Research Proposal on "Quality of Life of Menopause Women"

Research Proposal 10 pages (2847 words) Sources: 10

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Quality of Life of Menopause Women

Over the last several years, the issue of menopause has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because a growing number of women are beginning to enter the age range for the condition (40 to 59 years old) with this affecting 37.5 million Americans. The reason why this is taking place is because; during this time a woman's body will undergo a significant amount of changes. As, her ovaries will begin to shut down in the production of estrogen and progesterone. This will often lead to adverse consequences that will have impact on the quality of life for many women. Where, it will have an impact on their well-being including: hot flashes, night sweats, sleeping problems, feelings of being stressed / irritable, vaginal changes and a thinning in their bone structure. These different elements are important, because they will have a dramatic effect upon the overall quality of life for women who are going through menopause.

There have been various attempts to address these issues by having women undergo a series of treatment options such as: estrogen progestin therapy. However, select studies have shown that this has become ineffective at dealing with these issues. As a result, a wide variety of women are adversely impacted by the condition and the lingering effects that it can have on their lives. To fully understand the control that menopause can have requires conducting an extensive study on its lasting effects. This will be accomplished by: providing some background information / issuing a statement of the problem, creating a hypothesis, developing research questions / aims / objectives and offering conclusion
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s about how these issues can be effectively dealt with. Once this takes place, it will provide the greatest insights as to how we can be able to objectively determine the underlying impact that menopause is having on women and their quality of life. (Adler, 2002, pp. 26 -- 30) ("Women's Reproductive Health," 2011)

Background and Statement of the Problem

To determine the how menopause is affecting the quality of life in women we will examine a number of different studies on the subject and the impact that treatment options are having. This will be accomplished through conducting a brief literature review and providing a statement of the problem. Once this takes place, we will be able to concentrate on the statement of the problem and how our study can be a part of effectively resolving these different issues.

Literature Review

The research that was conducted by Rosner (2011), found that women who were able to have a hysterectomy were able to have a better quality of life in comparison with others. The reason why, is because this procedure made certain that these women were able to mitigate the adverse effects of menopause due to their increased ability to regulate hormonal levels. This had a positive effect on their underlying levels of health and their quality of life. The information from this source is useful, because it is illustrating how certain procedures such as a hysterectomy were able to control hormone levels in these women. As a result, this is illustrating how this can help to improve their quality of life and ensure that they do not have the adverse effects from the condition. (Rosner, 2011, pp. 450 -- 460)

The article that was written by Nappi (2009), discusses the impact that menopause is having on the sexual activity of women who are suffering from the condition. What they found, that there were several common ailments that were having on effect on them. The most notable include: reduced sexual desire, vaginal dryness, poor arousal / orgasms and reduced sexual satisfaction. These different elements are important, because they are highlighting how there was a negative impact associated with the condition. As a result, this leads to a reduced quality of life. The information from this source is useful, because it is providing a basic foundation as to the way menopause can have an impact on women and their quality of life during this time. (Nappi, 2009, pp. 138 -- 141)

Moreover, the article that was written by Strauss (2011) discusses how a woman's views about the symptoms of menopause are having an impact on her underlying levels of health. As, they found that those women who: were older and maintained a positive outlook; were able to see less of an impact on their underlying levels of health. At the same time, those women who were more pessimistic about these effects were having more adverse symptoms and they reported a reduction in their levels of health. These different elements are important, because they are illustrating how the overall mental attitude was having a dramatic effect upon women and their overall quality of life. As a result, this information is useful because it is highlighting how there are various factors that will have an impact on the way the condition will affect their lives. Where, those individuals who have less negative thoughts will be able to overcome the effects of menopause, which will determine how they feel and their well-being. (Strauss, 2011, pp. 118 -- 124)

Statement of the Problem

Based on these different findings, we have determined that menopause will have an impact on a woman's quality of life and how severe it will affect her. Below is the statement of the problem that we will be examining during the course of this study that is taking place.

One of the biggest factors that will have an impact on the quality of life of women going through menopause is: their attitudes and the kinds of treatment options they are seeing. This will have a positive or negative effect upon their quality of life, because of these two different variables.

Research Question or Hypothesis, Aims and Objectives

In this section we will discuss: the hypothesis, research questions, aims and objectives. This will be accomplished by providing a number of specific insights about how the study will be conducted to include: the study design, the population / sampling, the data collection methods / instruments, the data analysis techniques, mechanisms that will assure the quality of the study and the time frame that it will be conducted. Once this occurs, it will provide us with specific insights about how the research project will take place and the accuracy of the information that is being collected.


The hypothesis that we are looking to support or refute is:

Women who seek out treatment that have a better state of mind will have less severe effects on their underlying levels of health. This will give them a better quality of life in comparison with those who are going through similar situations, but have a negative outlook on their underlying situation.

Research Questions

To help effectively focus our research we will be concentrating on a number of different questions to include:

What is the total impact of menopause on the quality of life of women?

Does a woman's outlook have an effect on their quality of life as they are going through menopause?

Is treatment effective at helping to improve their quality of life?

Are there more adverse effects on select segments of the population?

Once these different questions have been answered, they will help to support or refute the hypothesis that was presented. As this will, improve the underlying quality of our research.

Aims and Objectives

To focus the study on specific aspects of our research we will outline various aims and objectives. Below are the different goals that we will be concentrating on during the course of this project.

The effects of the mental attitude on women who are suffering from menopause.

The impact of treatment on various demographics of women that are suffering from the condition.

If a particular ethic / racial group or economic class are more susceptible to the condition.

If menopause will have more adverse effects on particular segments of the population.

These different elements are important, because they are highlighting how answering the various research questions along with the aims / objectives will provide specific insights about how this is affecting this segment of the population. Once this takes place, it will help to support or refute the hypothesis that has been presented.

Study Design

The way that this study will be completed is by using quantitative research. This is when we are collecting samples from a targeted population of respondents. In this particular case, we will be seeking out women who are currently being affected by menopause and will want to see the effect that it is having on their quality of life. The way that this will be accomplished is by contacting women from: different social and economic backgrounds at health care clinics as well as hospitals. (Hopkins, 2008)

The basic design of our study will take place by sampling two different groups of women. The independent variable will be women who are sampled randomly that do not have menopause. While the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Quality of Life of Menopause Women" Assignment:


I want my research to be like this in the academic consequences

§ Title

§ Brief Introduction , includes the significance of the study ***** one page*****

§ Background and statement of the problem (this in the light of a thorough literature review) ***** 2 pages*****

§ Research question or hypothesis, aim and objectives ***** 6 pages*****


§ Study design (type of study)

§ Study population and sampling

§ Data collection methods and instruments

§ Data analysis methods �*****" if applicable statistical planning must be fully addressed, or the candidate should provide evidence that statistics are not required.

§ Mechanisms to assure the quality of the study �*****" e.g. control of bias, safe storage of data

§ Study period - Timetable for completion of the projects

Conclusion , summary only as one paragraph or one page

§ References , not more than 2 pages will be free from the website

How to Reference "Quality of Life of Menopause Women" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Quality of Life of Menopause Women.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Quality of Life of Menopause Women (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Quality of Life of Menopause Women. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Quality of Life of Menopause Women” 2011.
”Quality of Life of Menopause Women”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Quality of Life of Menopause Women”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Quality of Life of Menopause Women [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Quality of Life of Menopause Women. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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