Essay on "Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating"

Essay 5 pages (1504 words) Sources: 8 Style: Harvard

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Product from the Standpoint of Quality

Evaluating the quality management processes and systems in place at the manufacturer of a balsa wood glider purchased for purposes of this analysis is completed in this paper. As the manufacturer creates expectations through the use of their merchandising and the use of Customer Relationship Management systems (Galbreath & Rogers, 1999) to sell into the retail chain where the glider was purchased from., an evaluation of how accurate these perceptions are to actual user experience are evaluated. Second, the form, fit and function of the glider relative to its representation on the box is evaluated, as are the instructions. Third, the quality of the components in an product tend to indicate the quality management processes in place (Rodchua, 2009). Specifically the process areas of quality control are apparent in the final delivered product. Consistency of form, fit and function of the items in the kit also indicate how well the internal departments of the manufacturer are working together. The instructions are also a good indicator of how effective coordination is handled throughout the manufacturer as well. This paper critiques the quality management strategies of the manufacturer of the balsa wood glider


Visiting a local hobby store to purchase a balsa wood glider, it was immediately apparent from the how the retailer had lined the store's front shelves that Radio Controlled (RC) units are the big sellers in motorized and self-propelled gliders and planes. The balsa wood gliders were along the back row of the store. Comparing over two dozen models of gliders, the one chosen included an elongated r
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ubber band called a rubber thread that promised to propel the glider 150 feet. Text on the packaging had been written for a grade school vocabulary and also included graphics accentuating how far and fast it would fly. These were all product decisions that reflect the target markets' preference for features and communications, most likely emanating from the manufacturers' CRM system (Galbreath & Rogers, 1999). The packaging set a high expectation as to speed, distance, ease of assembly and form, fit and function. This expectation was used as the reference point to evaluate how the many systems and processes within the company combined to ensure they were met. As the flyer's packaging said this same design had been in existence since 1940, it was inferred that the manufacturer valued stability and lack of change in their organizational culture as well. A company's ability to manage change and also attain its objectives is called change management and is an indicator of how successful quality management programs will be over the long-term (Kraines, 2001).

Literature Survey

Inherent in the delivery of any product is the ability of an organization to develop a shared vision of what the product quality level will be (Foster & Gallup, 86). These functional differences between departments in an organization must be unified by a common set of benchmarks and measures of quality management if the shared mission is to be fulfilled. In many organizational cultures, engineering-centric perspectives of product development, quality and interprocess integration dominate, emanating from the historical perspective of quality management and statistical process control in manufacturing (90). To the extent these processes within the manufacturer are synchronized with each other is the extent to which they will be able to form the foundation for exceptional customer service as well (Parasuraman, 2002). The greater the interprocess integration, the greater the potential in any organization to achieve continuous process improvement to their quality management objectives (Kruger, 147) and their greater freedom from mass inspections for quality management as well (148). From coercion and continual auditing to creating a culture of quality that stresses prevention of the causes of defects (153), Total Quality Management (TQM) is a series of concepts, frameworks and strategies organizations can use to accomplish their quality management objectives and transform their cultures in the process.

TQM and its many frameworks and strategies involve everyone in the company (Kruger, 154). While Deming warned against relying purely on scorecards and quantifying employee performance (Kruger, 149) there is a strong focus on performance management (Parker, 2000). Deming felt that this would lead to less ownership of quality as a core value in companies and that quality needed to be an internalized value by every member of the company (Kruger, 154). This is not the case in the majority of companies, and therefore change management strategies are critical for overcoming resistance to change that quality management initiatives often require (Wilkinson, 1998). Leveraging, engaging, aligning and developing (LE.A.D) leadership concepts are the foundation of successful change management strategies (Kraines, 29). It is relatively easy to plan out quality management strategies cognitively, yet to gain emotional support for them requires leadership, trust and the ability to gain the cooperation of employees to ensure they become engrained into the core business processes of the company. The ability to create lasting change to processes, systems, and people is critical for the core values of quality management including TQM to permeate an organization (Kruger, 2001).

Justification of Argument

In evaluating the balsa wood glider, the immediate observation is that the claims made on the packaging creates expectations that would be difficult to attain even under ideal conditions. The kit's packaging states that an Exacto knife is required in addition to pliers and an artist's brush. In fact only the more advanced examples required these items. The Exacto knife was necessary for ensuring a high degree of form and fit for the model, yet the painting would have required a well-ventilated room and actually several brushes for each of the colors included in the kit. This was one of many errors and inaccuracies in the instructions. The kit had not changed in decades, as the copyright on the bottom of the instruction sheet was from the previous century.

Professional Presentation

The presentation of the actual contents of the model were packaged more for expediency and clearly were designed to fit in as small and inexpensive of a container as possible. The packaging was clear plastic and was punctured at the top to hang on a display. Even though the contents included a small package of paints and intricate, fragile items, the entire package looked to be designed more for shipping through the mail than protecting its contents. The wafer-thin balsawood was brittle to the touch and also had splintering around the sizes, and the "rubber thread" or rubber band was left in the package by itself without any protection around it. In rough shipping conditions it is feasible the rubber thread could catch on an item in the kit and snap balsa wood components in half, making the entire kit unusable.

Assembly was relatively straightforward and if paining had been involved, it would have easily taken four hours. This is the one aspect of the marketing on the packaging that aligned with the expectations created. All other aspects of the product, from its first flight of twenty feet in windless conditions to the snapping of the "rubber thread" against the body of the plane that made it wobble in flight, were a disappointment. The tenuous nature of the entire plane's construction was apparent when it crash landed in grass. The rear tail fin fell off. I would not purchase another of these from this manufacturer again.

From a quality management standpoint, there was a major variation between what was promised on the package and what was delivered in performance. The wider the variation of these two attributes the greater the lack of trust in a manufacturers' products, and the lesser the potency of quality management strategies. The balsa wood glider illustrated that it is relatively easy to get consistency of processes to produce a mediocre product. It would have taken much greater commitment to quality for… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating" Assignment:

Assignment 1

Description Length

Assignment 1 1000*****“1500 words

This assignment requires you to evaluate a product from the view point of quality, both quality of design (as perceived by the user) and quality of conformance.

To ensure that we are all dealing with the same thing, you are required to purchase a small

flying toy. A kite, boomerang, ready-to-fly model or balsa-wood glider should be suitable.

Make sure it is intended to fly, as this will be a major dimension to test. These should be readily available from model shops, toy shops or even newsagents.

. You should not invest in a built-up, tissue-covered flying model unless you are already familiar with model construction and wish to extend your skill. The successful completion of such a model requires a greater

investment of time and money than is desirable for this assignment. I do not envisage you spending more than $10 to $15 , hopefully a lot less. Any flying toy in this price

range will be acceptable.

These are intended as children*****s toys, so your evaluation may well include some testing with the intended users.

Write a report on the quality of your chosen purchase, considering value to the user, and also quality of conformance. In this case this can be assessed by comparing what is actually

delivered to what is promised or described by the packaging and/or instructions included.

Some of the points which should be addressed might be:

● In most shops, you should have a choice between different brands or sizes of toy. Why

did you choose this one?

● Assess the instructions *****“ complete, easy to understand?

● How well does it fly? If you know of other students, make comparison trials.

● How durable is it?

● What is your perception of *****˜value*****?

● What advice or suggestions would you make to the manufacturers?

Relate the points you consider to the dimensions of quality, discussing both attributes and

variables. Follow a report format. Keep it brief, so long as you cover the topic. Note that you

are assessing the product, not merely describing it. You should consider using some

paragraph headings suggested by your reading of the text to relate it to theory.

You should rely on at least eight (8) independent quality sources as supportive evidence,

which may include websites, book chapters and journal papers.

When quotations or ideas from a text, publication or Internet site are used, the source must

be cited in the correct Harvard referencing style. Failure to cite sources as they are used will

be regarded as plagiarism and could result in the failure of the assignment or the course.


To assist the marker to give feedback on the assignment, all assignments should be submitted

using 1.5 or 2 line spacing. Both these assignments require formal reports *****“ refer to the

Communications skills handbook if you are not familiar with the requirements.

The sequence and the style is.

Executive summary


Literature survey

Justification of argument

Professional presentation

Conclusions and recommendations

After the Executive summary, you should start with Introduction. In the introduction introduce the issue of your report.

Literature review could be a separate section or parts of other sections.

After the introduction, try to configure different section related to the problem under consideration. In regard to assignment 1, sections such as the following can be used: product specification, quality consideration, experiment.

End your report with conclusion.

The emphasis on literature review is that: you should relate statement concerning the product and its quality to concepts, opinion, results stated in other research work.

You need to examine the product and evaluate whether the design (material, assembly, safety issues, etc.) is suitable to be used by children (specify the age). Quality dimension is a reference to quality perspective (see Section Defining Quality *****“pages 12-17 of the text).

The assignment should:

● be the expression of your own work:

● be consistent with the report format. If you are not familiar with the requirements of a

formal report, refer to the Communication skills handbook

● demonstrate that you have made an adequate literature survey and understood the

materials provided

● comprise a convincing and logical argument

● involve adequate justification for your opinions, conclusions and recommendations

● cite all of your sources of information

● be free from spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors

● be within the specified word limit.


please ues the text book below (important).

Title: managing for qualty and performance exce

Call No. 658.562 Eva

Author Evans, James R.

Title Managing for quality and performance excellence/ James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay.

Title Management and control of quality (Evans : 7th ed.)

Edition 7th ed.

Publisher Mason, OH : Thomson/South-Western, c2008.

Subject Quality control.

Subject Total quality management.

Subject Quality assurance.

Added Entries Evans, James R. 1950- Management and control of quality.

Added Entries Lindsay, William M.

Notes Previously published under title: The management and control of quality

How to Reference "Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating" Essay in a Bibliography

Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating” 2009.
”Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Product From the Standpoint of Quality Evaluating. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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