominal, ratio or ordinal measures.

b. At least one of your variables must be complex enough that it takes at least four sentences to explain the details of how you operationalized it. The other one (or more) variables can be obvious and just briefly explained.

c. When you operationalize the variable you lay out

i. The potential response categories (attributes). So, for the variable *****physical attractiveness***** what are the potential attributes you would like to have? There are at least three options for coding this variable (though certainly you could think of more). One way to code physical attractiveness would be with two (dichotomous) nominal attributes (yes/no*****¦ really three, if you include don*****t know/can*****t tell to be exhaustive) that record whether or not the ad-***** indicates an interest in physical attractiveness in potential partners. Second, you could develop an ordinal scale of physical attractiveness with attributes/response values such as: not at all important, not very important, no preference, somewhat important, very important. Obviously, you*****d need to describe how you code ads according to these categories. Third, you could compute a simple ratio measure by counting the number of relevant references (# of words, phrases or sentences) to physical attractiveness in an ad.

ii. Keywords that might indicate the presence of that variable. The second part of operationalization is to list some keywords or phrases that would be coded as physical attractiveness and, often just as importantly, some that will not (e.g. if your data source requires respondents to list certain preferences you may choose to exclude this information from analysis as ALL ad *****s would have*****¦).

iii. Any further directions for how to go about coding cases, such as particular elements of classified ads that may be considered relevant or not (e.g. you may choose to code, or not to code, mandatory elements of personal advertisements that exist in some listings).

(F) A codebook listing each of the variables included in your study, and only those variables, should be developed as part of the operationalization as well. For each variable the codebook lists the potential response values (or attributes) and the numerical codes that will be assigned to represent each of those values. Finally, it should say a few words about how you come to determine which value to assign a case. In other words, for each variable, specify the criteria (words, phrases, and acronyms) of each value. For example, if your dependent variable is *****physical attractiveness,***** than that term might be operationalized as a nominal variable with three response values (attributes). The codebook indicates what the numerical codes you assign mean as well as how to determine which codes to assign and could look like the following:

Physical attractiveness

01 physical attractiveness in a partner is important. Assign this code if the ad indicates a desire for partners who are *****physically fit,***** *****handsome,***** etc*****¦

02 physical attractiveness in a partner is unimportant. Assign this code if*****¦

03 don*****t know/can*****t tell. Assign this code if*****¦

Professor*****s example:

Variable Code Variable Code

Age: *****number of self-identified years from 18 to 40 with partial years rounded down***** Relationship preference : (operational definition goes here)

18 to 29 1 companionship 1

30 to 40 2 long term 1

relationship 1

Gender fun and games 2

male 1 sexual intimacy 2

female 2 platonic friendship 3

Visit here for more examples of what codebooks could look like:

Say something about potential sampling frames that you have examined. What sources are you considering using to draw your sample of ads? Describe the source. Is there any order to how the ads are listed? Can you say anything about possible readership demographics? Does that imply anything about demographics of classified ad *****s in this source? Compared to classified ad *****s generally? To the general public? For example, the NY Times is a really expensive newspaper to advertise in (high circulation number and national readership) and has readers that are more educated, wealthy, and older than the population at large. Do you think a sample drawn from this source is likely to affect the generalizability or reliability of your results? Maybe compare a couple of possible ad sources in terms of how good you think they will be, what info they have, how generalizable and reliable? Not a lot is expected of you here, we will talk more about the issues of generalizability, reliability and sampling in the coming weeks. For now, the point is to get you looking at some actual ads and thinking about these issues.


Rather than an informal discussion about possible sampling frames of interest as in assignment 5 you will (1) identify and describe the actual sampling frame you will use in your study, (2) draw the actual sample of ads for analysis, and (3) describe the methodology used to collect the sample and discuss what it is appropriate. To identify your sample, begin by locating an appropriate sampling frame. Your sampling frame can be any source of classified advertisements you are able to locate. But, whatever source you select needs to have at least 100 entries, so many small local papers may not have a sufficient number of classified advertisements (unless you use multiple editions). How is the sampling frame structured or organized? Are the advertisements organized by sex of seeker and desired partner, alphabetically, by interest, etc? How will the structure of the sampling frame influence the way you sample ads? How representative and generalizable are the results of a sample derived from this sampling frame likely to be? (important note: even if the ads appear *****randomly***** listed, do not assume this to be the case.)

Once you have your sampling frame, you will want to locate the advertisement sample which you will be coding. You will need a minimum of 100 ads in your sample. The point here isn*****t to generate results with high statistical reliability (remember, larger sample size means higher statistical reliability, smaller +/- range) but rather to ensure that you have enough practice coding cases to see where there are places in your codebook, for example, that may need to be changed before a full-scale analysis can be conducted. Be sure to let me know what sampling method you used: simple random, systematic, or stratified with proportionate or disproportionate sampling. Why is this the best sampling strategy, given your hypotheses? How did the sampling frame influence the way you drew your sample? How did your sampling procedure affect the generalizability and reliability of results?

When you have completed this assignment, submit a narrative describing the sampling frame, identifying the particular type of sampling procedure performed, and describing in detail the steps taken. This should be complete enough that I could replicate your procedure. For example, if you selected ads randomly did you just point with a finger, use a random number table, calculator function, or what? Be sure to address the questions above. Also turn in a copy of the sampling frame of advertisements with those ads included in your sample highlighted. Retain a copy of this sample for yourself!

Unfortunately, the details of how you submit a copy of the sampling frame to me is going to depend upon the accessibility of your datasource and your degree of computer literacy. If your classified ads come from a newspaper you may be able to scan into the computer a few pages with ads highlighted and to send along as a pdf file. If you are using an online service such as Yahoo personals, however, your search results might include more than 100 web *****pages***** each displaying 10 individual ads. In such cases where the sampling frame is simply to large to include in its entirety, at minimum I would need an overview of the sampling frame and copies of at least a portion of it, with ads selected for inclusion in the sample highlighted.

I can be flexible on the specific details (though there are better and worse ways to present information on a sampling frame and sample), at this point the key is that (1) it is clear you understand the difference between a sample and sampling frame and that (2) I can confirm that, e.g., rather than select the first 25 ads in each category within a sampling frame (e.g. the first 25 men seeking women ads, 25 men seeking men, etc*****¦) that you actually select 25 randomly, or systematically, or however you claim. I should be able to understand exactly what you did by reading your narrative and be able to confirm by looking at your sampling frame.

Professor*****s additional instructions to part II:

You are asked to (2) take three steps regarding sampling. Follow that section of the assignment (the entire second paragraph) in its entirety. Then, follow the instructions in the third paragraph. The Babbie textbook is a VERY good source of information on sampling. Use it.

Finally, you are asked to (3) submit a narrative about the sampling you did. YES, SUBMIT THIS and be sure to describe IN DETAIL what you did. Refer back to the second and third paragraphs and respond to all the questions that are posed. These are not rhetorical questions, they require answers, and include all of that information in the narrative that you submit. Tell me what you did, how you did it, and why you chose to do it that way.

The description in the instructions of the sampling submission to the drop box is a bit confusing. Your narrative needs to be so clear and complete that I know EXACTLY what your sampling technique is. I want you to submit the narrative and ONE page of classified ads. If you are working with online ads, you likely can cut and paste and resize to fit more than one ad on a page. If you are working with print ads, try scanning one page and send that. But your narrative should be so informative that I need no more than that.


How to Reference "Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship" Thesis in a Bibliography

Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship.”, 2008, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship” 2008.
”Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship [Internet]. 2008 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Men Are More Likely Than Women to Desire a Long-Term Relationship. Published 2008. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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