Thesis on "Professional Code of Conduct Ethics"

Thesis 4 pages (1347 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

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Professional Code of Conduct: Ethics

In the healthcare profession, it is vitally important to maintain a standard of ethics and a code of conduct. This provides a platform upon which doctors and patient can interact, as well as resolve any possible disputes. While all graduates from medical schools no longer formally take the Hippocratic oath (Green, 2009), the main premise behind its principles remains intact in all medical facilities. Basic principles such as autonomy and informed consent, beneficence and nonmaleficence, distribution of care, confidentiality and truthfulness from part of the ethical code at any medical establishment, and of healthcare practice in general.

The Baptist Health Facility in South Florida is no exception to this. Its personnel are expected to follow a certain code of conduct in their work with patients. Patients are to feel that they have received excellent care during their stay at the hospital.

One of the principles advocated by Baptist Health is Community Benefit and Charity Care. This fits into the category of beneficence and nonmaleficence. In this principle, the patient is not to come to any harm or denied treatment that can prevent harm during their stay. Specifically, Baptist Health manifests this as respectful treatment and care for those with emergency situations. Care is provided without regard of ability or source of payment. As such, Baptist Health recognizes its role and responsibility as healthcare provider to all citizens within the community it serves. Charity care is provided to persons who meet the criteria established for such situations.

The principle of Beneficence and Nonmalefic
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ence is however not without its challenges. While Baptist Health professes to provide emergency care to all persons in need of such services, the practical application of such care should also be taken into account. Indeed, where there are limited resources and time, there are also limitations to the ability to "do good." When emergencies are too many to provide adequate or timely care, priority should be given to the most urgent cases, for example, with the rest either waiting or being referred to other facilities.

A further limitation is the ability to pay. Healthcare facilities need money to implement the latest technology in order to adequately serve their patients. They simply cannot subscribe to the beneficence principle without adequate access to financial resources to ensure that their patients may expect this. At some point, there will need to be a compromise between doing good and gaining funds to continue doing good.

Providing charity care to those meeting certain criteria is an aspect of this. Those with financial problems can be accommodated only because those with medical aid schemes can pay for their service. Once again, a careful balance is needed between charity and payment cases in order to ensure that the hospital fulfills its function adequately and with the necessary attention to its mission as a healthcare provider to the community.

Baptist Health also subscribes to the principle of "Quality of Care," which can be seen as an aspect of the Ethics of Distribution. In this, Baptist's aim is to provide a high quality of care to all types of persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual preference, national origin or disability. The facility sees its function within this principle as distributing its resources fairly among all the patients in need of their services.

Here also, financial considerations take a subordinate position to the needs of the patient. Fairness is ensured by determining clinical decisions such as tests, treatment and other forms of intervention solely according to the established needs of the patient. The aim of the hospital in this aspect is to provide a high quality of care not only to all emergency patients, but also to all patients who come to the hospital with non-emergency needs. In this way, the fairness of distribution principle is closely connected with beneficence and non-maleficence.

The principle also brings with it the same dilemma; how to obtain a balance between funding needs and the drive to care for the community. Furthermore, managed care issues such as Medicaid… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Professional Code of Conduct Ethics" Assignment:

From the *****professional code of conduct***** or *****professional standards***** ( a health professinal, analyze your professional code from an ethical perspective by identifying 3 to 5 ethical concepts from the list below that are reflected in the professional code of conduct (example: The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses has four principle elements of professionalism. Within these elements is the duty to "hold in confidence personal information." This relates to ethical principles of confidentiality). The manuscript will be double-spaced with 1" margins on all four sides. The pages are to be numbered consecutively, beginning with the first page of text (insert page numbers on bottom right corner). Please use a 12-pt plain font such as Times New Roman. And a reference page. References must be cited in the text and in the reference list using the APA 5.0 (or later) edition format

Principles of Autonomy and Informed Consent

The patient and dignity

Patient's right to determination

Incompetent patients and surrogates

Beneficence and Nonmaleficence

The limits of "doing good"

Exploration of "double effect" and "wedge" principles

How to reconcile patient's autonomy and provider's beneficence

The Ethics of Distribution

Healthcare as a scarce resource

How to distribute health care fairly?

Discuss the need of the individual vs. contribution to society

The impact of managed care on distribution

Principles of Confidentiality and Truthfulness

Patient's right to know the truth

Patient-provider relationship and confidentiality

Exception to the obligation of confidentiality

Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics

The need for professionals to police themselves and protect patients


Ethics committees and professional codes of conduct


Analysis of Principles & Foundations of Professional Code

Identification of the principles upon which the code is built

Explanation of each principle and how it applies to the profession

Quality of Discussion and Analysis:

Demonstrates Logical Thoughts and provides clear explanation of role and responsibilities towards patients.

Demonstrates thorough understanding of code of ethics, its strengths and limitations

Provides concrete examples to illustrate points brought up, provides clear analysis of current procedures within the workplace, or provides adequate suggestions to set up procedures.

Quality of Paper-Organization :

Adherence to format and style requirements

Grammatically and typographically correct and is 4 pages

How to Reference "Professional Code of Conduct Ethics" Thesis in a Bibliography

Professional Code of Conduct Ethics.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Professional Code of Conduct Ethics (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Professional Code of Conduct Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Professional Code of Conduct Ethics” 2009.
”Professional Code of Conduct Ethics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Professional Code of Conduct Ethics”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Professional Code of Conduct Ethics [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Professional Code of Conduct Ethics. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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