Research Paper on "IT's Not Just PR"

Research Paper 7 pages (2114 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

PR: Public Relations in Society is an enterprise authors Coombs and Holladay took as a consequence to the gap they felt it was created between various opinions expressed by those who attacked the field and its real meaning. The tone they set is objective and free of any partisanship.

The introductory chapter of the book reveals the authors' intentions in expressing a correct attitude toward the subject of "public relations" from the point-of-view of both theorists and practitioners to the public. Their work is dedicated to explaining the concept and its benefits along with its negative side to the contemporary society. Their work comes as an additional point-of-view in order to complete the picture of "public relations" today: "important to us in writing this book are the role of public relations by non-corporate entities. These two topics are underdeveloped in the public relations literature and one of our motivations for writing this book." Coombs and Holladay (2007, p. 1)

The two authors' choice in presenting the topic starts with a review of the different approaches of the subject, mostly the critical voices who used famous negative examples such as Enron, Tyco and Health-South and athletes like Marion Jones, star of the 2000 Olympics team. Coombs and Holladay (2007), in order to mount argumentation in favor of a critical point-of-view of the field. They use the literature written on the subject both by media and PR professionals, practitioners or academics to bring evidence and support to their intentions of taking the field of public relations out of the heavy negative connotations, especially the media gave it during the past decades and putting it on the place where i
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t deserves fist understanding of the concept and then its importance to the society as a whole.

In their enterprise to find the causes that induced a negative response to the field of public relations from the public, Coombs and Holladay point out a first major player: the media. They blame the superficial and often wrong way of tackling the subject in the media that ends with the general misunderstanding and negative reaction to the topic. Coombs and Holladay (2007). The authors use their knowledge as professionals in the filed and show the weak points in the argumentation various media people bring in favor of their criticism of public relations. They use surveys that show the percentage of materials that misused the term in the media: "in about 5% of them the term PR was used accurately, in ways that would be acceptable to the public relations Society of America." Coombs and Holladay (2007, p. 7). By further inquiry into the percentage of materials published in the media that express critical views, the writers show the conclusions other researchers reached when it came to the proportions of the materials written to attack the field compared to those that sustained it. The conclusion is that the public was more likely to take the side of those who demonize the concept of PR simply because it the voices of the critics were much louder and often heard everywhere than those in favor of it. The two authors go deeper and analyze the writings that openly criticized PR and emphasize first their means and the targeted public that are taking them out of the range of scholarly, academic writings and thus make it vulnerable to solid scientific arguments. They take out some of the key points those authors used when they built their argumentation in favor of the negative effect PR has on society and show their weaknesses. One of the strongest argumentation Coombs and Holladay have here is that all those writings never attempt to explain correctly, scientifically the concept of PR.

The authors finally review some common themes and means of PR criticism to point out the conclusion the public must reach after having acknowledged them. The public is in their opinion manipulated by media into believing that society would be "better off without it." (Coombs and Holladay (2007, p. 17). On the other side, the attempts to present the positive aspects of PR are not only scarce compared to the negative voices, but they are also written by professionals for professional thus making the authors' intentions of reestablishing PR's importance and role in today's society more evident and necessary. The conclusion they reach after having reviewed the literature written by professionals who intend to correctly explain the concept and show the real role it plays in society is that: "there is no real defense of public relations to be found in these books. But public relations is considered useful to society because it does help business." (Coombs and Holladay (2007, p. 21)

It is clear that the authors' goal in writing this book is to defend PR in front of the public with an objective eye and using the right tools professionals have, without making it hard to understand for the nonprofessional readers. They take what the public understands by definition of PR and compare it to the definition one of the most prestigious societies of professionals in the U.S. uses in order to prove the first incomplete.

They further bring other professional opinions that sustain and complete the definition used by the Public relations Society of America. Coombs and Holladay also use a comparison between the PR's role in society and tat of the law in order to show that even if PR is often ill thought of, just like law it plays an important part in a democratic society. (Coombs and Holladay (2007).

The authors attempt not only to bring out an already existing definition of PR, but to recognize and add new material to what the theory of PR misses at a first glance. They explain the role of PR to the corporations themselves in order to be then able to explain its role in the society and finally its global implications. This way of addressing the matter of PR leads tem to address another important issue, the issue of power and further that of "ethical implications" they discuss in the second chapter of the book.

The two authors explain the means of finding the material for an argument and the way to make an audience understand and adopt one's point-of-view taught by the classics, like Aristotle, Cicero and Quintillian and still used today by scholars to make a point in order to make the readers understand not only their means of sustaining their points-of-view, but also to show the basics of communication, the key tool in PR. The authors point out the ethical role PR practitioners play, due to their capability to influence public opinion. Coombs and Holladay (2007). The ethics of the profession brings out the issue of its deontology: "if an organization says it values care and reflects those values in its actions, we will consider it to be morally competent and reflecting the ethic of care." (Coombs and Holladay (2007 p.33) in this respect, the writers review different codes of ethics of the two most important professional associations in the U.S. And analyze their use in practice.

The attempt to correctly explain the concept and the role PR plays in society is sustained by the authors by their intention to place he PR professional inside a corporation to the role he really plays. They describe communication models, the way the two players, the corporations and the stakeholders use them and the intermediary role the PR professional plays between them. The author's keep their objectivity and show how professionals can make use of their abilities and knowledge in communication in order to influence those who have less information in the field, taking advantage of their professionalism. Keeping their objectivity, the two authors explain the reasons corporations such as Wal-Mart starting listening to their stakeholders thus adopting the PR technique of two way communication, using the studies McGinn published on the subject.

Coombs and Holladay will finally place everything related to the correct definition, main tools and players in the PR field under the perspective of a postmodern perspective.

After having defined de concept, set the role PR plays inside a corporation, analyzed the code of ethics and assessed the real power of a PR department has inside a corporation, the authors will address the history of PR starting with Ivy Lee, by 1900. They will consider the existent literature on the subject of history of PR and find out the elements missing from the view of historians like Cutlip and enumerate others who concentrated on te history of PR in their textbooks mainly from the perspective of a "corporate-centric view of the practice." Coombs and Holladay (2007 p.50). They will develop the subject of addressing the history of PR by analyzing its causes and other fields that used PR.

After analyzing the most plausible and logical patterns of organizations- stakeholders relationships and the way these players use their power to influence the other ones reactions, the authors find an explanation related to the reason why an… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "IT's Not Just PR" Assignment:


This goal of this assignment is for you to provide me (your instructor) with a critical review of the book, *****It*****s Not Just PR: Public Relations in Society.***** I realize it may have been a while since many of you have actually written a book report. So, I have provided you with a few online resources and handouts. They are located in this assignment*****s folder on the blackboard website. The steps to completing this assignment are quite simple:


Thoroughly read the book *****“ flagging key points that interest you. (I use a highlighter and post-it note *****flags*****). While reading, keep in mind that you are looking for an overarching theme/purpose the author is intending to project. Also, keep an eye out for various sub-topics the author is using to substantiate his/her theme/purpose.

Make sure to keep notes of places throughout the book where you think information will assist you in substantiating YOUR points in the paper. Then you can refer back to these pages to use quotes and paraphrases in your paper.


Remember the basic English 101 and Public Speaking 101 components:

 Introduction: to include a purpose statement (here you have determined the book*****s purpose/overarching theme)

 Body: 3-4 points (here you have determined your sub-topics that will assist you in reinforcing your overarching purpose)

 Conclusion: 1-2 paragraphs (ties the paper together)


Develop the draft. WRITE, EDIT, PROOF, EDIT, PROOF, EDIT, PROOF, EDIT, PROOF !!!!  Then, finally, add the finishing touches to your final paper that you plan to turn in for a grade.


Points will be deducted from your final grade for grammatical errors and overall all *****poor form***** (e.g., subject/pronoun disagreement, misplaced modifiers and any/all other grammatically incorrect problems.)

Requirements: Checklist is provided below*****¦

Note: the majority of your paper will be devoted to your 3-4 subtopics

(e.g., your critical analysis that will include actual quotes and examples from the book, etc. ).

Use the formula below as a guideline:

RECALL that I have read this book. So, please devote the first few pages to demonstrating to me that you have read it, too *****“ therefore setting a credible tone for the rest of your paper. 

 1-2 page for recap/overview of the book*****s contents (treat these intro. pages as an expanded abstract *****“ in which you provide the reader with a condensed overview of what the book is about).

 1-2 paragraphs of your introduction to then explain, in particular, what your analysis is about (about 1/2 page)

 1 page per subtopic (about 3-4 pages)

 1-2 paragraphs to wrap/up and conclude - but no more than that (about ½ page)

_____ Length: 6-7 pages (of total body copy)

_____ Include a cover page with a catchy title. Put your name on this

cover page, too. (Cover page does NOT count toward the 6-7 page length).

_____ Formatting: 1***** margins on all four sides, NO front and back,

12 point ft. using Times Roman (the default type on MS word)

_____ Use *****APA***** style for intext citations and referencing. See links: AND

_____ Include page numbering for each page *****“ starting with the page

that immediately follows the cover page.

_____ Use headings and subheadings to break up your copy

(e.g., introduction, conclusion, etc.)

_____This is NOT an opinion paper. Hence, everything point you want to

make must be substantiated and demonstrated by info. from the book

_____ Use quotes (with page numbers) and paraphrasing from the book to

substantiate/demonstrate your claims.

_____Send via email to: and/or

**Please do NOT send via the blackboard site; I have had problems

receiving papers this way in past classes**

_____ COPY yourself when emailing your paper to me (required)

A brief public service announcement about plagiarizing:


~ (applicable to both your final papers and your book reports) ~

The rule for reference use in any formal paper is as follows:

any reference you include in your reference page (your bibliography) MUST also be cited IN your body copy. Otherwise, you are plagiarizing - even if it is unintentional!!

In short, if you do NOT, you are [technically] plagiarizing....

because you are saying that you DID use these references for your paper - but by not citing them in the body copy you are NOT giving your references/authors the credit!!

This is a graduate level course. As such, if you do NOT provide in-text referencing, you will earn a "zero" for this paper (worth 20% of your final grade).

If you have any questions, PLEASE refer to the CMU library link for a further explanation on referencing your sources in text:

NOTE: for the book report assignment *****“ any time you paraphrase something from the book itself, CITE it (Coombs & Holladay, 2007). For direct quotes, you must include the page number (Coombs & Holladay, 45).


Below are some on line resources you will find useful. I suggest that you book mark these sites; you*****ll be able to use them in other MSA classes as well: (SEE BELOW)

SIDE NOTE: For this book report you are NOT required to use outside

references/resources. However, you ARE for the final paper

(see assignment description on the JRN 670 blackboard website


How to Reference "IT's Not Just PR" Research Paper in a Bibliography

IT's Not Just PR.”, 2008, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

IT's Not Just PR (2008). Retrieved from (2008). IT's Not Just PR. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”IT's Not Just PR” 2008.
”IT's Not Just PR”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”IT's Not Just PR”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. IT's Not Just PR [Internet]. 2008 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. IT's Not Just PR. Published 2008. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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