Term Paper on "Public Relations Campaign Proposal"

Term Paper 9 pages (2403 words) Sources: 2 Style: Harvard

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Public Relations Campaign Proposal

The following pages will focus on describing a Public relations campaign proposal for L'Oreal's summer products launch. The PR campaign proposed bellow is a variant considered to be best suitable for launching a new product line for such a great player on the cosmetic products market. The following PR campaign focuses on carrying on the relationship between L'Oreal and its current clients, as well as on building new relationships with new clients, all based on trust. Obviously, the PR campaign presented bellow will have specific goals and objectives that must be attained.

The following PR campaign proposal is based on analyzing the marketing and communication situation at L'Oreal and on understanding the behavior of this company's customers. Also, the PR campaign presented bellow consists in a plan of action for obtaining certain advantages from using mass media, messages, and budgets.

Specifically, the following pages consisting in developing a PR campaign proposal for L'Oreal address the following issues:

Stating the goals, the global results that L'Oreal is expecting to achieve through its activity

Establishing the objectives, the specific actions and phases that measure the progress made by the company in achieving its goals

Stating the declaration of principles that will shortly present L'Oreal's major values, its objectives, its place and responsibility among other similar companies, the direction that the company's activity is following. This statement is very useful because it offers the company great visibility from the society and it facilit
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ates communication processes. Also, it offers a general background in which the PR campaign can easily establish specific goals and objectives

Defining the needs, objectives, and resources of the targeted customers, which calls for a great effort of attentive research, through complex methods, focused on the public and his opinions regarding the company

Systematic planning of the campaign, the analysis of strengths and weaknesses

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the campaign: it emphasizes the successful actions on the one hand, and the activities that needs improvement on the other hand

Selecting adequate media for each category of customers: it must maintain a balance between interpersonal communication and mass media communication

PR campaign planning, containing all the steps: problem definition, situation analysis, establishing objectives, identifying target segments of customers, establishing strategies, establishing tactics, establishing the timing for each activity, establishing the budget, and establishing evaluation procedures.

Problem/opportunity statement

Identifying the problems or the issues regarding public relations may sometimes be a very difficult process. However, these issues do not always refer to negative aspects regarding the company. In our case, the main issue refers to certain opportunities that L'Oreal may benefit from in attaining the company's general goals. In this case, the issue consists in coordinating a specific project: launching a new L'Oreal line of products for summer, promoting this line of products, promoting and maintaining its image among the company's current clients and any potential future clients.

Situation analysis

This step refers to gathering detailed data regarding the main issue: the issue's historical background, the parties involved, and its effects. All these aspects must be thoroughly studied in order to discover attitudes, opinions or behaviors that need to be either changed or maintained for each customer segment and for identifying the best suitable communication method for attaining the campaign's objectives. The analysis of the current situation is presented bellow and is consisted of two sections: internal factors analysis, and external factors analysis.

Internal factors analysis

The internal factors analysis refers to images and actions of L'Oreal's key people, and to any structure or process that is relevant for the issue in cause. Before embarking on this PR campaign, it is recommended that the company performs a communication audit, in order to better understand the way L'Oreal communicates with its audience. The internal factors analysis contains:

L'Oreal short historical background: the L'Oreal Group was founded in 1909 by the French chemist Eugene Schueller. Nowadays, L'Oreal is the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company. The company is active in the field of cosmetics, especially skin care, hair color, sun protection, make-up, perfumes, and hair care (Wikipedia, 2007). Also, L'Oreal has developed activities involving dermatological and pharmaceutical fields. The company has five worldwide research and development centers: two in France, one in the United States, one in Japan, and one in China. L'Oreal brands are divided into four distinct categories: professional products (L'Oreal Professionnel, Redken), consumer products (L'Oreal Paris, Garnier, Maybelline New York), luxury products (the Body Shop, Cacharel, Ralph Lauren, and others), and active cosmetics (La Roche-Posay, Vichy Laboratoires). The company has 52,080 employees.

Key people at the L'Oreal Group: Liliane Bettencourt (main shareholder), Eugene Schueller (founder), Francois Dalle (CEO between 1957-1984), Graham Hedworth, Lindsay Owen-Jones (current Chairman), Jean Paul Agon (current CEO).

L'Oreal stockholders are: the Bettencourt family holds 27.5%, Nestle holds 26.4%, treasury shares represent 3.9%, while the remaining 42.2% are publicly traded.

Financial information on L'Oreal:

Revenue: €14.53 billion in 2005

Operating income: €2.266 billion in 2005

Net income: €1.639 billion in 2005

Consolidated sales: €15.8 billion in 2006

L'Oreal's mission: "the right to be beautiful day after day" (L'Oreal, 2007). The company is determined to promote an approach to beauty that is fun, affordable, fulfilling, genuine and generous. L'Oreal promotes innovation and sustainable development.

L'Oreal's values are: striving for excellence, a passion for adventure, enrichment through diversity, valuing individual talent, and leading innovation in beauty.

L'Oreal's advertising slogan: initially was "Because I'm worth it," which later became "Because you're worth it."

External factors analysis

The external factors analysis refers especially to the public segments involved or affected by the problem, in our case by the new line of products to be launched. Different categories of public can be evaluated taking into consideration their interdependence degree towards the company and the situation, allowing the identification of certain interests. Also, the public's knowledge and attitude towards the situation, feedback methods on the situation, the actions that the company will take, and the established objectives, must be identified.

The detailed analysis of L'Oreal's environment allows making several SWOT evaluations, the analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Therefore, the factors involved in the strategic analysis can be combined in several ways: SO strategies (based on using strengths in order to benefit from external opportunities), ST strategies (based on using strengths in order to counteract external threats), WO strategies (based on reducing weaknesses in order to benefit from external opportunities), and WT strategies (based on reducing both weaknesses and external threats).

Given the fact that L'Oreal is the world's largest cosmetics company, it is recommended that the company follows a SO strategy. The company strengths and opportunities surpass be far its small sized weaknesses and threats.

L'Oreal's strengths are:

The company's position on the market as a leader. L'Oreal practically sets the market in the cosmetics industry

L'Oreal's products' high quality, acknowledge all over the world

The company's tradition and trust among its current customers

The company's sustained research and development activity in the cosmetics, dermatological, and pharmaceutical fields, which reveals the company's care and preoccupation for its customers

L'Oreal's opportunities:

The new line of products for summer to be launched, which is expected to increase the company's market share, sales, and number of customers

Therefore, L'Oreal should take advantage of its leader position on the market and of the customers' positive attitude towards the company and its products when launching the new line of products. The launch of the new product line should not only focus on this new line, but it should also refer to other product lines of L'Oreal, refreshing and maybe improving the customers' opinion on these products.

Recommended research before embarking into the PR campaign

Besides the communication audit recommended above, it is imperative that the company conducts certain scientific surveys and research activities regarding both negative and positive factors that can influence the problem. Therefore, it is recommended to use certain research methods specific for social sciences. Suppositions, intuitions, and previous experience cannot be taken into consideration as a basis for developing a PR campaign. The recommended research methods for in this case are:

Informal research methods: focus groups. It may be very useful in this case because it allows L'Oreal's representatives to discuss with persons chosen to represent the targeted customer segments. Also, personal contacts of specialists with persons belonging to different public categories are recommended in order to freely discuss the situation

Formal research methods: group interview, because the research's results in this case permits to find information for defining the opportunity and for developing the PR campaign

Establishing the objectives

Any PR campaign's specific objectives imply independent activities for attaining the objectives, and can be expressed quantitatively and can be exactly measured. A PR campaign's objectives can be production related, informational, attitude related, behavioral, or motivational. In our company's case the objectives are a combination between informational and motivational objectives.

Informational objectives are especially adequate when the PR campaign is focused on popularizing a product, in our case, and the company as well. The PR campaign objectives from… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Public Relations Campaign Proposal" Assignment:

Public relations campaign proposal:

Plz follow the Required Components below

This assignment is based on the material contained in study modules 7*****“11. which will be emailed to :




This assignment requires you to submit a proposed public relations campaign for a client of your own choice.

Because this is a foundation course, you will not be in a position to develop and implement a fully researched and planned campaign. However, you will be able to research the client*****s situation, develop the objectives of the campaign, identify the relevant target publics, develop campaign strategies and identify the communication tools with which target publics can be reached, strategies implemented, objectives achieved and results evaluated. While this is a campaign proposal, it is important to ensure that the communication tools and tactics are explained in detail, including such information as messages to be used, mediums or channels and timing.

As this is intended to be as *****˜true to life***** as possible, the client you choose for this proposed campaign is entirely at your discretion. Many of you might be members of clubs, associations or youth groups which are looking to recruit new members or generally make others more aware of your organisation*****s activities. Others may see a particular communication problem or challenge developing within your workplace that could benefit from public relations, or there may be an emerging issue relevant to an organisation or community with which you are familiar and proper public relations planning may be needed. Whatever the situation, you will need to think of ways of meeting the challenge or overcoming the problem by setting appropriate goals, developing the public relations strategies and implementing the tactics and tools.

Remember, you do not need to implement the campaign, but to provide recommendations on how a campaign could be carried out. That is, you provide a detailed description of how the campaign should be conducted from development to implementation.

In this proposal, you should develop the aim of the campaign and its objectives, identify the relevant target publics, develop campaign strategies and communication tactics, specify the tools to be used, and the methods by which the program will be evaluated. While this is a campaign proposal, it is important to ensure that the communication tools and tactics are explained in detail, including such information as key messages to be included, mediums or channels to be used, and timing.

In the proposal, you must address the following headings:

Problem/opportunity statement *****“ this should reflect the scope of the problem/opportunity to be addressed and the sequence of events which brought about the need for the campaign. Ensure you also provide an accurate and detailed account of your client and what it is you intend to achieve through the campaign (campaign goals).

Research *****“ outline the research you would recommend the organisation undertake before embarking on this campaign. What data do you need to design a good campaign in this case? How would you gather this data *****“ what methods would you recommend?

Campaign objectives *****“ these should be measurable and specific written in the style suggested by Hendrix from your selected readings.

Target publics *****“ provide a detailed analysis of the various target publics to be reached using the theory and practical methods you have learned.

Communication message *****“ identify the key message/s that will be communicated through your campaign.

Strategy *****“ set the strategic approach for the campaign.

Tactics *****“ indicate the tactics (persuasion and influence) you propose for the campaign.

Action plan:

Communication tools *****“ here you should explain which communication tools will be used, why, what messages they will contain, which channels or mediums will they encompass and the outcomes that you expect to be achieved. It is important that you specify the communication media, activities and channels to be used and do not simply refer to a *****˜list***** of generic tools.

Time frame/schedule *****“ provide a detailed calendar identifying the length of time involved and the scheduling of activities over that period of time. Some campaigns run for days, weeks or even months. It entirely depends on the objectives that you set yourself and how they are accomplished.

The budget *****“ provide a breakdown of the budget applicable to the proposal, including such aspects as human resources, printing and production costs, media space (print or electronic), venue costs, equipment hire costs, incidental and office expenses and so on. Work within as realistic a framework as possible given the size and capacity of the client and the proposed campaign.

Evaluation *****“ outline the research methods by which the effectiveness of your campaign could be measured.

Appendices *****“ include in the Appendices of your assignment any additional information, draft surveys or questionnaires, publicity or advertising concepts etc.


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Required Components:

Problem statement

Background detail on client provided

Identification of problem/opportunity to be addressed

Impetus for campaign identified

Effective campaign goal(s) developed



Information required to guide campaign effectively identified

Appropriate research methods nominated



Appropriate campaign objectives identified

Objectives written according to Hendrix*****s Guidelines


Target Publics

Appropriate target publics identified and described (eg. their relevance to the campaign explained)


Communication message

Effective campaign message/s identified



Appropriate strategy/strategies identified

Clear link to campaign goal(s)



Appropriae tactics developed


Action plan

Appropriate tactics developed

Appropriate tools selected and explained

Detailed schedule/calendar provided

Detailed budget provided



Appropriate evaluation measures and methods identified

Link to measures outlined in objectives provided



(marks included in relevant section.)


Paper presented in appropriate format (line spacing, font, margins, etc.)


Academic demands

Intext referencing provided throughout paper (and in correct format) to indicate where data has been drawn from sources.

Bibliography provided at end of paper and in correct format.



Formal writing style has been developed (e.g. avoiding use of first person expression, slang, colloquialisms)

Correct grammar and spelling

*****“1 for each error.*


*****¦ *****¦./100


1 mark will be deducted for each technical error up to a maximum of 20 errors. Assignments with more than 20 errors will be failed.


How to Reference "Public Relations Campaign Proposal" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Public Relations Campaign Proposal.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Public Relations Campaign Proposal (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Public Relations Campaign Proposal. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Public Relations Campaign Proposal” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360.
”Public Relations Campaign Proposal” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360.
[1] ”Public Relations Campaign Proposal”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Public Relations Campaign Proposal [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360
1. Public Relations Campaign Proposal. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-relations-campaign-proposal/24360. Published 2007. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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