Term Paper on "Formal Business Letter"

Term Paper 4 pages (1139 words) Sources: 0

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Public Relations Department Project Proposal

The Public Relations Department of MacGregor Pet Food Corporation experienced the resignation of two of its employees. After one replacement was hired, another left for his doctorate program at the university. Originally, the number of available positions to be filled wwas 11 and currently there are only 9 workers present. A meeting with the staff was carried out and unanimously everyone agreed that nine staff members were sufficient to carry out the job. Moreover they stated that the people who did resign and leave the organization were not competent enough in their work and their absence would make no difference to the Public Relations Department. The change brought about in the department was that the staff members are working more than what their job descriptions state. Their workload has increased although no formal reclassification of their jobs has been done in the past 5 years.


The staff members need to have an updated job description because their work has now changed. They are doing more that what they were initially required to do. With the absence of two of the staff members and the total number of staff reducing from 11 to 9, the workload naturally increased on the present 9 staff members and they are doing a really good job in trying to handle the situation. Hence the problem is that there needs to be a new formulated job description based on the responsibilities that each staff member is handling at his or her current position. Moreover the staff members should be given an increase in their salaries based on the fact that they are doing more work than required. With increasing worklo
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ad and less salary, soon the morale of the staff members will fall and this would have adverse effects on the Public Relations Department of MacGregor Pet Food Corporation. For any organization to be functioning at its peak levels, it is important for the workforce and the staff members to be motivated. These staff members deserve to be given an increase in their salaries as they are handling a bigger workload than before. Their salaries should be increased as it can otherwise, arise legal and auditing concerns. However the worse effect that it can have is the fall of the morale level in the organization which would give an end result of the lagging of this department. It can also cause other staff members to resign and opt for working elsewhere where they will be paid adequately for the amount of work that they do. The organization would then have to step back up to hire all 11 positions that were originally to be filled in by staff members. Collectively maintaining 11 staff members would cost the organization more as compared to increasing the salaries of the present 9 staff members.


As expressed earlier the Public Relations Department is facing a problem which includes a revision of the job description of its staff members and considering an increase in their salaries. Currently they are under paid and made to work more than what their positions require them to do. The solution that I would like to present is that the staff members should have a new job description and that their titles should be reviewed and changed according to their job descriptions. It is only logical that an Administrative Assistant who has undertaken the responsibilities in the accounting sector… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Formal Business Letter" Assignment:

This is worth 20% of my final grade please try your best!

You have received the following letter from the President of MacGregor Corporation:

MacGregor Pet Food Corporation

1234 Huskt Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40202

(502) 555.4444


Office of the President

05 October 2005


Public Relations Director

MacGregor Pet Food Corporation

1234 Husky Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40202


I received your letter regarding the job description situation in the Public Relations Department. I was not aware that your staff’s job descriptions have not been reviewed for more than five years. Pursuant to the rapid growth of the Corporation, and pursuant to the changes in technology within the past few years, all of these documents need to be reviewed and reclassified to accurately reflect the changes in the responsibilities of each employee. As you know, these documents provide parameters within which each employee is expected to work and provide protection for each employee. The Board of Directors adamantly insists that all documents used in the Corporation accurately and honestly reflect the structures inherent in the Corporation.

Begin work on the proposal immediately. I have mentioned your plan to the Board, and its members have requested that you use a basic Project Proposal Format that is an argument and that you include the following information:

1. background information on the problem

2. an explanation of the importance/relevance of the problem

3. objectives related to the policies of the Corporation

4. a solution to the problem (and timeline)

5. advantages/disadvantages

6. a delineation and explanation of each employee’s reclassification and the reasons for the reclassification

7. a spreadsheet illustrating a cost analysis and funding source

8. the impact on the Department and on the Corporation.

The Board will expect the proposal to be about 2-4 pages in length. You will need to include a Letter of Transmittal, addressed to me, with this proposal. Once I receive these documents and approve them, I will present them to the Board for its approval. I anticipate the Board allowing you to use at least one third of the salary savings from the personnel resignations in your Department.

I appreciate your interest in improving the status of your staff members, and I know that MacGregor Corporation will benefit greatly from your proposed changes.


Katie O’Sullivan

Katie O’Sullivan


The proposal should follow the Project Proposal Format (attached); in addition, you will need to use EXCEL to develop a spreadsheet that lists each employee; current title, grade, and salary; proposed title, grade, and salary; and total cost for the salary increases. Use the letter that you sent to the President (Writing Assignment #6) as the basis for the Letter of Transmittal.

Title of Proposal


Provide background information.

What changes have occurred in the Public Relations Department? (Department status report)

What has been the result of those changes?


Introduce the problem.

What is the problem?

Why is it a problem, and why is it important?

What effect will this problem have on the Corporation and on employees?


How do you plan to solve the problem?

What is the most logical solution and why?

What will be the positive outcomes of this plan? Advantages? Disadvantages (if any)?

How does all of this relate to the policies of the Corporation?


Introduce your plan.

• Christopher Adams (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Mary Bankson (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Joe Dennison (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Sarah Goldstein (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Jonathon Moore (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Rhonda Porter (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Michael Shaw (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Tina Simpson (current status; proposed status; why?)

Refer to the attached spreadsheet (for further information).

Explain your timeline.

What will be the result of these changes?

How will this affect the employees, the Department, and the Corporation?

Request for Approval

What action are you requesting from the Board of Directors?

How much money are you requesting from the Board?

What is the source of funding for these changes?

Ask directly for approval of the Proposal.


Express appreciation for the hard work of your staff members.

Express appreciation for the support of President O’Sullivan.

Thank the Board for its consideration.



This assignment will take a bit more planning than previous assignments. Review all of the MacGregor Corporation handouts carefully. You will need the staff spreadsheets, specifically the one indicating changes and the one with a blank section for new/proposed titles

for FY 2003-2004, and the list of job titles.

The first step in putting together the proposal is to complete the spreadsheet. You need to

review the notes on the other spreadsheets as background information on each employee. For example, consider Tina Simpson. She is currently an Administrative Assistant I (grade 41); she has assumed all of the budget responsibilities (a multi-million dollar budget) and, obviously, has an increased workload in addition to increased fiscal responsibilities. You need to decide on a new title for her. Look at the list of possible titles. You do not want to make her an Account Clerk I because that would be a demotion. You could make her an Account Clerk III (a lateral move), or you could make her an Accounting Manager I or II (that would change her from hourly--non-exempt to salaried--exempt). You could also make her an Administrative Assistant II; you would

not make her a Copy*****, or a Graphic Artist, or a Programmer. You could, however, make her a Professional Associate. You are the boss--you decide.

In the Proposal, you will need to write 1-2 sentences of justification for each of the changes you plan to make in job titles. For example, you could state that Tina Simpson is currently an Administrative Assistant I. She needs to be an Accounting Manager I because of her increased responsibility for the Department's multi-million dollar budget. That is it. Some employees, such as Rhonda Porter, will not have a change in job title--some will. You decide.

Once you complete the titles, you will need to decide on salary increases. Again, use your best judgment. Some people may not deserve a salary increase--some will. You decide. Read the handout for the writing assignment, and you will see that the President states you will probably be allowed to use one third of the salary savings--$33,333. You do not have to use all of it.

Once you determine salary increases, put those amounts on the spreadsheet and get a subtotal. Be sure to have a subtotal for the current salaries. Notice at the bottom of the spreadsheet is an indication (w/25% benefits) of benefits (with 25% benefits). You will need a subtotal, then 25% of that subtotal, and then a grand total. The salary budget for a corporation includes the salaries of employees plus about 25% of those salaries in benefits money (health insurance, matching retirement, etc.). Thus, your $33,333 has to include the salary increases plus benefits.

Once you complete the spreadsheet, you will be able to start writing the actual Proposal.

This essay portion (format is on the Handouts link) should be 1-2 pages. Remember, the

Board will not want to read anything too lengthy.

The last part of the Proposal that you will write will be the cover letter, or Letter of Transmittal. This should be addressed to the President of the Corporation and should include some of the information that you have in WA #6. Basically, you want to give her a few sentences of background information, state that you have attached the Proposal as per her request, state that you

have attached a spreadsheet for the cost analysis, and ask her to submit it to the Board of Directors for its approval.

So, you will have the Letter first (one page), the essay portion of the Proposal second (on-two pages), and the spreadsheet third (one page) for a total of about 4 pages.

When you complete your spreadsheet, I will be more than happy to review it and give you feedback/suggestions before you begin to write the actual Proposal. Remember, this assignment counts as 20% of your final mark. Please let me know how I can assist you.

Handout #1

Business Proposals: Organizing Information

Proposal—a written report used to persuade the reader to accept a suggested plan of action.

1. Comparison/Contrast

a. pro and con method

b. point-by-point method

2. Problem/Solution

a. identify the problem

b. explain its background

c. discuss extent of seriousness

d. discuss factors that affect the decision

e. analyze pros and cons of possible solutions

3. Elimination of Alternatives

a. discuss problem and its causes

b. discuss the impractical solutions first

c. state why these solutions will not work

4. General to Specific or Specific to General

a. discuss the problem (in general) as it affects the organization or as it manifests itself in general; then discuss the parts of the problem and the solutions to each part

b. give the specific problem and move to larger issues

5. Geographical or Spatial

a. discuss problems and solutions by units according to their physical arrangement (move from office to office, building to building, state to state, etc.)

6. Functional

a. discuss the problems and solutions of each functional unit (costs of land and building, the availability of personnel, convenience of raw materials, different functions one specific office performed, etc.)

7. Chronological

a. record events in the order in which they occurred or are planned to occur

Types of Proposals

Project Proposals

1. solicited or unsolicited

2. government/company may publish an RFP (Request for Proposal) to solicit bids

3. format may be a letter report, a manuscript report, a form report, etc.

4. may become legally binding

Project Proposal Format

1. Background—introduce the problem; discuss why it is important; provide background information to illustrate the problem; provide a viable solution.

2. Objectives—provide specific information regarding the outcomes of the project; provide accurate details.

3. Procedures—discuss in detail how you plan to achieve the objectives; provide a step-by-step discussion of what will be done, when, and total costs.

4. Qualifications—demonstrate how you , your organization, etc. are qualified to conduct the project; provide evidence.

5. Request for Approval—directly ask for approval of the proposal (either at the beginning or at the end of the proposal).

6. Supporting Data—include as an appendix to your proposal any relevant and supplementary information for support of your argument.

Research Proposal Format

1. Heading—neutral, descriptive title for the project (include as a subtitle A Research Proposal); your name; submission date.

2. Introduction—delineate a definite need for your study; provide background information about the problem (may include a “Review of Literature” section).

3. Problem—based on the information in the previous section, state the problem that needs solving; introduce the problem statement; state in question form the specific problem to be investigated (avoid yes/no questions); list the sub-problems in logical order (the solutions to your sub-problems must provide a complete and accurate solution to your problem statement).

4. Scope—describe the parameters you have established for the research problem (also called delimitations); these can be geographical, time, etc.; define any ambiguous terms.

5. Procedures—explain your plan for conducting the investigation; describe sources of data and methods of collection.

6. Conclusion—summarize information; provide a complete closing section.

7. References—provide a detailed list (according to APA) of published sources used in your report.

2nd handout

Employee Current Current Current New New New

Name Title Grade Salary Title Grade Salary

Adams, Christopher Public Relations Officer I 42 52,985.00

Bankson, Mary Graphic Artist I 42 47,239.00

Dennison, Joe Graphic Artist I 42 46,983.00

Goldstein, Sarah Copy ***** II 43 63,671.00

Moore, Jonathon Copy ***** II 43 62,555.00

Porter, Rhonda Project Manager 46 62,000.00

Shaw, Michael Receptionist/Secretary 41 33,475.00

Simpson, Tina Administrative Assistant I 41 42,690.00


x 25% x 25%

Total w/ Total w/

Benefits Benefits

Title of Proposal


Provide background information.

What changes have occurred in the Public Relations Department? (Department status report)

What has been the result of those changes?


Introduce the problem.

What is the problem?

Why is it a problem, and why is it important?

What effect will this problem have on the Corporation and on employees?


How do you plan to solve the problem?

What is the most logical solution and why?

What will be the positive outcomes of this plan? Advantages? Disadvantages (if any)?

How does all of this relate to the policies of the Corporation?


Introduce your plan.

• Christopher Adams (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Mary Bankson (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Joe Dennison (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Sarah Goldstein (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Jonathon Moore (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Rhonda Porter (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Michael Shaw (current status; proposed status; why?)

• Tina Simpson (current status; proposed status; why?)

Refer to the attached spreadsheet (for further information).

Explain your timeline.

What will be the result of these changes?

How will this affect the employees, the Department, and the Corporation?

Request for Approval

What action are you requesting from the Board of Directors?

How much money are you requesting from the Board?

What is the source of funding for these changes?

Ask directly for approval of the Proposal.


Express appreciation for the hard work of your staff members.

Express appreciation for the support of President O’Sullivan.

Thank the Board for its consideration.

How to Reference "Formal Business Letter" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Formal Business Letter.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Formal Business Letter (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Formal Business Letter. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Formal Business Letter” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802.
”Formal Business Letter” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802.
[1] ”Formal Business Letter”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Formal Business Letter [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802
1. Formal Business Letter. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-department-project/677802. Published 2005. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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