Term Paper on "Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society"

Term Paper 6 pages (1919 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

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Violent Crime

How to Prevent Violent Crime in My Personal and Professional Life

The recent past has witnessed a significant increase in the rates of insecurity and violence across different global societies. In response to this, communities have adopted different strategies that aim at preventing the losses brought by the violence and enhance social security. Among the strategies adopted in the past, include investing in investigations and police patrols in efforts to curb the effects associated with violence. However, the strategies have been futile because there has been an increase in the violence rates irrespective of the strategies adopted. As such, it has led to a shift in the focus of the strategies adopted in response from patrol and investigations to the development of crime prevention programs. The investigation programs aim at promoting cooperation between the necessary stakeholders and adoption of proactive approaches to respond effectively to the increasing rates of crime (Texas, 2014). Therefore, this essay discusses the different personal and professional ways that I can employ as a Commissioned Security Officer to prevent violence.

As a qualified Commissioned Security Officer, preventing violent crimes in the communities will begin by focusing on the need for strengthening the provision of community education programs aiming at awareness creation. Prevention of crimes in the community begins with the establishment of programs that aim at making them aware of the conditions that make them victims of violent crimes. Educating the community members entails providing them vital information related with a crime such as the pattern of crimes,
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prevalence, predisposing factors, and strategies applicable for its prevention. Gilligan (2001) states that educating the members of the community on the fundamentals of crime prevention. It entails educating them on minimizing opportunities that predispose them to violent crimes such as walking alone late at night, exposing their money in the public and walking in-group at night hours. As such, creating awareness among the community members helps in minimizing the rates of violent crimes and associated effects.

Involving the community in the establishment of projects that aim at reducing the rates of crime contributes to the prevention and reduction of violent crime rates. Community involvement encourages community empowerment and sustainability of the projects adopted to reduce crime rates hence, providing long-term prevention of violent crimes in the community. Apart from this, activities such as celebrating with the community the accomplishments realized after the implementation of a security program proves effective in preventing the rates of violent crimes in the society. U.S. (2001) recognize that celebrating the accomplishments of the community in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the planned project revitalizes and/or promote the development of activities that build the pride of the community. Such events results to the sustainability of the communities in relation to the adopted program.

As a Commissioned Security Officer, seeking citizen volunteers can be used to prevent the increasing rates of violent in the community. In this case, some members of the society are trained on issues related with security and manned with the responsibility of reporting any suspicious activity that might suggest violent crime to the security bodies. The trained community members also provide the society with uniformed presence in places where the police or other security personnel are not deployed. The approach is applicable to areas characterized by understaffed security personnel. Aside from heightening the security of the community in reducing the rates of violent crimes, the strategy also helps in expanding the communication between the residents and the police on matters related to their security. The realization of this approach depends on the involvement of a variety of stakeholders in the community. Such stakeholders include the religious organizations, community-based organizations and the non-governmental organizations to ensure proper surveillance of the safety of the members of the community (Gilligan, 2001).

In addition, providing training opportunities to the volunteers proves effective in ensuring prevention of violent crime in the community. Individuals interested in providing help in reducing crime in the community take part in police training conferences to provide them with the necessary skills for preventing violent crimes. Providing training opportunities such as proper radio signaling procedures, first aid, and investigative training enhances the surveillance of the security status of the community. The trained personnel update the security bodies on safety concerns and crime trends in the community hence, ensuring safety, and security of the members of the community (Workplace, n.d.).

Similarly, the use of strategies such as environmental designs proves effective in preventing incidences of violent crimes in the society. The environmental designs also known as crime prevention using the environmental design programs aim at building an environment that prevents opportunities for crime by deterring them. The strategy facilitates this by creating a safe, clean and well-lighted environment with the key aim of preventing and reducing the incidences of violent crimes in the community. In addition, the strategy designs the environment in a manner that reduces and removes any identifiable crime risks. Principles of environmental design such as access control, visibility, security hardware, maintenance, and resistance to vandalism promote to the creation of an environment that promotes early identification and management of the identified crimes (Texas, 2014).

In addition, prevention of violent crime can be achieved in a community set up by coming up with prevention programs on the local cable television, a strategy considered effective in preventing violent crimes. It is possible to prevent violent crimes by using the public access cables connected to the televisions and surveillance cameras in crime prevention and spotlighting crime efforts. While using the television cable programs, the strategy focuses on educating residents on issues associated with prevention of crimes and effective ways of responding to an event of violent crime. Many people do not understand the successful strategies and the complementary programs in the communities that can help in the prevention of violent crimes. As stated by Gilligan (2001), the use of regular cable television programming promotes openness, dialogues, and commitment of the involved stakeholders in adopting strategies aiming at creating a safe environment that prevents violent crimes.

According to different motivational theories, providing incentives to individuals promote the adoption and reinforcement of the desired behavior. As such, the same applies to prevention of violent crimes in the society. For example, rewards such as money for crime tips prove effective in preventing violent crimes by encouraging reporting of crimes. Through the provision of incentives and anonymity of the individuals who report individuals who engage in criminal activities, the rates of violent crimes reduce due to the creation of a safe environment. Such reports provided by the members of the community helps the law enforcement bodies to apprehend criminal suspects, a factor that leads to the reduction of crime rates, drug trafficking, and recovery of stolen property. However, adoption of effective supportive strategies such as dispensing rewards to individuals that provide valuable tips and assigning individuals to follow up the reported cases ensure success of this approach (Workplace, n.d.).

Moreover, providing directories of services is another strategy considered professional for facilitating the realization of the desired security objectives. Providing directories services by the local agencies enable the residents, other stakeholders, and the police officers to identify opportunities to refer those in need of the security services. It is recognizable that members of the community require the provision of security services by the security agencies within the community. As such, providing directory services increase awareness in the community to the available security services and those in need can easily access hence, prompt response to issues related to insecurity. Law enforcement will receive significant support and realization of the goals of the violent crime prevention if the corporate sectors, businesses, the other community members are provided with education related to security issues. Informed population is better equipped to protect itself, its interests, and surrounding communities from violent crimes. As such, this makes it easy for the security bodies to monitor the incidences of violent crimes in the community (U.S., 2001).

Aside the above strategies, empowering the housing residents to take charge of their neighborhood proves effective in promoting the prevention of violent video crimes. Residents help the law enforcement bodies to remain secure by reducing activities such as drug activity that increases the risk of violence in the community. They do so by reporting any incidence of illegal activity to the involved authorities, coming up with patrols of the neighborhood, and screening new personnel to their buildings. Such crime prevention efforts improve the quality of life of the members of the society by reducing rates of the violent criminal acts (Texas, 2014).

According to Workplace (n.d.), broadening the available opportunities society members to express their feelings concerning crimes, safety, and other related issues using community discussions help prevent violent crime rates. Providing forums for discussion between the security stakeholders and the community provide them with opportunities to express their desires on the effective strategies applicable in reducing crime rates. In addition, coming up with highway watch program will help in preventing violent crimes in the community.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society" Assignment:

I need a 6 page paper on " How to Prevent Violent Crime in My Personal and Professional Lives". The paper should meet APA requirements and including a minimum of 4 citations( perferably Criminal Justice Websites). The quality should be appropriate for upper level undergraduate term paper.

Note: My professional life is a Commissioned Security Officer.

How to Reference "Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2014, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society (2014). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139
A1-TermPaper.com. (2014). Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society” 2014. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139.
”Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139.
[1] ”Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2014. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2014 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139
1. Strategies of Tackling Crime in the Society. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/prevent-violent-crime-personal-professional/3669139. Published 2014. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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