Research Paper on "Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party"

Research Paper 12 pages (4063 words) Sources: 15

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Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party

The purpose of this paper is to discuss Egypt as a democratic country and analyze the strength of their democracy in light of the recent boycotts done by opposition parties. A democracy is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary is as, " a government by the people exercised either directly or through and by elected representatives." An effective democracy requires a strong system of law and legal principles implemented with impartiality. Favoritism towards one political party or another will weaken the basic foundation that democracy is built on. According to Sean Wilentz, "Democracy is nothing without the rule of law administered by and independent judiciary; yet it is also diminished and threatened when that rule favors one or more portions of the citizenry" (Wilentz). The system of democracy in Egypt is still in its developmental stages as the boycotts and other protests of recent elections demonstrate. This essay will uncover the hindrances as they relate to the Egyptian electoral process and propose how these obstacles can be improved for the future.

2. How Close is the Egyptian Electoral System to Democracy?

Egypt's current electoral system is a system that holds elections for political office but historically the democratic process had been obstructed. For example in 2005, Egypt held its first multi-candidate Presidential election (Sharp 1).

President Hosni Mubarak was elected with 88% of the vote, and many alleged that corruption had taken place (Sharp 5). A significant factor stimulating the controversy was that in recent years Mubarak had run in uncontested elections
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and each time winning the elections by a majority vote. Within the last four elections, an uncontested Mubarak had received anywhere between 93% and 98% of the votes (Sharp 1). With these results, Egypt's system of democracy appeared to be developing far behind other Arab countries such as Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Sharp 1).

Considering that the Constitutional Amendment to Article 76 to allow multi-candidate elections was proposed by Mubarak, the presumption would be that this was a positive step towards the development of the Egyptian democratic process, since each of the previous elections had been uncontested. However, there was one caveat -- the Amendment did not permit any candidate to just appear on the ballot with a showing of support by the voters. The Amendment required that in order for independent candidates to run for election, the candidate had to receive a minimum of 250 supporting votes from elected politicians drawn from the People's Assembly, the Shura Council (upper house), and the provincial councils (Sharp 2).

Many argued that this requirement prevented the members of the Muslim Brotherhood, who are independent candidates, from running for office (Sharp 2). The overall effect that the Amendment had on the ability of the independent candidate to run was a negative one. Moreover, the principle of favoritism that will hinder a democracy was present with implementation of this Amendment and the possibility of change through the Amendment was restricted.

The restrictions on the independent party to run were not the only party that the Amendment place restrictions on. In the 2005 election, candidates representing opposing that are legally recognized parties were required to be a member of their party's leadership (Sharp 2).

For future elections, a member of a legally recognized opposing party would be required to be licensed for the five years preceding the election and would be required to show at least a 5% support from members of the upper and lower houses of parliament (Sharp 1). In addition, the Presidential Electoral Commission (PEC) was implemented to supervise the electoral process. Fifty percent of the PEC was elected by parliament and its members were comprised of former judges and other public officials (Sharp 1). The PEC was the central agent in the electoral process as they have the power to approve or deny nominations, supervise elections procedures, and tally the final results which is final and not subject to appeal (Sharp 1).

The implementation of the PEC drew much controversy regarding the Egyptian electoral process. Many critics argued that power that the PEC could ultimately placed the organization above the law (Sharp 1). The discord was that critics believed that the PEC had the power to approve or disapprove a candidate that had previously satisfied the initial requirements to run in an election. Furthermore, the fact that the PEC could approve or disapprove the final results without being subject to approval troubled critics since the people ultimately did not have the final vote in the electoral process.

As these facts demonstrate, the democratic process in Egypt despite the fact that it is now a multi-candidate process, is not without its flaws. The Amendment to Article 76 of the Constitution that opened the process up to other candidates at the same time placed restrictions on the other candidates before they could appear on the ballot. While restrictions and preliminary requirements are to be expected, those that unreasonably burden the candidate's likelihood of appearing on the ballot are suspect. Furthermore, the implementation of the FEC to review the entire process and vote to approve it, adds an element to the process that detracts from its functioning effectively as a democracy.

So how close is the Egyptian election system to democracy? The answer to this question is a relative one, but here is no doubt that the Egyptian system has a long journey before they attain a healthy democratic system. There is always a risk of corruption when a single person has been in power for an extended period of time such as Mubarak has. The risk is one that results from the power of the people to vote on removing or retaining their leader in despite the ability to cast their votes -- the power that their votes have. Egypt has an electoral and system where votes are cast in favor of a candidate, but Mubarak has been in office for over 28 years (Associated Press). It begs the question as to whether the people have voted the same man to the same position for over 28 years. A fair system of democracy will never permit a single person to remain in office for over 28 years if it is contrary to the will of the voters for such is contrary to what a system of democracy represents.

3. Who Is the Muslim Brotherhood?

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is a political group in Egypt whose standing in elections is that of an independent party (Sharp 2). The Brotherhood began was founded in 1928 in Isma'iliya Egypt by Hassan al-Banna as a social organization (Mohammed and Medley, 693). Over the next 10 years, the Brotherhood become more actively involved in politics and took strong opposition to British presence in Egyptian government and eventually began a violent movement against the British presence (Calasanti 3). Ultimately the Egyptian government disbanded the Brotherhood and imprisoned many of its members in 1949 (Calasanti 3).

Over the next 20 years, political tension continued between the Brotherhood and Egypt which included an assassination attempt of the President by the brotherhood (Calasanti 4). Thousands members of the Brotherhood were arrested and some were executed (Calasanti 4). These tensions between the Brotherhood and the government would persist; ultimately the founder of the Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna, faced assassination by the government (Calasanti, 17). The current regime renounced violence as a political approach in the 1970s (Arrott).

The goal of the Brotherhood through its actions was a re-Islamization of society (Calasanti, 11). Today, the Brotherhood has become known as an organization that supports democracy as a political institution and has been frequently interpreted as a moderate non-violent organization (Calasanti, 15). Over the years, the Brotherhood has won the favor of the public and been elected to many Parliamentary seats in Egypt (Calasanti, 17). The response from the government has been less favorable -- it has officially dismantled the Brotherhood as a political party in opposition (Calasanti, 17).

Despite its disbandment, the Brotherhood has remained a strong political presence in the elections processes in Egypt. In 2005, the Brotherhood won at least 76 seats and was on pace to control 20%-25% of the total Parliament in Egypt which was at that time 454 members (Otterman). The Brotherhood, who had been officially banned as a political group since 1954, was permitted to participate in the 2005 elections and won a strong favoring (Otterman). This demonstrated that the Brotherhood still maintained a strong political following among the public despite the extreme opposition by the government. However, the obstacles that the Brotherhood had faced would resurface again in the 2010 elections.

In October 2010, it was reported that over 70 members of the Brotherhood had been arrested (Arrott). The arrest took place approximately one month prior to the 2010 election that was set to take place on November 24, 2010. The arrest of the 70 members brought the total to approximately 250 members of the Organization who had been arrested… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party" Assignment:

Make sure to use books and even if they are all electronic books when citing them do not show it was from an online book just cite it as a book (15 sources only 7 of them can be online sources)

I am putting here my topic proposal that I handed to my professor and his comments on it. PLEASE TRY TO ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS ON HIS COMMENT AND FOCUS ON COVERING THE POINTS MY PROFESSOR HAS ASKED FOR


Clearly State question: In this paper I will discuss Egypt as a democratic country and question that based on their election system and I will focus on the boycotts done by opposition parties. The reason I eventually decided to talk about Egypt*****s reform is that first of all it is an Arabic country and I am Arab and second is that in my country we do not go through any elections and we do not have democracy at all so I cannot do a research on my country. But it would be interesting to see how things go in other Arabian countries that are new to democracy and get a hint of the way things would go in my country if one day it became a democratic one.

Show the preliminary research: One of the topics we had in this class was the boycotts and the opposition parties who actually boycott which while searching lead me to Egypt*****s situation. I learned that in Egypt, presidential polls featured only Mubarak*****s name on the ballot and citizens had the chance to vote only yes or no which is is really interesting. I have also learned that the United States were pressuring Egypt to allow democratic reforms and that it lead eventually to allow multiple candidates to run for president but even with that change, Mubarak is still the president which makes me wonder if there is a kind of fraud and manipulation. If there was any fraud I will talk about it briefly because I will be focusing more on the opposition party

which is the Islamic brotherhood party who boycotts. In class we learned that boycotts have good consequences like the fact that it could lead to some democratic changes *****by attracting more international attention***** and I think it applies to Egypt case sense the United States had a little pressure on Egypt I would argue that maybe some how the opposition party*****s boycott, the Islamic brotherhood party, has a relation to that fact.

Short Bibliography:

Abd al-Monein, Said. *****"Modern Islamic Reform Movements: The Muslim Brotherhood in Contemporary Egypt.*****" Middle East Journal Vol. 36.No. 3 (1982). Web. 27 Oct 2010. .

Kienle, Eberhard. *****"More than a Response to Islamism: The Political Deliberalization of Egypt in the 1990s.*****" Middle East Journal Vol. 52.No. 2 (1998): 219-235. Web. 27 Oct 2010. .

Pan, Esther. *****"Egypt: Elections.*****" 2005. Web. .


This is a good starting point, Actually, other Islamic Countries have elections (eg. Recently elections overhead in Bahrain). The KEY to this Assignment is to ASK A CLEVER QUESTION and Provide ANALYSIS.

What Do you want to know about Egypt Elections?

- HOW Mubarak Remains Dominant?

- WHO Supports the Muslim Brotherhood and WHY?


Clarify the Questions and you will take credit for the assignment.

The assignment sheet said:

Research Paper, Proposal, and Presentation: A 12-15 page research paper, written proposal, and oral presentation account for 20% of your grade. Graduate students will compose a paper of 20-25 pages in length. A two-page written proposal is due on October 27, 2010. The final paper is due at the beginning of class on December 8, 2010. Late papers will be penalized 10% for every day they are late. No work will be accepted after the end of the final exam period.

␣Potential Topics: *****"Election Reform in __________*****" *****"An Explanation of Party System Evolution in __________*****" *****"A Comparative Analysis of (the Media/Voter Participation/Party Identification/Government Interference) in Elections in (Africa/Asia/Central and South America/Post-Communist States/Western Europe)*****"

␣Please note that you may not write a paper about a country that is part of the group research project unless is it is part of a broader comparison. Other topics are only acceptable if I approve them in advance.

␣Both your proposal and paper should be prepared as professional documents. The papers must be typed, formatted properly (including a title page and bibliography), spell-checked and proof- read. The bibliography should include no fewer than 15 sources (no more than seven may be web sites). You should use a standard, variable-width, 12-point font such as Times New Roman. Your grade will be based on the presentation of the material as well as the content.

How to Reference "Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party” 2010.
”Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Reform in Egypt and the Islamic Brotherhood Party. Published 2010. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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