Essay on "How Development and Disaster Interact"

Essay 5 pages (2007 words) Sources: 10

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Development reduces disaster risks; in order to avoid a future disaster in Rwanda for instance, there is need for access to clean water, good living conditions, fair trade and technology as well as social security that reduce poverty. The development that comes with a broadened the opportunities as well as involvement in decision making, enhancing education and health capacity of each individual will lead to avoidance of a future disaster in places like Rwanda (Institute of Policy Analysis and Research-Rwanda, 2012 ).

Disasters create development opportunities; once a disaster has happened as was the case in Rwanda, there will be the opportunity for the establishment of advocacy for risk reduction measures, decision makers will also be more willing or dispatch resources to areas of disaster and rehabilitation and reconstruction after the disaster creates opportunities for better development and putting in place disaster prevention measures (UN/ISDR Africa, 2004:13).


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Ryan Orla (2004) Rwanda's Struggle to Rebuild Economy [online]. Available from [5November 2014]

Stephenson R.S. (1994) Disasters and Development [online]. Available from [6November 2014]

UN/ISDR Africa (2004) Disaster Risk Reduction, Governance and Development [online]. Available from [5 November 2014]

United Human Rights Council, (2014) Genocide in Rwanda [online]. Available from [6 November 2014]

Stewart F., (2014). Root causes of violent conflict in developing countries. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from

Sena L. & Michael K., (2006). Disaster Prevention and Preparedness. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from

Institute of Policy Analysis and Research-Rwanda, (2012). Rwanda Case Study on economic Transformation. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from

Jean M., (n.d). The Rwandan Genocide: The True Motivations for Mass Killings. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from

Serneels P. & Verpoorten M., (2012). The Impact of Armed Conflict on Economic Performance: Evidence from Rwanda. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from

The World Bank Group, (2013). The World Bank's Rwanda Economic Update - Maintaining Momentum with a special focus on Rwanda's Pathway out of Poverty. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from

Goose S.D. & Smyth F., (2013). Arming Genocide in Rwanda: The High Cost of Small Arms Transfers. Foreign Affairs. READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "How Development and Disaster Interact" Assignment:


"Critically investigate the relationship between development and disasters

Aim and Objectives

To examine, with the aid of a case study, the relationship between development and disaster, with reference to concepts and theories, and with a consideration of practical applications and to interrogate the value of technologies in reducing risk to vulnerable communities

An essay (1500 words ) on the following question:

"Critically investigate the relationship between development and disasters using one of the following case studies":

• Haiti (pre/post-earthquake 2010) • The Tsunami of 2004 • Rwanda (pre and post genocide) • Pakistan floods 2010 • Bangladesh

The essay should be covering the following elements:

1. Discussion and reference to relevant theoretical frameworks.

2. A clarification of definitions and terms of reference.

3. An evaluation of development in the area studied should form the background to the essay with an examination of the impact of the disaster on that development, and the long term outcomes.

4. In addition the impact of development on the disaster before and after the event should be considered

5. Elements such as disaster risk reduction, resilience, climate change and vulnerability should be examined and practical applications of conclusions presented.

The essay should be 1500 words may increase 10%, and must cite appropriate academic sources using the Harvard reference method.

How to Reference "How Development and Disaster Interact" Essay in a Bibliography

How Development and Disaster Interact.”, 2014, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

How Development and Disaster Interact (2014). Retrieved from (2014). How Development and Disaster Interact. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”How Development and Disaster Interact” 2014.
”How Development and Disaster Interact”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”How Development and Disaster Interact”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. How Development and Disaster Interact [Internet]. 2014 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. How Development and Disaster Interact. Published 2014. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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