A-Level Coursework on "Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry"

A-Level Coursework 15 pages (4124 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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Hence, two factors that can be used as to analyze the operational validity of the measure must include: the linguistic variable and the use of the fuzzy set theory in the healthcare structure.

c) Identify one variable you think is correlated with the indicator. Are the variables causally linked? Using Miller Chapter 3 as your guide, describe the most important factors that should be considered when assessing causality between these two variables.

The quality of service is the most significant variable correlated to all healthcare structures whether these structures are for the hospitals, elderly care, child care, etc. The casual association between these two variables is such that if the overall quality of service improves on the basis of healthcare provider's ability, technological advancements, products' use, etc.; the overall impact on the healthcare structure will be immensely constructive as well. Some of the factors that should be considered when assessing causality between these two variables can include: risk evaluations, behavioural changes, evolution of diets, psychological consistencies, social encouragement structure like family assistance, financial aid, etc.

d) Draw a diagram depicting the relationship between the two variables -- as well as other potentially confounding variables you think should be considered when assessing the relationship between the variables.

The diagram below shows the independent variable (quality of healthcare service) and how it influences the primary dependent variable (healthcare industry). The factors directly influenced by the independent variable are represented in the green circles i.
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e. they have a casual association with the independent variable and the circles with the green outline are the ones who share a compounding relation with the independent variable. The orange circles represent the variables that share a casual relationship with the dependent variable and a compounding relationship with the independent variable. The circle in the orange outline shares a compounding association with both the dependent and the independent variable.

Quality of Healthcare Service

Healthcare Industry

Behavioural Changes

Capability of Staff



Risk Evaluations

Packages provided to Workforce

Social Structure and Consistency

Long-term Job security and consistency

Psychological consistencies

Diet Consistency and Progress

Question 3: Compton County Records

3. Compton County records indicate that the average (mean) time it takes for employees to be reimbursed for professional expenses is 32 days, with a standard deviation of 7 days. Assuming a normal distribution:

a) An employee attended a training conference related to her job in the County Recreation Department. She filed for reimbursement for conference expenses 42 days ago, but she has not received payment. What percentage of expenses is typically paid prior to 42 days? Should she be concerned?

The overall percentage of expenses compensated in accordance to the Compton county Records for professional use includes all those unforeseen expenses that were incurred and hadn't been part of the package offered by the company to begin with. With regards to training conference criteria, these expenses could include the shortage of distributive material for the company, the demand for certain products of the company (this could include shipping costs as well), amongst others. While the employee attending the conference could have compensated for the expenses on her own to satisfy demands, it falls on the company to reimburse her for these expenses at a 45% rate at least.

With the average deviation being 7 days only, the employee who had asked for reimbursements if has not received the reimbursement after 10 days should definitely be a little concerned but should go about dealing with it in a professional manner. A polite reminder to the relevant authorities could be one way, another would be to simply track the reimbursement certificate and see where the progress is for the reimbursements.

b) The head of the Compton County Accounting Department wants to establish a standard regarding the length of time that employees can expect to wait to receive reimbursement for professional expenses. She has asked you to help her identify that standard. In discussion with her, you establish she wants to publish a standard that states the number of days it takes the department to process 95% of the claims filed. Write a few sentences (<200 words) of plain English proposing a standard and explaining what it means.

The standard for reimbursement of professional expenses should be a balanced principle whereby both the company and the employee are able to compensate and be compensated without unexpected pressures. When designing a standard for the return of 95% claims filed for all professional expenses, one has to understand the verification processes that the company has to go through before reimbursing professional expenses hence appropriate time will need to be allotted for that as well. The amount of time given will also have to take into account the following aspects before reimbursement is issued: the aspects included as part of the professional fees; the eligibility for reimbursement; the annual rates allotted; license and certification fees; classifications that are eligible for reimbursements; the complete knowledge of the expenses to those who allot the reimbursement of professional expenses; possible alternatives to reimbursements for both the employers and employees; the principles of reimbursement upon termination of employment; and, alternatives if reimbursements was denied amongst others. Keeping this in mind, a period of 2 months should be allotted for the processing of 95% of the claims filled. The employers should make sure that they give at least a percentage of 25% of the expenses back every two weeks so as to satisfy the employee as well. The deviation for the 2 months standard would be 12 days.

Question 4:

4. A vehicle manager for the northeast region of the forestry service has responsibility for purchasing automobiles for service use. Because forestry service employees often drive long distances in isolated regions, the manager is particularly concerned about gasoline mileage for the vehicle fleet. One automobile manufacturer has told him that the particular model of vehicle that interests him averages 29.1 miles per gallon with a standard deviation of 2.4. Assuming a normal distribution:

a) The manager would like the cars to get at least 30 miles per gallon. According to the road test data, what percentage of the cars can be expected to meet this standard?


% deviation= (Actual value -- Expected value) / Expected value

% deviation= [(30 -- 29.1) / 30] x 100

% deviation= (0.9/30) x 100

% deviation= 0.03 x 100

% deviation= 3%

The percentage of the cars can be expected to meet this standard is 3%.

b) If he will settle for an average of 27 miles per gallon. What percentage of the cars can be expected to meet this standard?


Difference = 29.1 -- 27 = 2.1

Average = first value + second value/2

Average = 29.1 + 27/2

Average = 56.1/2

Average = 28.05

2.1 as a % of 28.05 is 2.1/28.05 x 100 = 7.4%

The percentage of the cars can be expected to meet this standard is 7.4%.

c) While negotiating with the automobile manufacturer, the manager gets a sinking feeling that some of the cars he is thinking of purchasing might average less than 25 miles to the gallon. According to the road test data reported by the manufacturer, what percentage of cars can be expected to fall below this mileage level? Should he be worried?


Difference = 29.1 -- 25 = 4.1

Average = first value + second value/2

Average = 29.1 + 25/2

Average = 54.1/2

Average = 27.05

4.1 as a % of 27.05 = 4.1/27.05 x 100 = 15.157%

He must be worried 15.157%.

Question 5:

5. Administrators at the national headquarters of the Center for the Display of Visual Arts are authorized to make small work-related purchases using a work-issued credit card. The average amount administrators charge to their cards per month is $140 with a standard deviation of $40. The auditing staff at the centre is concerned with the spending patterns of an administrator who has averaged $349 per month in charges for the previous year.

a) Assuming monthly balances are normally distributed, what percentage of balances do we expect will exceed $349 per month?


Difference = 349 -- 140 = 209

Average = first value + second value/2

Average = 349 + 140/2

Average = 244.5

209 as a % of 244.5 =209/244.5 x 100 = 85.48%

b) Should the auditing staff be concerned about the spending of this particular administrator? Write a few sentences (<200 words) interpreting this finding for the audit staff.


Yes the auditing staff must be concerned about the spending of the particular administrator. The massive difference of 209 alone is proof of that. The difference is spending too is above 80% which is so much more than the average anticipated difference of corporations nowadays.

Question 6:

6. A February 12, 2011 survey of Virginia voters finds 60% rate Governor Bob McDonnell's… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry" Assignment:



1) Complete Assignment for Problem Sets #3 (see attached & download for complete Problem Set #3 questions that need to be responded to and applying departure readings below and/or as indicated in the Problem Set question/s.

Required Textbooks used in Course (to use for references)

1. Joseph S Wholey, Harry P. Hatry and Kathryn E. Newcomer, 2004. Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation, second edition, Jossey*****Bass, A Wiley Imprint, San Francisco,.

2. Joel Best. 2001. Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and Activists. University of California Press. ISBN: 0520219783.

3. ***** E. Miller, 2005. The Chicago guide to writing about multivariate analysis. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 0226527832.

[The first is basic and available cheap. The second is a clear and current introductory statistics textbook. ]

Supplemental Texts, but not required:

4. Robert M. Kaplan, 1986. Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.

5. Kenneth J. Meier, Jeffrey L. Brudney, John Bohte, 2005. Applied Statistics for Public and

Nonprofit Administration, 6th edition. Wadsworth.

Problem Set #3 - Additional departure readings to be referenced, as needed, specifically for this Problem Set to supplement the required text books listed above:

2. Models and Data

��*****' Best, Ch. 1

��*****' Gladwell, *****Dangerous Minds*****

��*****' Tufte, *****Visualization & Explanation,***** *****Graphical Excellence,***** *****Data-Ink and Graphical Redesign*****

1. Tufte

3. Describing, Explaining, Understanding

��*****' O*****Sullivan, Ch. 1-3

��*****' McLaughlin, *****Using Logic Models*****

��*****' Frechtling, Logic Modeling in Program Evaluation, Ch. 3-9

2. Logic Models

4. Measurement and Variables

��*****' Robinson, Story of Measurement (selections)

��*****' Meier, Ch.2 *****Measurement,***** and Ch.4-6 *****Descriptive Statistics*****

��*****' Miller Ch. 1-4

3. Measurement

5. Observations I: Sampling and Selection

��*****' Finish Best

��*****' Meier, Read: Ch. 8, 11 *****The Normal Distribution,***** *****Introduction To Inference,***** Review: Ch. 9-10

��*****' Maltz and Targonski, *****A Note on the Use of County-level UCR Data*****

4. Best

5. UCR and Imputation (Maltz and Targonski)

6. Observations II: Varieties of Data

��*****' Averch, *****Using Expert Judgment*****

��*****' Goldenkoff, *****Using Focus Groups*****

��*****' Hatry, *****Using Agency Records*****

��*****' Caudle, *****Qualitative Data Analysis*****

6. Focus Groups

7. The Logic of Evaluation

��*****' Meier, Ch. 3 *****Research Design,*****Ch. 12 *****Hypothesis Testing*****

��*****' Wholey, *****Evaluability Assessment*****

��*****' Reichardt, *****Quasi-Experimentation*****

��*****' St. Pierre, *****Randomized Experiments*****

7. Quasi-Experimentation

8. Hypothesis Testing


How to Reference "Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry" A-Level Coursework in a Bibliography

Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889.
”Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889.
[1] ”Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889
1. Public Policy Research Quantitative Inquiry. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/public-policy-research-quantitative/6908889. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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