Term Paper on "Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite"

Term Paper 4 pages (1064 words) Sources: 5

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Theory building is requisite to the arranged production of knowledge that is in occupational therapy. Theory nurtures both the expansion of expressed knowledge and the organization of knowledge for practice and education. A diversity of hypothetical and practice-oriented models can be originated in the occupational therapy literature. Top-down philosophies aid occupational therapists in conceptualizing all of the aspects that are having an influence on influencing the individual presentation. Intervention-based models are the ones that are intended to more systematically outline the paces of the occupational therapy process which is designated for an assumed client. The models derive from a lot of different nations all over the world. For that reason, the emphasis of this paper is about two Occupational therapy theories to practice and how we can relate to research, Person Environment Occupation model and the Model of Occupational Empowerment All occupational therapy students international needs to recognize about the fundamental theory of their occupation and its request to practice.

The Model of Occupational Empowerment Theory

The emergent Model of Occupational Empowerment shows how a disempowering setting (including conditions for instance substance abuse, physical abuse, poverty violence, incomplete social support, and less than passable physical living circumstances) can lead to maladaptive habits and corrupt living. Sustained occupational deficiency happens when there is difficult issues for instance homeless? ness, unemployment, not having the chances to finish education, and reduced health and wellness. This occupational deficiency hel
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ps to last or deteriorate learned powerlessness by strengthening poor conduct patterns. Nevertheless, through occupational empowerment, those that are clients are able to start developing a hopeful self-distinctiveness and approaches of capability, which in the long run lead to optimistic occupational change. Vigorous occupational change is established when persons secure enduring living preparations, discover jobs, start getting education, and getting family harmony.

Clinical Reasoning

Relegated persons are those who live "on the border" of a civilization; they are frequently powerless, for an assortment of explanations, to take advantage of numerous of the several social and financial opportunities which border them. People that are homeless are just one instance of those who are downgraded (Fisher, 2008). Other estranged groups comprise individuals with mental illness, the jobless, minimum wage labors, and persons of color (Fisher, 2008). Occupational therapists now identify the position of planning programs for these persons. However, since occupational therapy facilities need to be re-introduced to the public, there is a necessity for theoretical models which can escort occupation-founded rehearsal in these unexplored surroundings (Fisher, 2008). It is believed that the Model of Occupational Empowennent has insinuations for numerous marginalized inhabitants, counting individuals who have deprived monetary resources, insufficient housing, and incomplete job and educational chances.

Figure 1: Model of Occupational Empowerment

Intervention Planning

Empowerment is the procedure of backing others in that are in the development of self-inventiveness and independence, so that they can come up with decisions that are wise, make noticeable fit and creative behaviors, and increase self-contentment and happiness. It is supposed that "To act empowered is to act insistently, to be conclusive, or to be thoughtful and self-assured about the movements of oneself or a collection, family, or public" (Broome, 2009). The rank of knowledge in serving the individual in… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite" Assignment:

This paper is about Occupational therapy theories to practice and how we can relate to research

Your paper is to address the question, *****What is the relation of theory to practice and research?*****

This should be an integrated and comprehensive discussion/definition of the relation of theory to practice and research based on a review of the occupational therapy literature. In order to illustrate and enhance your discussion, you may include original figures, drawings or tables. For the intro briefly discuss what will be discuss in the essay like a roap-map

You should address the application of theory to practice by addressing the relationship between:

-theory and clinical reasoning

-theory and intervention planning

-you need to either explain a theory or compare two theories and explain which you better prefer an example can be PEO vs. PEOP, or any other type of theory from Occupational therapy I will provide you the resources you can find the information needed.

Your paper must:

-be 5 pages, excluding the reference list and cover page (I do require reference page but not the cover page). I also need 10 peer reviews article cited throughout the paper. I will provide the articles

-follow the APA guidelines

-be written using Arial, 12 font

-include at least 10 reliable references (ex. Peer-reviewed journals)

Final paper scoring rubric

Organization -4 (this includes a logical flow of material and information. Includes introduction (and objective/purpose of paper statement), body, and summary/discussion. Appropriate headings and sub-headings are included.(Use Headings and subheadings because based on previous works my professor really liked them) Flow moves from general ideas to (a) specific conclusion (s)

Citations and references-5 (consistent use of correct apa 6th edition format throughout the document. Includes doi*****s in references, if applicable. All information that is considered common knowledge or is not the *****s own original thought/idea is properly cited. All citations have references and all references have citations.

Grammar-3 (minimal grammatical errors)

Writing style-5 (effectiveness of communication of information). Engages the reader with a clear and comprehensive overview of key elements. Logical order to ideas and natural transition of paragraphs

Content-5 (information is comprehensive, relevant to topic and stated objective/purpose. Summary/conclusion provides a logical and a realistic result of the information presented in the body. Major points are discussed in a clear, concise manner. Minimal use of quotations (maximum allowable=3)

I would like to add that my first language is not English so I*****m not expecting a perfect work however I encourage to have a perfect grammar since last paper from this source had a lot of mistakes. I wanted, it looks simple, clear, understandable, and enjoyable.

My professor likes a good introductions explaining what is going to be discuss in the paper, purpose, and brief conclusion.

Of course, plagiarism is not allowed under any circumstances. This paper will be put in turnitin.

No run-headings

To number the page #1 starts on first page not on the title page. I will do the title page. Please don*****'t do it.

Any question let me know.


How to Reference "Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756.
”Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756.
[1] ”Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756
1. Practice? Theory Building Is Requisite. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/practice-theory-building-requisite/564756. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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