Essay on "Quality and Quality Assurance"

Essay 5 pages (1742 words) Sources: 5

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Quality and Quality Assurance significantly is an issue in higher learning. The common notion that many institutions of higher learning dwells on are traditional means of teaching affects quality. Most of the curriculums worldwide are lecturer centered. This teaching focuses on the Lecturer who is the ultimate source of knowledge. This teaching encourages spoon-feeding of students and discourages innovative ways of learning (Alemu, 2010).

The absence of organs to ensure quality and quality assurance in administrative structures of higher learning and the lack of resources are a problem to higher education. Most of the administrative structures of higher learning lack proper measures to ensure financial transparency, which affects resource and resource distribution. This means that transparency should be encouraged through the strong emphasis on code of ethics. The lack of means to collect feedback based on service provision creates little opportunity to identify gaps for correction (Scott & U.S. Government Accountability, 2009). This promotes inequality since shortcomings surface overtime. Feedback is a means of gathering information, which help identify and forge means ahead. This is crucial, failure of meeting it creates irregularities on administrative performance, which become inevitable, and these affect aspects of higher learning. Higher learning lacks facilities in libraries, which induce incompetence in learning. Lack of resources like library books means the alternative to this challenge is the unlimited online resources. Higher institutions of learning should adopt the online resource. This helps counter the Lecturer student racial. Most of the time an individual dwells on research th
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us building innovation and self-creativity (Lunday & APPA: Association of Higher Education Facilities, 2010).

The nature of curriculum breeds a product that highly depends on reproducing the knowledge attained. The nature of this instilled paradigm, an individual acquires skill, acquisition and knowledge. However, it narrows the application of methods to previous practices, leaving no room for creative innovation. It is through the identification of this problem.

E-Learning as a solution to higher is learning and forms of teaching through electronic means. Systems of communication including those of information provide a definite media to execute the process of learning (Mohamadzadeh et al. 2012). E-Learning as a solution to higher education offers a unique E-Learning experience through technology and improvises the means of an innovative and self-reliant curriculum. E-Learning is the computer, knowledge, and skills transferred through an enabled network. It is necessary to realize that the applications of E-Learning involve virtual education opportunities, which means that individuals can have access to free Learning online; web-based learning and vast increases of digital collaboration (Orkodashvili, 2007). In this case, academic content delivery goes through the internet and other multiple sources such as, satellite TV, CD ROM, extranet and intranet, streaming video and audio.

E-Learning is relevant for long distance education and less straining than traditional learning. Lately, the world and its functions are synonymous with technology, which is notably fast and competitive leaving less room for long hours sited in a classroom (Mohamadzadeh et al. 2012). This means that E-Learning meets the precise basic requirement for flexible and fast learning. E-Learning has no time constrains or an environmental circumstance, which means individuals, can study at any convenient time with limitless resources and help. E-Learning provides necessary solutions not achieved in a traditional or formal lecture. It exposes an individual to vast academic material at all times, bridging the gap ratio between lecturer and student.

Solutions to higher learning require linkage with the trend of global technology. Following the discussion earlier, higher learning faces the lack of quality and quality assurance. Quality assurance in light of E-Learning as a possible solution sets the parameter that will enable, research, innovation, creativity and above all a student centered approach. Focus will be empowering the student to reproduce knowledge, acquisition skill including creativity (Al-Yaseen et al. 2011).

Through the study through the journals, I was unable to find any controversies in the recommendations made concerning the challenge of provision of quality education. However, this is possibly because the journals openly focused on the identification of the problems faced in education and development of recommendations for them. Consequently, the major similarity in the recommendations within the journals for improvement of education is that there is the need for resources to facilitate the needed quality education within schools. Administrative improvements also made a point for recommendation for improvement of quality of education.

This is more so, because, with adequate and qualified administrative structures in place the devolvement of resources, finances and facilitation of new methods of learning in institutions become achievable. The novel solution for improvement of quality of education in the learning institutions, therefore, remains as accountability within the administration (Scott & U.S. Government Accountability, 2009). It is recognizable that the administration holds all the organs within an institution, and it is its responsibility to oversee effective management of resources for the provision and maintenance of quality education.

In order to conduct a research for the identification of flaws within the education system within my school, I would follow three research strategies. The research will be qualitative for a wholesome information collection. There would be the use of interviews regarding the views of students, teachers and stakeholder regarding the quality of education within institutions. To get adequate information on this; samples will come from five different schools within the area. There will be engagement of participants through information seeking for the sake of the research. Through the use of questionnaires, the participants will get the opportunity of giving their opinions on matters of education, and how to improve its quality. The research requires three sets of questionnaires, set for the three participating samples of the research. That means that, there will be questionnaires for teachers, students and stakeholder sets with questions specific to their involvement in education. For this research, the questionnaires will have open ended questions (Ross & Onwuegbuzie, 2010).

Other than questionnaires, there will be surveys conducted through focus groups. This will still take the three mentioned samples; teachers, students and stakeholder. There will be their engagement in discussions on matters pertaining to the quality of education provided within their institutions. The surveys will, on topics relevant to every group is 4-hour sessions each. The last hour of every session is for devolvement of recommendations and resolutions for the promotion of quality in the learning institutions (Ross & Onwuegbuzie, 2010).

The third and the last research design for the study are the analysis of previous data. These can come from schools on the region, the government offices and journals from previous researches. Through, the study, of available information regarding the performances of educational institutions, the development of recommendations for improvement of quality in education becomes easy. The past performance of schools in the area has a relationship and relevance to the quality of education provision within the institutions. For the effectiveness of this research, there will be a study of five best performing schools and five worst performers in a span of the past ten years. This gives a reasonable duration for making adequate analysis of the trends in their performance in relation to the quality of education they provide. Out of the study of existing and past trends, the research can provide workable and reliable recommendations for ensuring that there is the maintenance of quality education (Ross & Onwuegbuzie, 2010).

The choosing of these research designs is that they are the best methods to use if information pertaining to quality of educations needs understanding. Also, through them, there is the possibility of finding viable recommendations for improving the quality of learning in the institutions within the area. The choice of using questionnaires for interviews is due to the convenience the present to the research process. Given, the fact that, the participants of the research may have no time adequate for face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, can take up the facilitation of information gathering from them. These can get to them in hard or soft copies, after which they fill them up and return to the researcher without having to spend so much time on answering interview questions (Ross & Onwuegbuzie, 2010). It is also necessary, noting that getting hold of the participants of the study may not be easy, within any standard timing for interviewing making use of questionnaires advantageous. In addition, being that the questionnaires contain open ended questions, interviewees have adequate freedom for giving their opinions without any guiding limitations.

Surveys on focus groups are also immensely helpful to this research. Through the discussions of focus groups, the researcher has the opportunity of capturing the emotions and feelings of participants of different calibers regarding the quality of education. This connection gives the researcher the opportunity for evaluating and gauging both spoken and unspoken concerns, from which comes the development of recommendations (Ross & Onwuegbuzie, 2010).

Analysis of available data on the quality of education is also a viable approach. This is because, through the study of school performance data available in institutions and government offices, making recommendations easy. It is easy using this approach because institutions store… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Quality and Quality Assurance" Assignment:

Stage 3: Solution Identification

For this assignment, you are asked to find at least three reviewed research articles (in Education) that make recommendations you believe will help your school or district remedy or overcome the issue(s) you identified. In a five- to seven-page paper, address the following:

Describe the identified problem

Cite the data you collected that helped you diagnose the problem.

Analyze the research on possible solutions to the problem

What controversies (if any) exist among findings regarding recommended solutions? What similarities are you finding among the recommendations of the author(s) for addressing the issue identified? What novel solutions have been identified?

Describe research-based strategies you would recommend to constituents at your school for addressing the issue(s) identified

Explain why you have selected those particular strategies over other possible options.

How to Reference "Quality and Quality Assurance" Essay in a Bibliography

Quality and Quality Assurance.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Quality and Quality Assurance (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Quality and Quality Assurance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Quality and Quality Assurance” 2012.
”Quality and Quality Assurance”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Quality and Quality Assurance”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Quality and Quality Assurance [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Quality and Quality Assurance. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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