Term Paper on "Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt"

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Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Durrenmatt (1996) may have had it right when he said, "Emotions have no place in business, unless you do business with them." Or perhaps, he was wrong. Only the test of time, however, will tell. At this time, nevertheless, this researcher proposes to invest time to:

Define EQ and expand on its role in today's global world.

Compare questions asked in EQ tests with questions asked in IQ Tests.

Identify current tests and/or theories are available for assessing EQ.

Assess accuracy of EQ's assumptions for individuals.

Examine numerous studies testing the reliability of EQ.

This research is expected to gather and assess relevant data from literature related to EQ to determine its scope of accuracy, acceptability and availability. Determinations will be made regarding the hypothesis presented in this proposal entitled, Testing Tests.

Findings are expected to confirm this researcher's hypothesis: While the utilization of EQ serves to enhance the responder's understanding of his/her emotional intelligence, numerous other factors "figure in" to determine the validity of this type testing.



Abstract i

I. The Business of Emotions 1

Business as "Not so Usual" 1

II. Literature Review ' 3

Different, yet Similar 3

III. Methodology

Depends on

1.1 Aim
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s and Objectives

1.2 Objective 1 8

1.3 Objective 2 9

1.4 Objective

1.5 Objective

1.6 Objective 5 11


I. The Business of Emotions

Business as "Not so Usual"

Emotions have no place in business, unless you do business with them." (Durrenmatt, 1996)

Back in yesteryears, the concept of deliberately bringing emotions into the business realm, or implementing tests related to emotions into the business arena would have most likely been "shot down." Today, however, the "Question: Is success in life and career determined primarily by rational intelligence (the IQ or intelligence quotient) or emotional intelligence (the EQ or emotional quotient)?" repeatedly surfaces in business. In other words, individuals in the business world are having to determine whether intelligence or intuition is more important and/or how they relate to each other. Essentially, an individual's EQ reflects the level of his/her ability to understand other individuals; things that motivates them and how to work in cooperative ways with others. (Ibid)

While emotional intelligence's impact has recently stimulated a number of research initiatives across a range of psychology domains, controversy has also evolved and continues to exist; forging a gap between what is known and what needs to be known. (Emmerling, 2003, p 2) Delving into the known, as well as, into the unknown in EQ, in order to know and make better known basic information about EQ, constitutes the rationale for this researcher's efforts. Questions considered in Emmerling's study, a primary source for consideration in this project include:

What is emotional intelligence (EI)?

How is it different from other established constructs within psychology?

Is it possible to develop EI?

Is EI a better predictor of work performance than traditional measures of intelligence...

Which kinds of work performance does EI predict most strongly?

Should EI be measured at all?

What is the relationship between ethics and EI?" (Ibid, p 3)

This research proposes the following questions, which, although similar to Emmerling's, will focus on the hypothesis: While the utilization of EQ serves to enhance the responder's understanding of his/her emotional intelligence, numerous other factors "figure in" to determine the validity of this type testing.

What is EQ and its role in today's global world?

How do questions asked in EQ tests compare with questions asked in IQ Tests?

What current tests and/or theories are available for assessing EQ?

How accurate are EQ's assumptions for individuals?

What have studies determined regarding the reliability of EQ?

II. Literature Review

Different, yet Similar

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." (Fitzgerald, 1996)

During the review of literature and throughout the process of determining answers for specific research questions to be utilized in Testing Tests, literature related specifically to EQ will range from scholarly books and journals to magazines and newspapers and will also include Web sites. Research conducted by Emmerling (2003) will serve as one primary source for assessment and determinations. An increasing understanding in neuroscience purports that cognition and emotions are not separate entities, but interwoven in mental life (through thick connections between the emotional centers and the neocortex) rather than discretely independent, especially in complex decision-making, self-awareness, affective self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and interpersonal functioning." (Emmerling, 2003, p 6)

Merely possessing a superior IQ does insure that an individual be an excellent leader; doctor; etc.

Although IQ continues to be a vital predictor of vocations a person may best pursue, after entering that vocation IQ's the predictive validity appears to significantly diminish.

Popular media, contrary to facts, frequently impresses that high emotional intelligence may compensate for a low IQ and permit individuals with lower than average IQ, yet possessing high emotional intelligence, to succeed, despite below average intelligence. This false assumption that IQ does not matter much is unrealistic.

EQ theories attempt to increase understanding and elucidate abilities, skills and traits associated emotional intelligence. Although contend research should be to identify and define the "right" version of EQ (present a singular theoretical framework), another approach recognizes that multiple theories may serve to present additional components of psychological constructs. Theories existing in EQ include:

MSCEIT v2.0 (successor of MEIS); Mayer and Salovey (1997),

EQ-i (a measure of Reuven Bar-on's model of emotional intelligence)

Goleman (1998b; 2002).

Although some evidence continues to be murky, each theory attempts to better understand and explain EQ. The existence of differing theoretical viewpoints within the emotional intelligence paradigm, however, does not reflect weakness, but mirrors the field's vigor. (Emmerling, 2003,

In regard to the overall intelligence field, Emmerling (Ibid) cites a comment by Lautrey, and Lubart (2002): "few fields seem to have lenses with so many colors." Just as IQ is not threatened by the inclusion, neither is EQ. When examined, the three prominent theories in today's spotlight, the theories of Mayer and Salovey (1997), Bar-on (1988; 2000a) and Goleman (1998b; 2002).".. reveal a significant divergence in the specific language they use to label their theories and constructs." (Ibid, 12) Although ach theory presents unique constructs representing each author's varying theoretical orientation and context, each author shares a similar goal to increase understanding, while measuring traits and abilities akin to recognizing and regulating emotions in individuals. "All theories within the emotional intelligence paradigm seek to understand how individuals perceive, understand, utilize and manage emotions in an effort to predict and foster personal effectiveness." (Ibid) Being aware of components encapsulated in the theories affords even more insight regarding the rationale for reasons that specific constructs and measurement methods connect, yet retain their individuality.

III. Methodology Depends on...

Test yourself on mankind.

It is something that makes the doubter doubt, the believer believe." (Kafka, 1996).

Methodology for this research project will include qualitative research, focusing on increasing understanding of the utilization of EQ, along with modes by which it serves to enhance the responder's understanding of his/her emotional intelligence. Data regarding numerous other factors that "figure in" to determine the validity of this type testing will also be explored. Emmerling (2003, p 5) contends that the predictive validity of emotional intelligence may vary, "depending on the context, criterion of interest, and specific theory used." In other words, "Depends... " as with most of human- related tests in life, answers are contingent on visible and invisible components, some measurable; others without any method of measurement. Variance in work performance and career success affect IQ test results as well as EQ tests. Emmerling (Ibid) cites Goleman to state, "When IQ test scores are correlated with how well people perform in their careers the highest estimate of how much difference IQ accounts for is about 25%." More assessment, however, propose this may not be any higher than 10% or as low as 4%. IQ, however, researchers contend will continue to predict work "success," particularly in the real of employment or career an individual may choose. Emmerling (Ibid) argues that IQ, when compared to the predictive validity of EQ, IQ proves to predict work and academic performance better than EQ.

EQ, however, better predicts whether a person will rise to the top ten percent in the work or academic arena and/or become a strong leader. Although no quantitative social science research exists on top leaders qualitative research, proposes.".. that IQ measures fail to account for large portions of the variance related to performance and career success, especially among top managers and senior leaders,... which suggests that IQ alone does not predict in this domain as well as competencies that integrate cognitive, emotional and social abilities." (Ibid, p 6)

Abraham (Ibid) notes that the prominent reliability and validity (from a methodological perspective), of the Schutte et al. (1998) assessment instrument for emotional intelligence signifies it may be utilized for screening to establish levels of emotional intelligence. Due to its extreme… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt" Assignment:

Hi There

I have a dead line of Sept 29th for my masters dissertation. The paper I wrote with a company wants me to change a lot so stuff as they dont like how the paper is representing their material.

So I am in a bind and need a paper and research proposal.

I am doing my MSc in Psychometrics. I did see that you have couple of papers of interest on that subject:

Paper # 28644 Intelligence & Psychological Testing

Paper # 4405 IQ & EQ

Paper # 15869 Wide Range Achievment Test

Paper # 58612 Assessment Methods in Workplace

I like the last two and I like the first one beacuse of MBTI.

What I really need is the one with which I can have SPSS graphs, Correlations. Talking about the Psychometric Principles Reliability, Validity and Standardization.

Something about them. If you have enough data on an Psychometric Assessment Tool I would like a paper on that Typically a EQ Test, regarding it's validity and reliability.

Please let me know if this can be achieved. I can be reached on my phone at 586.643.6516. I need a paper of 14000-15000 words. Hence I am paying for 60 pages. But I understand there are graphs and Appendix so please let me know how that works out.

Thank you


Shamit Desai

How to Reference "Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764.
”Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764.
[1] ”Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764
1. Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence (Eq) Durrenmatt. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/psychology-testing-psychometric-emotional/444764. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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