Research Paper on "Portrait of Canadian Pioneers"

Research Paper 6 pages (1960 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

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The dedication Kelso had to animals was only surpassed by this dedication to protecting children. Because of his efforts there are children's welfare societies throughout Canada that protect children from abusive parents and other difficulties they should not have to endure.

Neither Kelso nor Trudeau were perfect and both certainly had their faults, but they both showed a dedication to providing for those who could not provide for themselves. That spoke of their character and indicated how deeply they desired to make Canada a better place. This was especially significant for Kelso, who was not a Canadian native and could have chosen to take his helpful ideas and desire to do better back to his home country of Ireland. Instead, he made Canada his home and helped out his adopted country as much as he was able to, until his health began to fail him and he could no longer serve as an advocate of the animals and children he cared so deeply about. Both men remained focused on helping people whether they were "in power" and able to do so or whether they had to cheer from the sidelines, but both changed Canada for the better in many ways.


So many people have contributed to the social welfare of Canadian citizens throughout the history of the country. Here, Trudeau and Kelso were highlighted. Both were interested in improving their country, and both saw that there were social injustices that were taking place and needed to be addressed. While the problems they focused on were very different, it was clear they understood the significance of those issues and wanted to improve the quality of life for a number of people throughout Canada. Trudeau focused
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mostly on getting help for young people, the elderly, and the disabled, while Kelso's focus was on children and animals -- two groups that were unable to fend for themselves.

Different groups of people for the most part, but still a recognition that there were problems seen in the country and that something needed to change in order to make sure everyone received fair and proper treatment. Both Kelso and Trudeau were committed to the betterment of their country, which is why they are still remembered and valued today. Canada would not be the same today without the efforts they made to improve it, and they did so despite some opposition and disagreement from those who did not feel the right issues were being handled in the proper way to advance Canada socially. Trudeau and Kelso knew what was important to them, and what they valued about their country.


Couture, C. (1998). Paddling with the current: Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Etienne Parent, liberalism and nationalism in Canada. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.

McCullagh,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Portrait of Canadian Pioneers" Assignment:



please have a reference page as well as many in text citations

the length should be 6-8 pages (including the reference page

I have not provided any secondary sources but please use accredited/scholarly sources and use apa

Pick the two of those individuals who

Interest/excite/stimulate your interest in the field and the people who have worked in it

The two that i have picked are: Pierre Trudeau and John Joseph Kelso

Have lots of information available

For each individual �" use the following headings

Background information (where & when they were born/died),parents, education, work/career

Pioneer activity �" what did they do that had an impact upon social service work

Impact �" why was it important �" what had existed before

Do an opening paragraph stating who you are talking about

Do a closing paragraph summarizing the key points and what you have learnt

additional information:



Due Date: Week 4 by start of Seminar


This assignment will encourage you to learn more about some of the men and women who pioneered and influenced Canada*****s social welfare policies and programs, legislation, models of service delivery and public attitudes. With some notable exceptions, the majority of these individuals are rarely accorded national accolades for their pioneering, innovative, culture-shifting ideas, advocacy and commitment to public service for the welfare of all. Yet, as you will discover from your research for this paper, our present social welfare system has been irrevocably shaped by their vision, aspirations and deeds.

Since this is a course about the development of social welfare in Canada, it is only right that you write about the contributions of two of our social work pioneers.


Randomly select four or so individuals either from the list provided or that you have discovered from your own research. Do some on line research on all of them. Some have more readily available information about their accomplishments and contributions to social welfare than others. Choose only two of these pioneers of influence that are of particular interest to you and tell their story in your paper.

Career Highlights Of Each Pioneer

In this section, briefly summarize the known career highlights of each of your Pioneers (only for the two you have chosen). Of interest here will be the individual*****s educational background, work experiences, significant awards and areas of professional practice and/or interest. Don*****t forget to indicate the time frame that their career covers and where in Canada their contributions were most noticeable.

The Pioneers***** Significant Contribution to Social Welfare In Canada

This is an important section. Write about the significant contribution(s) that each of your chosen Pioneers made in the evolution of social work practice and/or social welfare legislation and/or client services. Write this in your own words; don*****t cut and paste sentences, paragraphs, etc. from your main research sources as I will be randomly checking your sources (plagiarism will result in a grade of 0).

Your Conclusions About The Pioneers***** Impact on Social Welfare

This is also an important section and must be at least 2 pages in length. Write a short narrative on how you have assessed the impact of each of your Pioneer*****s contributions as you understand the development of social welfare services in our country. This definitely should be a thoughtful, carefully considered point of view and opinion that is yours and not something that you have taken from another social commentator, ***** or researcher!

Bibliographical Sources

In this section, indicate all the sources you used to create your profile for each of your chosen Pioneers. Use an APA format for each source. If you are using a newer version of Microsoft Word, under the References tab, you can use the Citations and Bibliography tab to correctly format to APA standards. You can also check out HYPERLINK "" as another helpful formatting source for your citations.

How to Reference "Portrait of Canadian Pioneers" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Portrait of Canadian Pioneers.”, 2014, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Portrait of Canadian Pioneers (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Portrait of Canadian Pioneers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Portrait of Canadian Pioneers” 2014.
”Portrait of Canadian Pioneers”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Portrait of Canadian Pioneers”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Portrait of Canadian Pioneers [Internet]. 2014 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Portrait of Canadian Pioneers. Published 2014. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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