Term Paper on "Relationship of Internship to Course"

Term Paper 22 pages (6066 words) Sources: 20

[EXCERPT] . . . .

For this purpose I was required to create a presentation on the potential development opportunities that exist in Gulf countries.

In addition to that, this presentation also provided the clients with a better understanding of the Gulf countries. The information included in this presentation was majorly about the culture of the Gulf Countries. This is because most of the clients, whom I handled, were curious about the culture of the countries and had little knowledge about what its accepted culturally in the Gulf Countries.

Projects that you are working on, and how they relate to issues covered in your MA course material

One of the projects that I did, which I thought would be a better way to brand each country with the developmental project and famous architectural locations using visuals that loop in a video during the CNIT Expo in La defense.

As I learned the importance of visuals and how a picture can speak and reach the client faster, even though the company did not use my video, I explained to my supervisor the importance of having these visuals added to the ICC-Franco Arab Stand in the exposition.

Since we are promoting the gulf countries I think it is important and necessary to associate something that would grab the attention of the foreigners (the other). The theory of other, which was a major component of my studies was used in this regard.

In addition to that, since most countries in the gulf did not brand themselves other than a few cities in the United Arab Emirates such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi, therefore, as mediators between clients and the Middle East and Gulf, the media
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department should have such media and work as branding agent for these countries, the organization used a number of efficient and effective branding tools.

The major theories that were put into practice were:

The theory of other

Communication theories and model,

Theory of visual communication

Information of business research tools and methods.

A number of theories that I studied and their connection with the information that I acquired in the course of my education are discussed in the following section.

The Other and Its Relation to My work

One of the basic theories that I studied during the curse of my education is the other theory. This theory is basically related to the psychological state of the other people whom we met. The theory states that a number of people whom we met are similar to us in a number of ways in relation to the things about which we are certain. These things generally include strongly developed concepts that are supported by a bulk of facts. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

But when it comes to constructs such as, motivation, inspiration, the right thing and spiritual beliefs etcetera, the people whom we met may have an entirely different course of thoughts and information as compared to our course of thoughts and information. The other theory also indicates that the there are two basic problems in relation to the mind of others. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409) Both of these problems are listed below:

The Epistemological Problem: This problem is related to the justification of our beliefs about the mental state of others. As we generally do not have an open access to the mental state of others we met we have to justify the beliefs that we have in relation to their mental states in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

The conceptual problem: this problem basically questions the ways deployed to develop beliefs in relation to the mental states other than our own. It is said that the resources and factors used to pacify the epistemological problem may lead towards the development of the conceptual problem. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

While working with the Chamber of Commerce Franco-Arab one of my basic responsibility was to correspond and negotiate with the potential clients that had an interest in initiating business in the Gulf Countries. I had to provide the clients with information, verbal, written and visual, that would address their needs and grab their attention. In order to do so, I first had to determine and evaluate the needs of the client and the things and facts that would grab their attention. In addition to that, as mentioned above, most of the clients who worked with me were older in age, therefore, the other theory helped me in understanding their mental state and course of thoughts, which in return helped me in having comfortable negotiations with almost all of my clients. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

In the course of my education I also learned about a number of solutions in relation to the above mentioned problems. Some of these are listed below:

Analogical Inference: some of the scholars indicate that the above mentioned problems shall be solved through analogical inference. By analogical inference we mean that the other individuals that we meet are similar to us and when presented with various situations they act in the similar manner as we do. This helps us in understanding the mental state and course of thoughts of the others in a better manner. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

Other Minds as Theoretical Entities: this solution guides the people to consider the human minds as theoretical packages. This theory is scientific in nature and indicates that the mental state of a human being shapes his behavior. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

Criteria and Other Minds: this solution indicates that the relationship between human behavior and mental state is conceptual and inductive in nature. It enables the people to justify their beliefs about the mental states of others by conceptually linking them with their behaviors. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

All these theories helped me in better understanding my clients. While negotiating with them I was able to understand their responses, queries and questions in a better manner. These theories were but in to practice a number of times during my 8-week internship period. This is because negotiating with others, which, in this case, were the French clients who were interested in starting business in the Gulf Countries, was one of the major responsibilities that I had to perform. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

In addition to that I also had to provide my clients with relevant information that effectively addressed their needs, for this purpose again the above mentioned theoretical knowledge helped me in understanding the needs of my clients in a better and effective manner. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

Moreover, as mentioned above, as I had to present all of my work to my supervisor, apart from my clients. The use of above mentioned theories enabled me to better understand the course of thought and mental state of my supervisor. This understanding in return helped me in shaping and structuring my work in a manner that best fit the requirements of my supervisor. It can, therefore, be said that the deployment of the above mentioned theoretical knowledge helped me in performing my job in better manner. (Sarukkai 1406 -- 1409)

Communication Theories and Models

The various communication theories and models that I came to know during the course of my academic life and their deployment in my job is discussed in the following section:

Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication

This is the simplest model of communication and it consists of a sender, a message, a channel through which the message travels, noise and other interferences and the receiver. This model, however, lacks an essential element of feedback which indicates that how effective the communication was. (Sorger 150-225)

With the help of this model I learned that most of the speakers blame the receivers for the inappropriate result of the communication process. It shall, however, be kept under consideration that the channel used, the encoding and decoding process and the structure of the message also have an influential impact on the communication process. As most of responsibilities were communication base, this model was used a number of times during my internship. (Sorger 150-225)

With the help of the information that I acquired through this model I was able to design and deliver my messages in a manner that effectively grabbed their attention. In addition to that, the deployment of this model also helped me in appropriately developing an effective communication between myself and my clients, who were the receivers in this case. Moreover, he model also helped me in understanding the needs and the situation of the clients and hence with the help of the information acquired through this model I was able to extract the intended response from the clients with whom I corresponded. (Hansen 25-75)

Wilbur Schramm's Model of Communication

This model indicated that the communication is what people make it. The basic idea underlining this model is that the delivered message contains no meaning except the one people put in it. This model indicates that in order understand… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Relationship of Internship to Course" Assignment:

hello ,

this report is after i finished my internship in the Franco Arabe chambre de commerce ( french arab chamber of commerce )

this is the company website to understand what they are about an what is their objectives and so on

the company website


here is what i need:

ï‚· a 28 page report, detailed below, to be written on A4 paper, using Times New Roman font, size 12, with a line-spacing of 1.5

a)Project Summary:

Provide a short summary of the attached report, which outlines the subject of the report and the contents of the an*****s. It should be written in a style that is accessible to an informed non-academic audience. This section should be 2 pages in length.

b)Organizational Overview: This should include the name of the company or organization, a detailed description of its activities, and the function of the particular department in which you are working. In addition, you should comment on your role as an intern, and state the number of hours worked per week, the number of credits to be earned, where and when you are working, and the sorts of practical skills and tools used. How does an intern fit in? This section should be 2 pages in length.

c)Organizational Analysis/Brand Audit: What are the company*****s main outputs?

What seem to be its strengths and weaknesses?

Where may it expand ��" and where might it be falling behind the competition?

Analysing the organization in which you worked, you should provide a critical reading of the corporate literature paying particular attention to their communication plans (internal and external.)

This section should be 10 pages in length.

d) Relationship of Internship to Course Material:

In this section, you relate your experience of the workplace to the material covered during your Global Communications studies. ( theories such as the other , cultural understanding , visuality and using visuals to communicate with the other and other theories you find as you look at this organization )

You are asked to contextualize your internship experience not only in relation to the practical skills you have learned, but also in relation to theories regarding the role that communication plays in society.

How did the course material you covered relate to your work?

How might one theorize or conceptualize the kind of work you were asked to carry out?

How did your MA course material help you to analyze your position in the workplace? Discuss the relevance to your work experience? You are expected to make specific mention and reference to material covered in your core courses. This section should be 10 pages in length.

e) Conclusion:

Here you relate what you learned from the internship, and provide an overview of the company from your perspective as an MA student soon to be seeking employment.

How has your experience in the company had an impact on how you see yourself, desires you may have to work in this industry, future directions for your career?

This section should be 2-4 pages in length.

*you can look at other chambers of commerce all over the world to get an idea

the website i pasted above is in french( but if you use google chrome ul be able to translate it to english )


How to Reference "Relationship of Internship to Course" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Relationship of Internship to Course.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2014, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Relationship of Internship to Course (2014). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522
A1-TermPaper.com. (2014). Relationship of Internship to Course. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Relationship of Internship to Course” 2014. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522.
”Relationship of Internship to Course” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522.
[1] ”Relationship of Internship to Course”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2014. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Relationship of Internship to Course [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2014 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522
1. Relationship of Internship to Course. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/relationship-internship-course-material/8222522. Published 2014. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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