Research Paper on "Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War"

Research Paper 3 pages (1070 words) Sources: 10

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Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War

The end of the Civil War marked the beginning of a new era in American freedom, but even though the restructuring process was to be fast and with little impediments, it turned out to be more complex than everyone expected it to. African-Americans were enthusiastic about the government granting them citizenship, but the authorities advised that they should return to work on the plantations, initiating the controversy regarding Reconstruction. Most of the general public in the U.S. saw reconstruction as a process that would reform the Southern society and that would assist former slaves in integrating society as individuals with equal rights. In spite of the fact that it did indeed take place, reform was far less effective than expected, with black people continuing to be discriminated throughout the former Confederate states.

One of the first mistakes the Union government made during the Reconstruction was that it allowed numerous Confederates to come in charge of the governments in southern states. Considering their dedication to stand against the Union and against its attempt to abolish slavery during the Civil War, it was only natural for the former Confederates to be reluctant to grant equal rights to the individuals that previously belonged to them (Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens.)

The measures taken by southern governments concerning the African-American situation destroyed the hopes of black people in the South. Southern leaders were determined to making as little changes as possible and thus enacted the "Black Codes" on September 21, 1865, a series of laws meant to undermine
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African-American influence in the territory. In the year following the ratifying of the "Black Codes" Southern governments went further and officially declared that they were unwilling to accept the Fourteenth Amendment, which stated that African-Americans will be awarded with citizenship (Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens.). This was obviously a major blow for those who thought that reform was going to occur without any significant obstructions.

A large number of white people in the South felt that it was absolutely necessary for them to prevent African-Americans from gaining access to education, since this was thought to be an essential part of the emancipation process, meaning that black individuals would have more chances of becoming equals. African-Americans were also aware of this, as one can see through Kelly Miller's words: "The first great need of the Negro is that the choice youth of the race should assimilate the principles of culture and hand them down to the masses below" (Miller).

African-American individuals were more than devoted to claiming their rights consequent to the war. Thus, they saw no difficulties in trying to make it in areas where resources were scarce and where there were little chances for a community to thrive. The Nicodemus district was established in 1877 in Graham County, Kansas. In spite of the fact that the community never achieved notable success because of the limited resources in the area, it nonetheless surprised through the fact that it was the only all-black community in the state of Kansas (Reconstruction and Its Aftermath).

Reform was particularly difficult because former slaves and masters alike were unable to connect in such a way… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War" Assignment:

The research topic is on the Reconstruction of the American South following the Civil War.

The research paper should answer the following question:

* The Reconstruction of the American South following the Civil War had the potential to allow the former Confederate states back into the Union quickly while granting full citizenship to former slaves. However, this was not to be due to a variety of reasons. Choose three reasons that derailed Reconstruction efforts and explain how they adversely influenced the implementation of a sound and effective policy.

The paper should be approximately 3 pages in length and at least 10 sources with 2 primary sources for every 5 sources.

MLA sourcing and citations must be included.

Thank you.

How to Reference "Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War” 2010.
”Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Reconstruction of the American South Following the Civil War. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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