Research Proposal on "Predicted About the Year 2012"

Research Proposal 6 pages (2130 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

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predicted about the year 2012 have been debated extensively in recent years in many forums, forms and formats. This event refers to predictions of apocalyptic and extreme changes on earth by prophets, sages and even scientists that will occur in that year. Films, books, articles and Internet discussion have been devoted to this topic at many different levels of expertise. This has led to a wealth of data and speculative insight about the year 2012. These range from doomsday scenarios of the end of all life on earth to more positive views that predict transformation rather than the annihilation of the species. These views also includes religious perceptions that envisage the end of the present age of decadence and the decline of civilization

There are many competing theories about 2012, from ancient predictions of physical and spiritual transformation to scientific theories relating to the shift in the earth's magnetic poles, among others. What however is very clear from all these theories are that there is general assumption that something extremely dramatic will occur in 2012. As the saying goes, where there is smoke there must be fire, and there is at present certainly a great deal of 'smoke' or conjecture relating to this possible event.

One therefore has to come to the conclusion that there is a certain amount of truth to these ideas and predictions and that it would be foolish to ignore speculation just because it has not yet been conclusively and scientifically proven. In fact, as this study hopes to show, there is a great deal of mythical, philosophical and scientific validity to the predictions of an apocalyptic event will occur in 2012.

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per will therefore provide a brief overview of some of the most significant theories about 2012. Through an analysis and discussion of these theories it will be shown that the possibility of some major and even earth-shattering event that will take place in 2012 is extremely high. There is simply too much evidence and speculation for this not to be the case. The aim of this paper is therefore to show that the predictions about 2012 are extremely likely. While there may be differences as to the exact date and what precisely will occur, what is suggested is that an event will occur that will change the shape and direction of human civilization.

2. Theories

There are a plethora of views and theories that link 2012 to an apocalyptic event or events. The actual date that has been predicted on which these events will occur is December 21 or December 23, 2012. (MacDonald ) This date is based on the ancient Mayan calendar. The Mayans devised a calendar of time periods or cycles of time and history, which is referred to the Mayan Long Count calendar. It is based mainly on astronomical projections about the different ages that mankind will go through. It should also be noted that many predictions made by the ancient Mayans have been proven to be true. This fact adds a certain sense of authenticity and veracity to their predictions about 2012.

The Mayan calendar is also based on mathematical and astronomical knowledge. The Mayans were renowned for their intense and detailed astronomical insight. "The Mayans kept extremely detailed astronomical records and they followed the cycles of the planets and stars as they travel around in their orbits." (Mayan Predictions) According to the Mayan calendar we are presently in the fourth cycle of human history, which began in 3114B.C. And lasts for 5126 years until 2012.( Mayan Predictions) While this period of history is doomed to extinction, the fifth cycle is one of promise and a return to a deeper and more fruitful understanding of history.

There are two ways of looking at the projection made by the Mayan calendar. It either "….heralds a doomsday of apocalyptic proportions -- or the dawning of a golden age in consciousness." (2012 Doomsday: Science or Superstition?) This is an important point as many people do not realize that 2012 is perceived in many predictions and myths as being not only a time of destruction but also a time of transformation and change for the human race. As stated, the Mayan myths in fact predict that after the apocalypse of 2012 there will be a new age of peace and prosperity.

It is also important to note that the Mayan predictions of the end of the present age are not unique in human myth and perceptions of reality. The mythical model of cyclical changes in human life on this planet is a common myth that is found in many cultures and religious views of the universe. In fact that Mayan myth alludes to the view that there are very positive factors related to this envisaged change. As one commentator notes, the Mayan predictions are a "…metaphysical interpretation of this transition posits that, during this time, the planet and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, 2012 marking the beginning of a new era of consciousess experience." (December 21, 2012). At the same time these events are also predicted to be devastating in terms of social and physical upheaval on earth.

There are of course many opponents of this theory and those who claim that the Mayan writings have been misinterpreted. However, as an expert on Mayan myth states; "Not all Mayan Elders would agree. Many adhere to the theory of a spiritual transformation taking place, culminating on December 21, 2012." (December 21, 2012)

The prediction about 2012 are not only limited to writings from the Mayan civilization. The North American indigenous people, the Hopi also have a similar myth that refers to apocalyptic events during the same approximate time period. Interestingly, the Hindu time calendars are also very similar or the Mayan. "Hindu calendars also corroborate the Mayan predictions though both these civilization had no contact with each other." (December 21, 2012 Fact or Fiction?) The Hindu predictions refer to the end of the Dark Era or Kali Yuga in 2012 and the beginning of a new phase of human existence. It is well worth considering that these very different and geographically separate cultures produced such similar results with regard to 2012.

3. New age views

The new age or more contemporary views of the predictions about 2012 are varied. A common theme is that while apocalyptic events will occur, the predictions are more about transformation and regeneration than destruction. This is the view that is also evident in modern books, the media and in the latest popular film on the subject -- 2012. This film is based on the Mayan predictions that while the world as we know it will be devastated and changed forever, it is also a time of new beginnings. Therefore, in general, a new age interpretation of this transitional period "…posits that, during this time, the planet and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era." (2012 Doomsday: Science or Superstition?)

Among the many films and books dealing with this subject is Nocturne, which focuses in what takes place when a small group of people survive a wide-scale apocalyptic event. A similar theme is explored in the TV series 2013. (2012 Blog)

These popular visions of the future are countered to a certain degree by rational science. Conventional scientists are generally opposed to predictions of this nature as they do no conform to the evidence-based methods of quantitative scientific research. However, more recently some scientists have begun to acknowledge the possibility of extreme changes in the earth that may occur in the very near future. For example, the idea of a shift in the earth's magnetic field that would result a change in the rotation of the planet could possibly bring about changes in the surface structure - with devastating results as depicted in the film 2012. This pole shift has in fact already been detected by scientists and seems to underscore and support the mythical predictions about an apocalyptic event in the future.

Off the coast of Chile, there are areas in the ocean where the compass points to Antarctica and tells you that it's north. There are eight or 10 of these spots, the size of Australia, in the ocean where the poles, the direction of the compass, have already shifted. (2012 Doomsday: Science or Superstition? 2.)

Furthermore, scientists also agree that there is a regular cycle and re-occurrence of pole reversals every 400, 000 years, which again seems to concur with ancient predictions. (2012 Possibilities) Therefore some scientists are of the opinion that there is evidence that extreme changes in the planet have already begun.

There are also a number of modern theories that suggest the veracity of ancient myths and predictions. These include the view that there are other possible scenarios that could lead to an apocalyptic event as described in the Mayan texts. For example, there is the theory that an asteroid or meteor may… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Predicted About the Year 2012" Assignment:

Persuade the reader that the 2012 event will happen by explaining what is going to happen on this date without using the word "i believe, or in my opinion". In other words don't state your opinion. By explaining the theory on 2012 and how it has cause so much controversy. How people are already preparing, the books that have come out, the movie that was made on 2012, the documentaries on the history channel.

How to Reference "Predicted About the Year 2012" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Predicted About the Year 2012.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Predicted About the Year 2012 (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Predicted About the Year 2012. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Predicted About the Year 2012” 2009.
”Predicted About the Year 2012”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Predicted About the Year 2012”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Predicted About the Year 2012 [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Predicted About the Year 2012. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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