Research Paper on "British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill"

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BP set up a Twitter account @BPAmerica and @Oil_Spill_2010 in providing up-to-date information on the following events after the oil spill disaster. The accounts had approximately 15, 695 and 7.844 followers in their respective order. Twitter formed a platform that BP communicated to the public on the magnitude of the spillage and the remedy initiatives to counter the spillage. Through the Flickr channel, BP America posted pictures on the clean-up efforts, claim reimbursements, and community engagement initiatives by the company. The company also utilized YouTube to communicate with the public on information update on the crisis. Through Facebook, BP set a communication platform between the company and the public on the associated efforts in remedying the situation. The Gulf Cost Deep-water Horizon Oil Spill Facebook page established by BP provided information regarding the accident. The company relied on social media in giving the public on the steps the company was carrying out to remedy the situation.

Compare and contrast the public relations campaigns of BP and American Red Cross

The American Red Cross focuses on the provision of compassionate care to those in need. The organization relies on its network of generous volunteers, employees, and donors that share a common mission and vision of preventing and relieving the suffering of others. As one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world, American Red Cross engages in a myriad of initiatives endeavored to mitigate any arising challenges. BP and American Red Cross depict differences in the visions and missions of the respective organizations. Additionally, these organizations carry out different public relatio
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ns strategies, some which depict similarity whereas others exhibit differences.

BP and American Red Cross utilize PR strategies to drive success. Communication activities endeavor to drive the achievement of both short-term and long-term goals. Both these organizations engage in a rigorous campaign to enable the realization of the set long-term goals and objectives. American Red Cross mission focuses on the expansion of this organization's visibility among strategic partners, governmental officials, and to strengthen relations with government entities and other non-profit organizations (American Red Cross (n.d.). The mission statement lauds the organizational call in collaboration and cohesion of the involved stakeholders in enabling American Red Cross to achieve its set objectives. BP focuses on convincing the public on the company's commitment to enabling America to meet her energy needs and those of other nations. Both these organizations PR statements focus on driving success within their areas of operations (BP U.S. (n.d.).

In times of crises, both the organizations utilize social media platforms in giving the public information on the proceedings of a particular event. In the Gulf of Mexico oil spillage back in 2010; BP utilized social media avenues such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube amongst others in updating the public on the remedying initiatives performed by the company. In relief efforts such as tornadoes and hurricanes, American Red Cross has utilized these platforms in updating the public on the rescue efforts. However, it is crucial to note that both these organization have faced sharp criticism based on their response to dealing with crises. For example, in 2012, American Red Cross came under sharp criticism from the public based on its 'sluggishness' in responding to Hurricane Sandy. Despite the agency's reassurance of its disaster-relief efforts, the public raised an alarm on its delay in reaching devastated areas that included Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island (Halbfinger, 2012). The negative criticisms were evident in social media platforms despite the agency's reassurance of its unwavering response to the natural calamity.

BP and American Red Cross differ on the message-driven stories in convincing the public. BP has engaged in various initiatives that target luring the public into purchasing and utilization of the products. For example, the 'beyond petroleum' brand message has worked for the company as it has introduced new business ventures such as the retail stores in the company's business framework. Additionally, the green campaign movements have foreseen the company's investment in green energy projects such as the wind and solar energy. On the other hand, American Red Cross has created the sharp position in clearly defined messages that aim at expanding the visibility of the company in the world.

PR campaigns by American Red Cross have brought to light the plight of those in need in the society. These campaigns endeavored to increase awareness of the activities carried out by the organization. On the other hand, BP has targeted profit-driven initiatives explained by the initiatives such as green energy projects to earn public trust and appeal.


PR is a significant segment of any organization. Good PR practices lead to the positive image and feedback from the public. On the other hand, poor PR practices may affect an organization leading to poor public appeal and ratings, aspects that may lead to their downfall (Breakenridge, 2012). It is crucial that organizations adopt strategies that endeavor to win the public appeal and trust, even in the event of crises. In this paper, we have managed to analyze how BP handled the spillage oil crisis. Further, we have compared PR strategies of these two organizations. From the case studies, it is evident that BP failed to deal effectively with the crisis. It is crucial that organizations implement realizable PR strategies for the betterment of an organization's image and prospects, even in the occurrences of crises.


American Red Cross (n.d.) What we do. Retrieved from

BP U.S. (n.d.).Who we are. Retrieved from

Breakenridge, D. (2012). Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional. New York: FT Press

Halbfinger, D. (2012, Nov 2). Anger Grows at Response by Red Cross. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Ibrahim, Y. (1998 August 12). British Petroleum Is Buying Amoco in $48.2 Billion Deal The New York Times. Retrieved from

Macalister, T. & Cross, E. (200o July 25).BP rebrands on a global scale. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Mitchell, C. (2002 Jan). Selling the Brand Inside. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Reed, S. & Krauss, C. (2015, July 28).BP Posts Loss as Oil Spill Settlement and Sagging Demand Take Toll. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Wolf, D. & Mejri, M. (2012). Crisis communication failures: The BP Case Study. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics Vol. 2 Issue 2 pages 48-58. READ MORE

How to Reference "British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill" Research Paper in a Bibliography

British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.”, 2015, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill (2015). Retrieved from (2015). British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill” 2015.
”British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill”,, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill [Internet]. 2015 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. British Petroleum S PR Responses During the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Published 2015. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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