Essay on "Information Systems and Their Efficiency"

Essay 33 pages (11200 words) Sources: 25

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This CRM software will be crucial to tracking customer satisfaction and help-desk efficiency. Thus, as per Puchbauer, in evaluating performance on the basis of goal achievement, he would like to be capable of stating that their issue was 'X' as they weren't able to carry out 'Y'- now they can conduct 'Y'. As a result, customers were served more effectively, business processes have been simplified, and the team can measure and sustain success Bayan, 2004)

2. Understand your customer

President and CEO of ePeople, Anthony Lye states that a help-desk manager must start off by understanding customers as well as their environment. He explains that it is first essential to ascertain whether the help-desk takes process workers or knowledge workers. The latter are highly proficient analysts supporting complex services or products, while the former answer the more superfluous requests, which have comparatively simple solutions. Given the diverse customers served by the help-desk, Lye is of the view that knowledge workers must be evaluated on contribution, analysis of root cause, and correctness of answers, while process workers must be evaluated on call closure, call volume, resolution time, and response time. Further, Lye stated that help-desk managers must have tools for managing performance of the team. By highlighting competences, development needs, and keeping track of service levels, managers can attain satisfaction and service objectives (Bayan, 2004)

3. Hire the appropriate skill sets

Network administrator for Central Arizona's United Cerebral Palsy, Ray Zorz, highlighted the significance of assimilating the right proficiencies and
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talent for one's help-desk staff- this task also requires some talent. Zorz warns that in the process of team-building for a proprietary item, it is not always easy to find folks who are already knowledgeable on it. He suggests that one may find people to employ from one's customer base. In case of a generic help-desk that handles desktop support, he further suggests that an assortment of proficiency sets will prove useful. Eventually, they can all be cross-trained; however, it is beneficial to hire some having operating system skills, and some with desktop software aptitude. But, in Zorz's view, personality is the main attribute one must seek. For instance, he says that they employed several individuals from DeVry, but sought candidates having a background that required people skills- jobs where one works closely with society, like bank tellers and waiters; another good source is internal administration staff. He claims to turn many administrative assistants into first-rate support staff, and often, they are very loyal and grateful for being put onto a fresh career path. After forming the ideal team, one should constantly be alert and attentive. Help-desks require efforts as a team; the manager should inform team members concerning how the unit, and the individuals who constitute it, are being measured. He states that anomalies should be studied, their causes deciphered, and prevention measures worked out. However, these evaluations shouldn't just be based on numbers- some representatives will be quicker than others, some will receive more difficult issues to deal with, and at times, a rare occurrence will skew numbers. Finally, many representatives burn out taking call after call. Thus, if possible, something else should be figured out for personnel to do from time-to-time, such as a documentation project or quality assessment (Bayan, 2004).

Module 2- Discussion Question (1 page)

Information is political. Regulating information could be power. Assessment of data outcomes can significantly impact careers. People make money simply by being creators of data. Failing to recognize such situations can limit the career of inexperienced information systems professionals. Organizations, departments and people are all capable of creating different political systems for safeguarding and controlling how their information resources are managed (Finney, 2013). Relying on instructional technologies can impact short-term contractual personnel, who are supposed to employ new technology. Part-time workforce must then devote valuable time being trained in recent technology rather than carrying out crucial tasks. This can cause differential employment of individuals specialized in technology, loss of income and employment security, and potential damage to course content (Negotiating the Use of Information Technology for the University Environment, n.d).

The long-standing idea that IT has three key dimensions- people, technology and process- is true even today. Underlying every successful technological implementation is a set of talented individuals who ensure that everything happens as per specifications, for meeting the requirements of faculty and students. Recruitment and retention of exceptional staff having the required skills, knowledge, and attitudes isn't a simple feat. The needs of modern-day IT work-forces are poles apart from their past requirements. A wide range of skills sets are needed for fast-evolving roles. The IT field has always required professionals to retool and retrain for being capable of designing and supporting the newest technologies. Therefore, continuous technical skill evolution is nothing new. However, the models that provide and support technical services are fluctuating today. These changes necessitate personnel to be skilled at retooling, as well as capable of radically transforming their roles. Also, these roles demand an entirely new skill set. Retaining talented employees demands a philosophy of teamwork that encourages and supports individual and team growth. Management should foster an energetic workplace wherein individuals feel appreciated and diversity is treasured. Management should also understand that employees' job satisfaction views depend on collective experiences, which range from salaries to the organizational culture of water-cooler talks. Leaders should remember that all employees have unique communication methods and issues, therefore retention, at times, will mean one-to-one meetings to comprehend employee needs and assist them in realizing their role in the broader institutional and IT strategy. Members should feel involved with the firm and the mission it represents, and should feel that their efforts are aligned with something significant (e.g., mission); this gives them a sense of purpose, with which they will be more liable to stay dedicated to the organization. However, such long-standing commitments also bring with them the hope of continued career advancement and skill development opportunities (Grajek, 2015).


Bayan, R. (2003, December 23). Setting up a successful help desk -- physical considerations. Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

Bayan, R. (2004, January 6). Try these efficiency strategies when setting up a successful help desk. Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

Finney, R. (2013). The Politics of information and projects. ItmMWeb Research. Retrieved from

Grajek, S. (2015, January 12). Top 10 IT Issues, 2015: Inflection Point (EDUCAUSE Review) | Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

Ironbridge LLC (2007). Enterprise Architecture and a Federated IT Governance Model Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

Negotiating the Use of Information Technology for the University Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

Positioning public child welfare guidance (PPCWG). (n.d a). Governance Structure. Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

Positioning public child welfare guidance (PPCWG). (n.d b). Decision-Making and Power Relationships. Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

Mod 3

Module 3 -- Case (4 pages)

The IT corporate office provides less support to the businesses that are small, so for organizations like that, a much less complicated and easy to manage network is appropriate to work with. In order to gain the acquired results, a simple approach would be required; despite the small size of the business, it should be able to have a proper support of computer. A food store network smaller in size should permit its members to share hardware like printers as well as the store information. Such organizations should fulfill their networking needs by having one LAN along with two servers (Breeding, 2013).

For any computer, the proper design structure of a network is required, be it at home or office. The design is required to be present before connecting and installing the software and hardware. So it is important that a proper design network is available before making the plan or collecting the essentials in order to avoid any future problems in creating a reliable and secure network. When making a design it is important to keep in mind the size and type of business. The different hardware will include devices like routers, modems, data cables, switches etc. The network design structure that is designed by the technicians is based on factors like Internet, Protocol, and Topology. According to the needs, a rough design of the network geometry or topology is made which is then used by the Ethernets. The setup of protocol would clear the rules and point the signals to the computer in order to communicate. According to the setup of LAN, the TCP/IP protocols would be used. Easy and simple setups of network design are made with configuration of peer-to-peer (Computer Network Structure - Design and Implementation, n.d).

Securing and protecting the network

A network needs securing because it would ensure its protection from the attacks that originate from internal as well as external part of the company, as well as making sure that the network is able to perform the tasks it was appointed to perform. Traditionally, the programmers consider these requirements which also includes point solutions, user device… READ MORE

How to Reference "Information Systems and Their Efficiency" Essay in a Bibliography

Information Systems and Their Efficiency.”, 2015, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Information Systems and Their Efficiency (2015). Retrieved from (2015). Information Systems and Their Efficiency. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Information Systems and Their Efficiency” 2015.
”Information Systems and Their Efficiency”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Information Systems and Their Efficiency”,, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Information Systems and Their Efficiency [Internet]. 2015 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Information Systems and Their Efficiency. Published 2015. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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