Research Paper on "Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic"

Research Paper 10 pages (2779 words) Sources: 10

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repurchase agreements. Encapsulated in that topic will be prior actions on the subject of repurchase agreements, up to and including the actions and deliberations of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. The Financial Accounting Standards Board, often referred to as the FASB, has weighed in quite a bit over the least twenty to thirty years on the subject of repurchase agreements, often known as repo agreements, and how risky/speculative they tend to be and they have also weighed in on the accounting tactics and mechanisms that can and should be used when accounting for them.

The dimensions looked at include a literature review and summary of the topic which includes a summary of the proposal, why the proposal is important, the determination of effective control vis-a-vis repurchase agreements, the general direction that the current and prior proposals are leading to and other similar topics. A reaction to the proposal as well as the theoretical frameworks and hypotheses that are in play will be discussed. Finally, there will be a conclusion which will include a reflection by the author of this paper (FASB, 2013).

Literature Review

Summary of the Proposal

Before getting too much in the minutia of what exactly Financial Accounting Standards Board Proposal Topic 860 is, why it's important and what it means to the future, the general definition and clarification of what a repurchase agreement is should first be discussed. Repurchase agreements are often known by other terminology including repo, RP or sale and repurchase agreements. Regardless of what they are call, repurchase transactions relate to a certain type of buying/sellin
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g of investment products known as securities (FASB, 2013).

This proposal is yet another proposal in a long line of major or even incremental updates that have occurred since the Financial Accounting Standards Board inception in 1973 ("Exposure drafts," 1984)("FASB Issues Bulletins," 1986). This proposal covers a lot of the same material that was addressed in 1996 when the Financial Accounting Standards Board was also addressing the accounting and reporting of financial asset transfers from one company to another, whether they be temporary or permanent ("FASB ED changes," 1996)(Nurnberg & Largay, 1996)(FASB Issues ED, 1994). Proposals by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and/or other entities along these lines go as far back as at least 2002 when hedge accounting and transfers of financial instruments were also up for discussion (Ryan et al., 2002). A more recent report, as offered in 2011, noted that debt restructuring and shifting should be reviewed and repurchase agreements are certainly part of that subject ("Current developments," 2011). The recent "Great Recession" incurred a grand call to action and the idea that even standard-setters like Financial Accounting Standards Board should be held to account for the collapse of firms like Lehman Brothers (Sanderson, 2010).

What is unique about repurchase agreements is that is technically a form of lending as it relates to Financial Accounting Standards Board standards and requirements, even if the buying and selling parties do not look at it that way. Regardless, a repurchase agreement is generally accepted to be and is considered a secured loan. The interest rate behind this loan is at a fixed rate. A repurchase agreement is when a seller sells a security to a buyer with an agreement in advance to buy the securities back at a later date (FASB, 2013).

Since the initial seller has to pay back the sum and usually with interest or some other sort of gratuity tacked on, it is effectively a form of borrowing by the initial seller by using the securities exchanging hands as a form of collateral if the seller does not make way with what they owe when the agreed-upon time horizon to pay back the funds lapses. Just about any security can be used in a repurchase agreement but most buyers (i.e. The money lender) in a repo agreement will general want something that is highly liquid (i.e. easily turned into cash) just in case the agreement is broken if/when the seller does not pay back the loan (FASB, 2013).

Now that the definition is out of the way, it should be noted that the rule change proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board would clarify the guidance for distinguishing repurchase transactions as either sales or secured borrowings, and this is because this distinction matters greatly in the account world. Another benefit of the proposal, if enacted and executed as is desired, is that it would improve the properness and timeliness of disclosures as made by entities that engage in repurchase transactions so that proper reporting transparency and honestly is revealed in what security-trading organizations reveal to their shareholders and stakeholders (FASB, 2013).

Why Proposal is Important

The end of the prior section segues nicely into the overall reasons that the proposal is important, that being that the current rules for accounting vis-a-vis repurchase agreements does not completely and concisely clarify the obligations and risks that are present for the different parties involved at any given time and this should be corrected. The two main points that could and should be answered as it relates to the above are as follows (FASB, 2013).

First, the transferor has a credit risk related to the transferred asset and this should be made quite clear in the accounting and reporting as it relates to the transaction. The second and final main point to be clarified and fleshed out is the fact that the transferor retains the benefits of the transferred asset and not the transferee. These two distinctions and points are very vital and important to understand as it relates to timely and correct accounting reporting and the current framework apparently does not address that concern in full (FASB, 2013).

Determining Effective Control

Effective control of a repurchase agreement asset is something that is not easy to figure out on first glance because it can vary a lot based on the value of the asset, when it is transferred, when it is scheduled to transfer back and what the current date is relative to the last two items just mentioned. In short, a repurchase agreement security is considered to be retained and under the control of the transferor so long as two different conditions are met (FASB, 2013).

The first is that that transaction is considered secured borrowing if the agreement to repurchase the security is for the same or "substantially the same" as what was conveyed during the transaction and it has to be before the maturity of the security in question. The second point to keep in mind is that it is considered a sale, and not a secure loan, if the asset matures before the repurchase agreement expires (FASB, 2013).

What Proposal is Working Towards

There is definitely a science and a pre-defined/preferred arc to where these Financial Accounting Standards Board (and other) actions are headed. This direction, as it currently is manifested and constructed, can be summarized using a few data points. First, the transferor in these repurchase agreements would have effective control over the asset during the term of the agreement so long as the agreement is still in force (FASB, 2013).

Second, any such repurchase agreement will generally be considered secure borrowing unless the maturity date is on or before the end date of the agreement. Third, accounting for repurchase agreements would be more comparable the standards laid forth previously by the International Financial Reporting Standards, which gives the Financial Accounting Standards Board proposals a compatibility with international businesses like those in the European Union, Australia and other financially prominent countries in the international sphere (FASB, 2013) .

Aligning Financial Accounting Standards Board and International Financial Reporting Standards rulebooks is a net gain to everyone involved because it gives uniformity of accounting standards and requirements from country to country and two of the major players in the international accounting sphere are obviously going be singing from the same hymnal, so to speak. Another benefit from the proposal and what it is working towards is that there will be clarification on what it means for an asset to be substantially the same and what it means for them to be different. What defines a "same" asset when the form and/or function of the asset changes mid-agreement matters quite a bit (FASB, 2013).

Another development with the more current standards from the Financial Accounting Standards Board include separate accounting transactions for the initial transfer and the repurchase event. On that same note, there will be improve disclosures and those will take on two major forms. The first is that secure borrowing agreements would now require that the transferor of the asset to disclose the gross amount of the total borrowing for the asset that will be used as collateral as part of the transaction. Second, the proposal would require the transferor to disclose the carrying amount of the applicable repurchase agreement asset derecognized during the applicable reporting period. As part of that, the transferor would have to disclose, as a matter of requirement, the reasons… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic" Assignment:



The document should be double spaced in 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font. The footer should contain your name, the paper title and the page number. The page limit for the body of the paper is 12 pages (plus a single title page [see format below] and references. There is no minimum length.

The sections of the paper need to be clearly labeled. All of the following sections must be included.

1. Title Page: A single page with your first and last name and student email address in upper right corner, title of paper.

2. Abstract: Should be a short (50 word maximum) summary of the paper (this section of the paper should be single spaced).

3. Introduction: Basic description of the phenomena being investigated and justification why it needs to be researched.

4. Literature/Theory review: You need to review a minimum of 5 relevant and related scholarly research and theories on the phenomena using proper citation format (refer to journals in your area for guidance, typically APA). Scholarly sources are journals ��*****" not trade publications or newspapers. The balance of your required sources can come from trade publications, newspapers, etc.

5. Theoretical model with hypotheses: In this section you will provide a theoretical framework (conceptual model) and the specific hypotheses you want to test. This section demonstrates how you can conceptualize your ideas obtained from the literature/theory review in a concise and visual way.

6. References: APA style listing of all of the references you used in your RIO. Minimum of 10 references (at least 5 from scholarly journals).


Accounting Area Publication Tiers List


(The top few journals, usually no more than 4-5, widely considered as the premier journals (A+ level) in discipline.)

Journal of Accounting and Economics

Journal of Accounting Research

The Accounting Review

Contemporary Accounting Research

Review of Accounting Studies

Accounting Organizations & Society

High Quality

(8-15 journals--substantial visibility in the discipline recognized by academic peers as A or A- level)

Accounting Horizons

Advances in Accounting


Behavioral Research in Accounting

CPA Journal

Issues in Accounting Education

Journal of Accountancy

Journal of Accounting & Public Policy

Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance

Journal of Accounting Literature

Journal of Information Systems

Journal of Management Accounting Research

Journal of the American Taxation Association

National Tax Journal

Research in Accounting Regulation

Tier 2

(Quality outlets--not as high quality or visibility as Tier 1 journals. recognized by academic peers as quality--most schools see as B level)


Accounting and Finance

Accounting and the Public Interest

Accounting Education: a journal of theory, practice&research

Accounting Educators*****' Journal

Accounting Historians Journal

Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching&Curric. Innovations 1

Advances in International Accounting

Advances in Management Accounting

Advances in Public Interest Accounting

Advances in Taxation

ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research

British Accounting Review

Business Horizons

Critical Perspectives on Accounting

European Accounting Review

Global Perspectives on Accounting Education

International Journal of Accounting

International Journal of Managerial Finance

Journal of Accounting and Business Research

Journal of Accounting Education

Journal of Accounting Ethics?? (Iowa)

Journal of Cost Management

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting

Journal of International Accounting Research

Journal of International Accting Auditing & Tax

Journal of Taxation

Management Accounting Research

Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting

Research On Professional Responsibility And Ethics In Accounting

Tax Notes

I will submit our preliminary outline for the paper. The focus of the paper needs to be on the opinion of what we think is important.


How to Reference "Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic” 2013.
”Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Repurchase Agreements. Encapsulated in That Topic. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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