Essay on "Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions"

Essay 4 pages (1455 words) Sources: 1

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Questions Concerning the Psychology of Conflict and Conflict


The conflict between Israel and the surrounding Arab neighbors with

which it has frequently come to blows is precipitated on a host of

territorial, historical, ethnic and political terms. However, with the

significant gains made to the peace process in Israel's first regional

accord, signed with Egypt in 1979, it gained a powerful partner in undoing

the psychological implications overarching the specificities of Middle-East


In the Class 1 lectures on psychological barriers to conflict

resolution, we are made more fully aware of the impact which impression

building can have on the psychological makeup of a conflict. With Egyptian

PM Anwar Sadat beginning the process of opening up toward peace by making a

1977 visit to Israel, our lectures denote that no major compromises or

resolutions were achieved but that the ball then began to roll much faster

toward a formal recognition of peace. To my view, this would be because an

impression of greater trust and recognition of a willingness to proceed to

compromise had been built amongst the Israeli's on the basis of Sadat's

words and actions.

Beyond the psychological effect of impression building, Sadat's words

would explicitly recognize that there was a commonality of interest in

their peaceable relations. He would contend that "there remains another

wall. This wall constitutes a psychological barrier between us, a barrier

of suspicion, a
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barrier of rejection, a barrier of fear, of deception....

This psychological barrier [constitutes] 70 percent of the whole problem."

(Class 1, 5) Noting the emotional realities of a relationship traumatized

by mutual abuses, Sadat's statement would help to resolve my understanding

of the Mid-East conflict. This is true insofar as the psychological

barriers both of impression construction and emotional entrenchment, while

not undone by a peace treaty that would ultimately lead to Sadat's

assassination at the hands of anti-Israeli extremist, would produce a

lasting peace between the nations. This presents a template for how to

psychologically initiate the long process of bringing peace between Israel

and other neighboring states.

The discussion on the psychological aspects of conflict illustrate

that though interstate conflicts will display a wide variance of case

histories and implications, that there nonetheless remain certain constants

defining the nature of conflict on the whole. This is particularly the

case with intractable conflicts, which earn this definition for the extent

to which these common characteristics make their aims seem so elusive.

First, it is sensible to describe those conflict which are tractable

in nature, so described because their aims and the prospects of resolution

do become more achievable. Again, here, we denote the commonality

stringing together a diverse set of possible conflicts. A tractable

conflict often will be one based on political disagreement or diplomatic

breakdown in spite of mutual aims. Also a commonality of the tractable

conflict is the somewhat shared political orientation of participants.

Where democratically oriented nations our concerned, the predicating

interest in retaining peace even in the face of minor or major diplomatic

disagreements means that conflict resolution will be attended in the halls

of international forum rather than on the battlefields.

This is not always possible of course, and as history demonstrates,

ethnicity is a major factor which often draws deeply ingrained and inborn

differences betwixt diverging parties. As our lectures denote, "the sheer

passion expended in pursuing ethnic conflict calls out for an explanation

that does justice to the realm of feelings. It is necessary to account, not

merely for ambition, but for antipathy. A bloody phenomenon cannot be

explained by a bloodless theory. (Horowitz, 1985, p. 140)" (Class 7-8, 2)

Another feature of the intractable conflict that is implicated by

ethnicity, but can also take on forms of religious dedication, historically

intertwined territorial differences or resistance to foreign occupation, is

that of emotional regulation. The gap in interests denotes that one party

or both have entered into the conflict with intent to influence processes

of resolution by shaping emotional responses of conflicting parties.

3. Big Question - 50%- 2 pages

The attempt at brokering peace in the Middle East has long been the

province of the United States. As Israel's strongest international

supporter and a nation declaredly invested in encouraging the improvement

of democracy throughout the global community, the United States has long

taken an interest in the opportunities provided it in war and peace through


Quoted Instructions for "Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions" Assignment:

This is a take home exam - please note that refernces should all come from the powerpoint slides provided and when content is taken from there , this must be referenced as a footnote and in the bibliography

General: the main goal of the current take-home exam is to evaluate the level of understanding of the course's materials, as well as to test the students' capabilities of integration and application of the materials to real life situations.

Length of the Test: The overall length of your test should not exceed the limit of 4 pages (according to the accurate apportionment of questions *****“ no "flow" between questions), double spacing, and font 12. In addition, it is recommended to add a cover page and a list of references. Any deviation from this format will lead to disqualification of the test.

Format of Writing:

o The writing will follow the acceptable academic format *****“ i.e., definitions of concepts, references to general theories and references to previous empirical findings. You are not required to refer to bibliographical items that are not included in the original reading list of the course. You are required to provide a detailed theoretical and conceptual discussion only within the big question and not in the other two.

o The focus of this test is on the implementation of the general theories and not on the theoretical material itself. Hence, it is recommended not to use too many direct or indirect quotes from course materials.

o In each answer you are expected to provide a summary that ties the important ideas, and should also include some personal opinion or reaction to the relevant issues.

1. Small Question *****“ 25% - maximum 1 page

In each of the four parts of the course we discussed the essence and the implications of one group of psychological barriers to conflict resolution. Yet, it is crystal clear that in most cases all types of barriers work together in order to affect processes of decision making about potential resolution for the conflict. The goal of the current question is to describe an interactive action of two groups of barriers in the face of a new opportunity to resolve the conflict. Please select two groups of psychological barriers and describe their interactive contribution to the formation of your own positions about an event or a proposal that was brought up to the public discourse in the Middle-East in recent years. There is no need to present your own political views, only the process that led you to adopt a certain position in a certain point in time.

2. Small Question *****“ 25%- maximum 1 page

Intractable conflicts are protracted, violent, total, and central conflicts for the involved societies, with much investment into their continuation and perceived as irreconcilable and zero sum (Bar-Tal, 2007). As such, intractable conflicts tend to perpetuate themselves. It can be assumed that there are many similarities between the processes that prevent or delay the resolution of intractable and tractable conflicts. Having said that, we learned during the course that there are some unique mechanisms that are more common in intractable conflicts than in other kinds of conflicts. Try to shortly describe two conflicts with different intensity (i.e., tractable versus intractable) and describe two examples for processes that are common in both conflicts and two examples for processes that are unique (or more common) in intractable conflict.

3. Big Question *****“ 50%- 2 pages

Two important speeches were delivered recently within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. First, the president of the United States, Barack Obama, gave his speech in Cairo and then Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, introduced his world views at Bar-Ilan University. Unrelated to their specific political views, it can be assumed that in their speeches, both leaders meant to promote peace in the Middle-East. Therefore, a close look into both speeches will enable us to identify various attempts to overcome some of the psychological barriers that delay progress towards peace in the Middle-East. At the very same time, it can also be assumed that some of the positive messages that appeared in each of the speeches were not absorbed by all parties to the conflict due to the same psychological barriers. For the purposes of that question only, try to take the perspective of a Palestinian citizen in the West Bank, who carefully listened to both speeches. First, try to explain how each of the speeches tries to overcome the unique barriers to the resolution of the conflict, experienced by the Palestinian citizen. Second, try to explain what was the real message absorbed by the Palestinians and what processes led to the internalization of such a message.

In the first two questions (small questions) you are not required to add definitions or conceptions nor mention them. However in the 3rd question these need to be applied. Every concept will have to be talked about *****“ there is no reason to use too many direct or indirect quotes. In every question you should have a short summary of the basic ideas.


How to Reference "Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions" Essay in a Bibliography

Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions.”, 2009, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions” 2009.
”Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Psychological Aspects of Conflict and Resolutions. Published 2009. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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