Term Paper on "Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna"

Term Paper 5 pages (1463 words) Sources: 3

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Power of Team Leadership: Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna

The Father of Scientific Management, Frederick Taylor, did many wonderful things and made a great deal of helpful suggestions for those that worked in the business world. However, he failed to notice the importance of efficient and effective listening, and this is one area in which his work was very weak. He urged that workers should listen to their advisors, but he did not place any amount of emphasis on employers and other 'higher-ups' listening to their employees for any reason. It would appear that Taylor did not see the significance of what employees actually have to say and how allowing them a voice may actually have a strong effect on how the company works in the future, as those employees that feel they are listened to in their jobs are often much happier than those that feel that no one is concerned about their needs and wants.

The reason that this is pointed out is that many leaders today do not understand what is really important, and those that do understand what matters often find that they still struggle because there are so many different demands placed on them that they are not 'allowed' to do what they feel they need to do to help their employees grow and succeed. Team leadership is one of the ways that some of this can be changed.

In "The Power of Team Leadership: Achieving Success through Shared Responsibility," George Barna discusses how teams can make leadership much more rewarding and how these same teams can help leaders achieve their goals as well, because the leaders do not have so many demands impressed upon them by others that feel they s
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hould think/act/look/feel a certain way. The main thesis of Barna's argument is that leaders that work in teams accomplish much more both for themselves and for the company while still providing just as much if not more to the employees of that company, and Barna should know this as he has been a leader in both sacred and secular jobs for many years now and is dedicated to what he does.


The book is a discussion of leadership that starts off with what kind of things are being asked (or demanded) of leaders and works its way through much of what can be done about this and how these problems can be corrected. Without doing that, there would not be any realistic way of determining what was 'good' for leaders and what was not in regard to teamwork or any other issue. The book does a good job of summarizing, however, in that it discusses all of the issues thoroughly and shows why the author feels that they are important but does not continue to readdress the issue once it has been thoroughly covered.

The book, however, focuses mostly on churches and not 'traditional' businesses and is careful enough to also cover the problems that could be seen from team leadership. As with any changes that are made to the leadership structure, there could potentially be problems, and it is best to avoid these if possible. One of the best ways to avoid these types of problems is to be aware of them, what they are, and how they can occur so that avoidance of them can hopefully be made possible. This is part of what the book works to address, especially in the last chapter that Barna writes.

Analysis of the Text

An analysis of this text shows that Barna has done his research into churches and other businesses. Since he is so very interested in the church issue and team leadership that is the one that he basically chooses to address in this book, but the understanding that he knows a lot about businesses in general comes through in his writing very clearly. By having so much knowledge of business, Barna is able to use that regarding church leadership as well. Sometimes, individuals feel as though churches are completely different than 'real' businesses, but this is not the case. Churches do a lot of good work, but behind the scenes they are ultimately businesses and they have to have good leadership.

What Barna is trying to point out is that, for most churches, team leadership would be the best choice because it helps to give individuals more of a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna" Assignment:

I would like a Critique on the following book.

The Power of Team Leadership: Achieving Success through Shared Responsibility by George Barna

1. Organized in five sections:

1. Introduction. Introduce both the text under analysis and the author. State the author's main argument and the point(s) you intend to make about it. Also, provide background material to help your readers understand the relevance or appeal of the text. This background material might include one or more of the following: an explanation of why the subject is one of current interest; a reference to a possible controversy surrounding the subject of the text or the text itself; biographical information about the author; an account of the circumstances under which the text was written; or a reference to the intended audience of the text.

2. Summary. Summarize the author's main points, making sure to state the authors purpose for writing.

3. Analysis of the text. Evaluate the validity of the author's presentation. Comment on the author's success in achieving his or her purpose by reviewing three or four specific points. You might base your review on one (or more) of the following criteria:

Is the information accurate/significant?

Has the author:

Defined terms clearly?

Used and interpreted information fairly?

Argued logically?

4. Your response to the text. Respond to the author's views. With which views do you agree? Disagree? As you discuss your reasons for agreement or disagreement, take a point of view and tie these reasons to both the author's and your own assumptions. You should also base your response on the following questions:

Is the text valuable?

Did you learn anything from the material?

Was the text entertaining?

How did the text contribute to your growing knowledge of the course's subject matter?

5. Conclusion. State your conclusions about the overall validity of the text- your assessment of the author's success at achieving his or her aims and your reactions to the author's views. Remind the reader of the weaknesses and strengths of the text.

6. Doubled-space, Times Roman, 12 Font

How to Reference "Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372.
”Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372.
[1] ”Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372
1. Power of Team Leadership Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility by George Barna. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/power-team-leadership-achieving/24372. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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