Term Paper on "Dispute Resolution Process"

Term Paper 8 pages (2043 words) Sources: 1

[EXCERPT] . . . .

resolution model. The writer explores a viable model for dispute resolution and provides the details of that process in this paper. The writer illustrates decision making, power of those involved, low cost for the process and how it will be effective for those that use the model. There were three sources used to complete this paper.

Grievance Procedure Model

Companies of all types and sizes have to deal with problems. Whether it is an employee that becomes disgruntled because he did not get the raise he believed he deserved, or it is an entire department filing a complaint over the lack of a lunch room table, companies that are open are companies that have complaints within them. For any company to run smoothly it is important to have an effective and consistent dispute resolution model in place. Dispute resolutions can make the difference between content and long lasting employee relations, or large turnovers and low morale within a company. Whether the company has 10 employees or 1,000 employees the key to successful dispute resolution is to have a plan in place that the employees can access and follow if they have something they believe is a problem. While there are many different types of dispute resolution plans the company must decide which type of plan will work best within its structure and put it in place. Once in place it should be explained to the employees and adhered to systematically throughout the company and for all levels of employees. For this company the plan includes a multi-tiered ability to file complaints and work to get the complaint resolved. It also includes the use of an ombudsman, the union representatives, superiors on the job and ultimately a gov
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ernment action department.

It allows decision making to be made at the most appropriate level;

The first step in this particular dispute resolution process allows for decisions to be made at the appropriate levels. Few companies in the world want their president to have to listen to a complaint about a lunch room table when that could have been easily handled at a much lower management level. It is not that the complaint is not relevant or important to the employees that have the concern. It is however time consuming for someone who is supposed to be overseeing an entire company operation to listen to and get involved with small grievances. The first step in this particular dispute resolution process is to have the employee take the complaint to his or her immediate superior.

If for instance the employee is unhappy about the mandatory dress code or uniforms that he or she is required to wear at work, he or she is asked to take that complaint to his or her immediate supervisor before taking it to the next step. Often times complaints or problems can be solved simply by sitting down with the immediate supervisor and asking that person to listen to the problem and then offer any possible solutions. Employers are often eager to work out problems so that the company can continue run smoothly. if, however, immediate supervisor is part of or the cause of the original complaint it is understandable that the employee will not feel comfortable taking the complaint to that person. In this situation the employee is encouraged to go directly to the Human Resource department and lodge the initial grievance or complaint there.

This chain of command style of handling the initial complaint or grievance provides the opportunity for the dispute to be clarified and extracted according to interest and right.

It provides the opportunity for those involved in the dispute to determine its edges and core and then place the dispute against those who have an interest and a right in seeing it resolved.

It also allows the issue of power in the workplace to be addressed. It maintains the sense of chain of command by allowing the first higher up to hear about the dispute or problem before anyone else does and provides that person the opportunity to correct it if possible. If that person is involved in the dispute however, it allows the employee to have a way to file the complaint without having to take it to the person it is about simply because that person is the next up on the chain of command ladder.

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It enhance opportunities to determine dispute according to interest and right

• it addresses issues of power in the work place;

• it is a low cost system.

You will need to justify the stages in your model with relevant literature. Please attach the model procedure as appendix to your report.

To answer this question you need to go thro this requirements:

If the employee is not satisfied with the way the grievance is handled by the supervisor the employee can take the problem to the next step. The next step is having the employee put the grievance into written form. The employee will also have an explanation provided about how to conduct the next level or step in getting the grievance handled. The supervisor will then be given a copy of the written complaint.

Once the supervisor receives a copy of the written complaint then he or she will write down all of the steps he or she took to try and resolve the complaint at his or her level of authority and power. If the supervisor attempted to resolve the problem directly or tried to discuss the various options that were open regarding this particular complaint than all of those things will be noted on the form so that when the higher ups see it they know what has already been tried. This is an important aspect of the grievance procedure because of the fact that it can save a lot of time. If those in the next level of the process already know what has been tried then they can move on to other options or alternative attempts to resolve the dispute. If this leg of the process is skipped or done in a haphazard manner then the next level of people involved in the dispute might duplicate what has already been tried and failed in the resolution of the dispute. This written commentary of the things that were attempted and what their outcomes were can provide a solid foundation for moving forward in the dispute resolution process.

To insure fairness and objectivity the human resources department will also receive a written copy of the complaint as well as the supervisor's comments about what has been attempted to correct the situation and the human resources department will also forward a copy of those documents directly to the head of the department that the employee with the grievance works.

At this point a union representative or peer will be appointed to be present at discussions. The discussions will be between the employee that filed the grievance and the department head that the employee works within.

The discussions will detail and outline the grievance or complaint itself and will provide those in the discussions with some of the background issues. If the dispute is between two or more people then each person will be allowed to speak about their part in the dispute. Once the discussions have taken place the discussions will end and the employee will await written notification about how it was received and what the resolution if any will be.

If the employee is not satisfied at this point he or she has the option to take the complaint to the senior management of the company and begin the next phase of dispute resolution.

In this step the employee sits before a consultative committee. The committee will be comprised of a representative from the union, local union officials, and members of senior management. This it to provide a fair cross section of representatives of both the company and the employee that has the grievance.

The committee and the employee will interact and discuss the complaint. The history of the process will be discussed as well as any attempt thus far to correct the situation. The committee will be free to ask questions, discuss the problems with others that may have been witness to the original problem, (while maintaining confidentiality) and to consult with others to be sure that the committee receives all of the facts and can base its findings on complete information.

The committee then responds to the employee in writing and lets the employee know what it believes can be done or should be done to resolve the problem. If the employee is not satisfied with the results at the committee level then the employee is advised of the next step that he or she can take which will be the consultation of an independent third party.

This is the last step before going outside of the company and to a government agency.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Dispute Resolution Process" Assignment:

Assessment: Design a Grievance Procedure

Design and provide details of a dispute resolution process which has the following features:

•It allows decision making to be made at the most appropriate level;

•It enhance opportunities to determine dispute according to interest and right

•It addresses issues of power in the work place;

•It is a low cost system.

You will need to justify the stages in your model with relevant literature. Please attach the model procedure as appendix to your report.

To answer this question you need to go thro this requirements:

•No need for introduction and conclusion.

•Just start with the question features aforementioned as headings, and then go thro answering them relevantly.

•Use the literatures that will be e mailed to you after getting the confirmed order number (around 4-5). Please send your e-mail address.

• You may find theses literatures helpful to answer the features around the question.

•I already have designed the grievance procedure which will be attached as appendix to this assessment. (It is below).

•Answers to these features have to be related to the steps of grievance procedure.

•For each features above-mentioned, answer should be in two pages, which means in total 8 pages.

•You should follow the Harvard (AGPS) style in referencing .

• The font will be used is Times New Roman size 12.

.You may need to send me an e mail if you need more information or call at +61 405928082

Appendix (1)

Dispute Resolution Process at the Workplace


The objective of this dispute Resolution Procedures is to avoid and resolve grievance or industrial disputes on the basis consultation, communication and collaboration for the disclosure of all relevant facts which are considered private and confidential to help resolutions to be made as close as possible to the source possible within a period of 7 days.

There will be no work stoppages, ban and limitations while the procedure is in effect.


An employee shall raise a grievance or dispute with the immediate supervisor and the supervisor shall endeavour to resolve the matter. In the case of the supervisor being part of the dispute, the employee shall raise the dispute to his entrusted peer to handle disputes within the human resource department.


If the supervisor fails to resolve the dispute, the employee will be requested to put the grievance in writing and advised of the next step. The supervisor will have a written statement of the nature of the grievance and what steps he had taken to resolve it then forward the write up to his manager. The human resources department also forwards findings of the dispute handed over by the supervisors to head of department.

Discussions shall take place between the disputant in the presence of a union representative or a peer and he is informed of the outcome in writing and if not satisfied he can appeal to the senior management.


The employee appears before a consultative committee, which consists of union delegation, local union officials and senior management. Where no agreement is reached, the employee and the consultative committee shall agree to engage an independent third part, ombudsman who will carry out an investigation, the results of which all parties will consider.


If the employee does not reach an agreement with the consultative committee he or she may refer the grievance to the Australia Industrial Relations Commission for conciliation or arbitration.

How to Reference "Dispute Resolution Process" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Dispute Resolution Process.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Dispute Resolution Process (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Dispute Resolution Process. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Dispute Resolution Process” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377.
”Dispute Resolution Process” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377.
[1] ”Dispute Resolution Process”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Dispute Resolution Process [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377
1. Dispute Resolution Process. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/resolution-model-writer-explores/62377. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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