Essay on "Protection Profession Disciplines"

Essay 10 pages (3096 words) Sources: 10

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This increase in the awareness of security at the boardroom level can now also be found at both government and business levels that probably would not have considered security in the past. Intelligence bureaus and counter-terrorism units are being formed by local police departments; this has increased the demand for training. As well, it has also increased the debate concerning the use of intelligence tools in the context of law enforcement (Greaves, 2008).

Executive Protection

This kind of protection is also referred to as 'personal protection'. These are basically security measures that are taken for the safety of VIPs and other such individuals who might be at some increased personal risk due to their wealth, employment, geographical locations, celebrity status, and etc. There might be bodyguards, home security systems, vehicle scramble plans, armored vehicles, private jet travel, mail screening, and background checks, all as part of the protective measures (Zelvin, 2011). Executive protection also provides security for the extended and/or immediate family members, in case that there is any danger of extortion or kidnapping. In the private security industry, executive protection is a field of its own and it is highly specialized. The professionals belonging to elite executive protection will not just have training in executive protection, but also training in first aid, marksmanship, and driving.

It is important to note here that according to the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (aka HR-218), it is forbidden for a law enforcement officer to provide the services of executive protection even if he/she is off-duty. Direct liability is created
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for the client when uninsured and unlicensed off-duty law enforcement officers are hired.


One of the highly difficult challenges in Washington, D.C. is the correct accomplishment of the national homeland security enterprise. This is because it is the over-centralization, entrenched politics, and pervasive complacency that are perceived as being problems regarding the protection of the homeland. To some extent, these negative factors are ingrained and/or entrenched, which hinders the proper functioning of Washington (Mayer, 2011). Through the course of this obstacle a path has been marked in the report.

The recommendations that have been mentioned in this report are the necessary steps in the establishment of a homeland security that is right for the U.S. (Mayer, 2011).

In the significant proposals are (Mayer, 2011):

The institutionalization of a framework which empowers the local authorities and state so that they can fulfill their responsibilities in case of a disaster or operations concerning domestic counter-terrorism, especially to make sure that the input of the local public and state is provided in the formation and promotion of policies.

Adopting an honest, realistic and fair approach that would help the various enforcement teams to recognize that local and state authorities are accountable partners. This includes rejecting the strategy of "amnesty first," which would only give rise to more unlawful presences and illegal crossing of borders. There is a great deal of importance in legal and sensible immigration, workplace laws, and functional border security in order to focus the few existing resources on the serious threats due to the trans-national criminal cartels located in Mexico.

Continuous use of the important counter-terrorism tools like the ones that have been authorized in the U.S.A. Patriot Act, and the formation of a national domestic counter-terrorism and intelligence framework that would help to figure out the manner in which intelligence operations at all levels should be carried out.

It was in 2007 that the first version of the Strategic Plan was released; since that time, preparedness has been improved. Using the example of Ohio, the 2007 Strategic Security plan has engendered security efforts that are being assessed and coordinated by the agencies all over the state. In terms of federal grant funds, the 2007 Strategic plan is useful for both local and state organizations; it helps these agencies prioritize the use of Ohio's competencies with regards to cost effectiveness; it also demonstrates that these resources are being used by the state in an optimal manner. When it comes to homeland security, everyone in Ohio has a job to do from the federal partners to the individual citizens.

In the development, as well as the subsequent revisions of the Strategic Plan, national guidance was utilized (2011 Strategic Plan). It was due to direct orders from the President that this guidance was created. The National guidance provided for state security aims to prepare states to be able to deal with any sort of crisis, and to integrate the planning at a national level. A comprehensive process has been outlined by the Homeland Security Presidential Directive Eight (HSPD-8). Its purpose is to prepare states for any sort of national crisis that would require the movement of resources across the country which would include the local, state and federal levels. An inclusive planning process was instituted by the Division of Homeland Security, Strategic Plan and the Department of Public Safety in order to make sure that with the help of Ohio Homeland Security Strategic Plan Round-table a detailed input is received from all over the state. There are 9 advisory committees in the Round-table, with representatives from over 200 agencies in the state (2011 Strategic Plan). It was the task of these committees to come up with recommendations for the implementation and revisions of steps and objectives that would support and promote continuous development of risk-based, sustainable, all-hazard readiness abilities.

There is a need for protection and counter-terrorism as when these two work together there is a need for the backup plans. Obviously, it is possible to have contingency plans and redundant abilities available, even for the most crucial activities; this planning will also be useful for recovery plans. All the disciplines play some kind of role in the recovery process; a few of the tasks that are linked to this process are:

Coordination of structural "cleanup" and recovery should be designed in such a manner that it would help in the restoration as well as recovery of the facilities. The rehabilitation of sites should be done with the help of coordinated evaluation and assessment.

There should a proper understanding of the suitable declarations and emergency powers in the private, federal, local and state identities.

There must be an administrative completion carried out of the documentation process. This should comprise of correct and concise communications and reports. Also, concerned individuals should be familiar with the required documents and reports after an event or incident has taken place (Pelfrey).


As discussed herein, Strategic Security is a relatively new disciplinary 'umbrella' that comprises a number of sub-disciplines. Even strategic security is slowly being accepted, there is still a lack of information and literature on the subject. Strategic Security includes intelligence, counter-terrorism, protection, and etc. However, individuals today are becoming more aware of Strategic Security and the growing consensus is that it is beneficial. At present, there is considerable discussion concerning which discipline(s) are more crucial to Strategic Security; while this is unresolved, the general opinion is that they all play different, important roles in strategic security.

Unfortunately, it is increasingly true that in today's environment no country is safe from terrorism, whether on a corporate, national, or international level. Due to this unfortunate situation, counter-terrorism units play a very important role in preventing and dealing with scenarios related to terrorism. These ultimately play a role in strategic security, by providing efficient and feasible solutions. Similarly, intelligence is a crucial part of strategic security, as information and data are gathered with the help of intelligence; this then helps the relevant agencies in forming strategies to deal with the situations. Strategic security has also become very important in the corporate world; this is because with increases in competition and business rivalries, there may always be a danger of kidnappings and extortion attempts. Personal or executive protection comes into play in such situations; security personnel make use of the relevant data to form strategic security profiles for their clients. It is also important to note that the level of authority for the providers of strategic security vary from situation-to-situation and from person-to-person. However, there is no denying the fact that strategic security can only enable improvement of security.


1) 2011 STRATEGIC PLAN State of Ohio Homeland Security. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

2) Advancing Your Career In The Field Of Strategic Security. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

3) EU-U.S. Security Strategies comparative scenarios and recommendations. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

4) Greaves, S. (2008). Strategic Security as a New Academic Discipline. Journal of Strategic Security, 1(2). Retrieved April 27, 2015, from

5) Innes, M. (2006). Policing Uncertainty: Countering Terror through Community Intelligence and Democratic Policing. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 605(222). Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

6) Intelligence Collection Disciplines (INTs). (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

7) Masse, T. (2003). Domestic intelligence in the United Kingdom:… READ MORE

How to Reference "Protection Profession Disciplines" Essay in a Bibliography

Protection Profession Disciplines.”, 2015, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Protection Profession Disciplines (2015). Retrieved from (2015). Protection Profession Disciplines. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Protection Profession Disciplines” 2015.
”Protection Profession Disciplines”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Protection Profession Disciplines”,, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Protection Profession Disciplines [Internet]. 2015 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Protection Profession Disciplines. Published 2015. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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