Article Review on "Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008)"

Article Review 3 pages (1004 words) Sources: 4

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Reliability and Validity

Baum et al. (2008). Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the Executive Function

Performance Test: A measure of executive function in a sample of people with stroke

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62 (4): 446.

Baum et al. (2008). Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the Executive Function

Performance Test: A measure of executive function in a sample of people with stroke

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62 (4): 446.

What is the rationale of the study?

Assessing the capacity of stroke victims to function in a reasonably independent fashion is an important but often difficult task for an occupational therapist. Executive functioning is essential to the type of multitasking demanded of everyday life, including activities as simple as cooking, self-administration of medication, using the telephone and paying bills. Deriving a systematic method to assess the ability to perform such basic life tasks is the goal of the Executive Function Performance Test. The authors of the article "Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the Executive Function Performance Test" specifically examined the test's reliability and validity for stroke victims.

Q2. What is the research study design that is implemented in this study? Explain the characteristics in the study that support your choice of study design.

73 participants with mild to moderate stroke symptoms and 22 unaffected individuals as a control group were matched for their age- and e
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ducation levels. All were assessed for their functioning on four basic EFPT tasks, including cooking, using the telephone, administering medications in a correct fashion, and paying bills. "Significant differences were found between participants with mild and moderate stroke and healthy control participants" (Baum et al. 2008: 446).

Q3. What are the distinguishing characteristics of the EFPT compared to current/existing performance based assessments?

Existing tests did not measure a person's level of functioning with increasing levels of support (as might by provided in an assisted living facility) or only did so with a single task, such as the Kitchen Task Assignment. Given that the purpose of the test was to see how much additional support the stroke victim required, the EFPT's gradation of levels of assistance was deemed to be superior compared with other test models, especially combined with its ease of administration and its focused, occupational emphasis.

The Executive Function Performance Test also "has several advantages over existing performance-based assessments," most notably its ability to evaluate individual cognitive functions. This is particularly useful when evaluating a stroke victim, as often the impairments vary widely from individual to individual. The EFPT's isolation of four functions that are activity-based and occupational in nature makes it ideal to prescribe treatment plans, and as it is focus on instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). "It assesses actual performance" rather than relies "on proxy or self-report" in a subjective fashion on the part of the assessor (Baum et al. 2008: 447).

Q4. List some of the variables in this study. How would these variables be classified? State how the variables were operationalized.

Independent variables in the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008)" Assignment:

These are the Assignment Requirements. Also, the article that needs to be used for this assignment will be provided*****¦ Please familiarize yourself with the four power point presentations (provided) as well as the following article which makes up the main part of the assignment requirements*****¦


Please read the following article:

Baum et. al. (2008). Reliability, Validity, and Clinical Utility of the Executive Function Performance Test: A Measure of Executive Function in a Sample of People With Stroke The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 62 (4); pg 446.

1. What is the rationale of the study?

2. What is the research study design that is implemented in this study? Explain the characteristics in the study that support your choice of study design.

3. What are the distinguishing characteristics of the EFPT compared to current/existing performance based assessments?

4. List some of the variables in this study. How would these variables be classified? State how the variables were operationalized.

5. Define reliability. Discuss the means by which the reliability of the instrument/measure was assessed in this study.

6. Define validity. How was the validity of the instruments assessed in this study?

7. Summarize Table 1.

8. Discuss the limitations and strengths of the study.

Case Assignment Expectations:

1. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper using the APA format.

2. Use the 8 questions/statements of the assignment as subheadings

3. Length: 3-4 typed double-spaced pages

4. The following items will be assessed in particular:

a) Understanding and application of research study designs

b) Variable identification and Classification

c) Operationalization of variables

d) Understanding and application of reliability and validity.



How to Reference "Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008)" Article Review in a Bibliography

Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008).”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008) (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008)” 2010.
”Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008)”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008)”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008) [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Reliability and Validity Baum Et Al. (2008). Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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