Essay on "Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan"

Essay 10 pages (2874 words) Sources: 10

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Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan

Title and description

Diabetes is a basically a disease that attacks an individual's metabolism structure and produces dissimilarities and inconsistencies in the glucose/sugar level in the individual's blood. The primary conductor of the diseases, particularly diabetes mellitus, is the deteriorating function of the pancreas whereby they stop producing or produce very little of hormone insulin. This in turn impacts the production levels of sugar in the blood and increases it significantly to the point that the sugar level in urine is also elevated. As a consequence, the body reacts by producing energy through the use of other minerals and nutrients in the body like fat for instance because of the failure of the metabolism structure to use sugar for energy production. This results in the production of ketones in the blood which is a devastating sign for an individual's health as it means that the individual's diabetes is getting worse. There are two primary forms of diabetes that exist: i) Type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and ii) type 2, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Each form carries its own symptoms and consequences for the patient. In this paper we focus on the second form of diabetes i.e. type 2, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Some of the symptoms of diabetes include the following:

Extremely low levels of energy


Decreasing and deteriorating weight ratios


Augmented urine discharge

Increased level of hunger

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/>Some important facts to know about the Type 2 diabetes are:

It targets the age group that is mostly above 40

The pancreas don't necessarily have to fail for type 2 diabetes to take effect

The body has to be insulin-resistant for type 2 diabetes to take effect

The consequence of type 2 diabetes can be heightened if the individual is suffering from insulin-resistance coupled with obesity

Healthy diet and exercise are key elements to control the negative consequences of type 2 diabetes

Oral hypoglycemia can also be used to decrease the blood sugar level if and when needed (PROMs 2009).

The rise of diabetes as a primary health concern among the masses has been consistent for the past few years. The National Health Survey in their report for the year 2004-2005 concluded that more than 3.6% of the total population had diabetes. In a follow up report, the National Health Survey confirmed that by the end of 2008, the figure had increased to include more than 4.0% of the population. The report also showed that nearly 88% of this population was suffering from type 2 diabetes NIDDM. The table below (figure 1) was also part of the survey done and illustrates visually the overall spread of type 2 diabetes NIDDM. The diagram shows the variations and differences in rations according to the age groups, showing how the higher age groups, i.e. 45 and above, are more vulnerable to the type 2 diabetes and hence experience higher risks as opposed to those in the younger age groups, i.e. below 45.

Figure 1: National Health Survey 2007-2008

Evidence of Need:

The first step needed in any health promotion venture is the needs assessment which is basically the procedure whereby the health problem is recognized and assessed along with the sample/target group chosen for the implementation of possible helpful actions (Hawe & Hall 1990, p. 210). Other procedures following the primary process include:

A detailed account of the health care approach and plan designed for implementation

The report can have multifaceted aims including increasing knowledge, improving the overall medical policies, developing the socioeconomic stature of the society, bettering the helath status and growth, etc. (Phillips & Verhasselt 2001).


It wasn't long ago when the need for some form of intervention fir type 2 diabetes NIDDM was recognized globally by organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund. Hence, they joined hands and documented report and declaration regarding the detailed healthcare program they believed would be successful. They launched this declaration at a global discussion in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan in the year 1978.

The primary objective of the health program designed by the world health organization and United Nations Children's Fund was to ensure that the health services sector in the chosen regions improved and the medical policies were complemented and supported by relevant increases in the allocation of funds and budgets for bettering the health status of populations especially in the underdeveloped and developing nations. One important aspect of this report is that its main objective was to spread a prevention strategy amongst the population by educating them about the disease and all relevant information (WHO 1978). This proved to be a successful idea and hence has increased the importance of designing the healthcare policies and programs that not only help people fight back but also educate them about the type 2 diabetes NIDDM as well as the use of healthy diet (consumption of fruits and vegetables) and exercise programs to gain and sustain control over the process of the disease.

The diagram below exhibits the increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes NIDDM, with the use of age breakdown, over a period of 6 years; proving that the steady increase in the prevalence of the disease is all the more reason to employ better healthcare policies and education programs focusing on the use of healthy diet (consumption of fruits and vegetables) and exercise programs to gain and sustain control over the process of the disease.

Timelines and Location:

The entire program will last six months. The first two weeks will be the enrollment process whereby we will identify the goals and hurdles of the participants, educate them on the connection between the consumption of fruit and vegetables and decreased levels of type 2 diabetes through focus groups. The fourth week will initiate different focus groups through to week 12 followed by an evaluation in week 14. This will be followed by follow up structures of group discussion in week 18, 20 and 23. The last week, i.e. week 24, will be when the final evaluations will recorded. Of ocurse data analysis and results tabulations might require another month.


Media will be key for the publicity of the Friends with Diabetes program. Services of the local magazines, newspapers, radio, press releases, brochures, leaflets, TV commercials/interviews/discussions/talks shows, posters, billboards, etc. will be used to full effect to spread the use of fruits and vegetables to control the type 2 diabetes with the target audience being the age groups of 25 to 54.

Program Details:


The primary goal of this research was to ensure that there was an increase in the consumption of fruit and vegetables, within a space of six months by both male and female patients suffering from type-two diabetes NIDDM, in the age groups 25 to 54, within the city of Onkaparinga, Australia.

Evaluation indicators and tools:

In this study I highlight how the socioeconomic stature of the populations proves to be one of the biggest hurdles that disallow people to initiate and maintain a healthy diet lifestyle. In a report by the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) the city of Onkaparinga has really low and decreasing socioeconomic levels, even more so than other areas in Australia like Walkerville. This is illustrated in the figure below. This not only shows a high level of illiterate, untrained and unskilled populace but also one that has little to no knowledge of the numerous amount of knowledge available on the type2 diabetes as well as the advantage of having a fruit-and-vegetable-based diet plan (SEIFA 2006).

If one focuses on the yearly incomes for the city of Onkaparinga, there is a whopping 40% of the populace that earns less than a total of $21,000 dollars annually. The overall salary percentage decreases further when the focus is only on the female earners in the region. The numbers are all the proof one needs why cheaper food, that is mostly unhealthy, is consumed so heavily in the region as opposed to fresh vegetable and fruit consumption which is costlier (Stats & Facts 2006). Some of the questions that will be tackled in the questionnaire will include the following:

Do you exercise at least 30 minutes daily?

How often do you eat vegetables, fruit, or berries?

Have you or any member of your family ever taken medication for high blood pressure on a regular basis?

Have you or any member of your family been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Impact indicators and tools:

One of the rising concerns of many health workers and practitioners with regards to type 2 diabetes is that more than 700,000 natives suffer from diabetes. This burdens the overall social, economic, health and emotional structure of the country of Australia and needs to be dealt with as such (McCarty et al. 1996). The concerns have good support as high diabetes prevalence can lead to other problematic diseases and health concerns such as heart failure or cardiovascular dis-functioning/disease, loss of sight, kidney stones or failure, uselessness and amputation of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan" Assignment:

Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan

Assume that you implemented the Felt Needs Assessment as outlined in your plan and

have an*****d the results. You are asked to fabricate the findings of your survey which,

along with evidence collected in the Normative Needs Assessment and wider reading,

will be used to justify the need for your proposed community intervention promoting

vegetables and fruit as a preventive strategy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Rationale for

the intervention will also be underpinned by health promotion theory, primary health

care principles and the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO 1986).

Using the standard format provided, your task is to develop a Program Proposal and

Evaluation Plan for a community intervention promoting vegetables and fruit as a

preventive strategy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

Guidelines for Assessment Task

Maximum length is 12 A-4 pages, 2cm margins, 1.5-spaced. Tables can be single

spaced with font no smaller than size 10. The reference list can be in addition to

the page limit and single spaced.

The Program Proposal should:

 Consider involvement of the target group in the planning, implementation and

evaluation of the project (intervention) where possible.

 Have a strong rationale which reflects evidence from the literature, the identified

needs & interests of the target group and demonstrates your understanding of

health promotion theory, primary health care principles and the Ottawa Charter

for Health Promotion (WHO 1986).

 State a clear goal for the intervention with 2-3 objectives and impact indicators

that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound (SMART).

 Consider a range of strategies for the proposed intervention as per the Ottawa

Charter for Health Promotion (WHO 1986); developing individual knowledge &

skills, strengthening community action, creating supportive environments,

developing healthy public policy development and, re-orienting services to

health. Strategies should be clearly linked to the objectives.

The Evaluation Plan should:

 Address both process and impact evaluation for the proposed intervention.

Depending on the type of intervention you have proposed, this may mean

selecting one or two components of it to evaluate in detail.

 Employ methods appropriate to the target group and be grounded in primary

health care principles.

 Provide the tool/s to be used to evaluate the program for process & impact.

Impact and Process evaluation can be combined into the one survey if


Proposed Format: adapted from Department of Human Services 2000 and 2009,

Victorian State Government, Department of Health, Australia.

1. Title & Description

List the title of your intervention and provide a brief description of it including what

activities/program elements will be involved, where the activity is to take place and the intended

target group you aim to reach.

2. Evidence of need

Provide a summary of the normative needs and fabricated felt needs assessment findings to

describe the health problem and supporting evidence for a community health intervention

promoting vegetables and fruit as a preventative strategy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

3 Rationale

Identify key supporting evidence from to justify the selection of the proposed intervention and

strategies. This should be concise and reflect that the intervention has a strong evidence base.

Examples of supporting evidence include: relevant health & nutrition policies, theories

underpinning the proposed program (health promotion theory, primary health care principles, adult

learning principles) and examples of successful interventions from the literature.

4. Location/Publicity/Promotion

How will you maximise accessibility, availability and affordability of activities for your target group?

How will the intervention be advertised / publicised to reach the target group?

5. Program Detail

Written as the Goal, 2-3 Objectives and Strategies for your intervention. The goal and objectives

must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific (SMART). You can document

these using a table or report style format.

6. Evaluation Indicators and Tools

Articulate the process and impact indicators to be measured and the tools to be used. A table

format is recommended (see example). The tool/s should contain the evaluation questions you

have formulated and be inserted in an appendix.


The changes you

aim to achieve


The activities

you will do to

achieve the





How you will

know you

achieved the





How you will

know strategies

were good

quality and

implemented as


Data Collection

Methods & Tools

How you will measure the

Process & Impact





Reach of


Quality of

strategies <<<<<< I will send you like appendix because it is not clear

7. Evaluation Design and Data Collection Methods

Describe how you will evaluate the proposed intervention for Process and Impact. The description

should include justification for the selected methods with reference to literature and be grounded in

primary health care principles. Discussion should also consider practical issues such as: how the

methods are to be implemented, any limitations of the chosen methodology, potential barriers to

implementation and how you can maximise response rates, how the data will be an*****d (i.e.

what data analysis technique you will use) and how results/findings will be disseminated (ie

appropriate audiences and formats).

8. Consultation and Collaboration

Identify individuals and organisations that will collaborate in the project.

9. Timeline/ Resources

Specify a reasonable timeline for all tasks to be completed, who will be responsible, when the

tasks should be undertaken, resources required and a completion date.

10. Budget

Estimate the amount of money required to develop, implement and evaluate the program.

Describe sources where this funding will be obtained.

Assessment Criteria (30 marks)

1. Program Proposal (14 marks)

 Evidence of need and rationale is strongly justified, contains relevant data,

adequate depth, logical conclusions, succinct, evidence of wider reading.

 Program proposal demonstrates understanding of health promotion theory,

primary health care and Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO 1986).

 Goal, Objectives and Strategies are clearly articulated.

 Program proposal is logical, detailed and practical.

2. Evaluation Plan (14 marks)

2.1 Addresses Impact evaluation (7 marks)

 Objectives and Impact Indicators are clearly articulated.

 Evaluation design is logical, practical and reasonable.

 Appropriate for target group and grounded in primary health care principles.

 Impact evaluation data collection methods and tools assess the extent to which

Objectives & Impact Indicators were attained.

 Evaluation questions are relevant, useful and use appropriate language.

2.2 Addresses Process evaluation (7 marks)

 Strategies and Process Indicators are clearly articulated.

 Evaluation design is logical, practical and reasonable.

 Appropriate for target group and grounded in primary health care principles.

 Process evaluation data collection methods and tools assess the Reach &

Quality of strategies.

 Evaluation questions are relevant, useful and use appropriate language.

3. Overall presentation (2 marks)

 Complete as per *****˜standard format*****.

 Appropriate language, grammar, spelling.

 Within page limit.

 Referencing system correctly and consistently applied (Harvard system).

 Data presentation creative.

I have my friend*****'s answer that help you how this answer. I have lecures about this, so I will send you after you accept its

and I want this ***** assco5522


How to Reference "Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan" Essay in a Bibliography

Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan” 2010.
”Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan. Published 2010. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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