Research Paper on "Political Science in My Opinion the Realties"

Research Paper 3 pages (1155 words) Sources: 1+

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Political Science

In my opinion the realties of what is required to run for either the House of Representatives or the Senate are not strict enough considering that none of them are very successful at what they do. Those that end up on capital hill are so out of touch with what is going on in the real world that they don't know enough to even realize that there is a problem in American let along have any idea on how to fix it. The majority of elected representatives get elected because they had the money in order to do so. These are not working class Americans that are struggling everyday to put food on the table for their children or gas in their tank so that they can get to work that day. My views have changed in the fact that they have gotten more cynical that there is any fix for America that this group can bring about. How are those that are so out of touch with what it really takes to survive in this country really supposed to know how to help those who are truly in need.

The system of checks and balances that is in place is a vital part of the Constitution. With checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others. This way, no one branch becomes too powerful. Each branch is in charge of checking the power of the other branches to make sure that the power is balanced between them (Checks and Balances, 2012). The framers of the Constitution conceived of Congress as the center of policymaking in America. Over time the prominence of Congress has varied, and even though it was once the true center of power in Washington, its role has seen change over time (Government in America, 2010).

Based upon this one c
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ould say that the system of checks and balances that is in place is outdated. It appears that no one follows the rules that have been set down since they are doing what they want, when they want to, with no real regard to the rules that were put into place so many years ago. Due to the fact that the system was developed so many years ago it seems plausible that it no longer works in today's world. What is in place should not be done away with, but updated in order to be more relevant to the world today. The underlying principles that are in place should be kept as three branches do need to have power over each other in order to prevent one from completely taking over. What needs to be added are prevention measures in order to alleviate covert actions from happening. And if they do then stiff penalties needs to be imparted. How is the Congress supposed to be taken seriously as a law making body when they can't even follow the rules that are in place for them?

3. The era of polarization has definitely not helped President Obama as he works towards healthcare reform and economic relief in this country. The state of American politics has more and more been surpassed by partisan polarization. The two major political parties have grown ideologically more joined within and farther apart from each other. As the two parties' policy likings deviate further from each other at the privileged level, it obviously becomes more complicated for the two to work… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Political Science in My Opinion the Realties" Assignment:

Please keep these separate 1/2/-3/4 page depending upon the question

1. Given the realities of what is required to run for either the House of Representatives or the Senate and be successful ***** does this affect or change your perception of the current office holders? Do you view the legislative branch differently now then you did before you started this section? Do you think that the information that you have garnered up to now will alter how you view future campaigns and candidates? In what way has your view changed? (this one is all opinion and requires no data to back up your posts.)


Throughout the twentieth century ***** especially the last half- and into the twenty-first century the executive branch has used organizations like the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) to conduct covert and clandestine operations. This is not unusual. The constitution establishes a checks and balances system, and it is the responsibility of Congress to act as an oversight body (Article I and Article II). Recently, it was disclosed that the Bush administration (like many administrations before it) conducted a secret CIA *****project***** without informing members of Congress. Similarly, the executive branch has conducted military operations with and without approval of Congress. Considering that many executives (presidents) have made the decision to ignore Congress, how can Congress fulfill its constitutional oversight role? Are checks and balances outdated? Considering that the framers intended that Congress would be the most powerful branch of our government how do we restore Congress to a central place in the system? And finally, should we restore Congress to its original place in the system?


As lecture has shown Congress is polarized. This fact creates impediments to Congress*****s ability to accomplish significant lawmaking, at least in the opinion of some scholars. Given the realities of polarization and the current make-up of Congress, has the era polarization helped President Obama as he works toward healthcare reform and economic relief? (Remember: the Democrats have 60 members in the Senate and a wide majority in the House, but those numbers include *****blue dogs***** (democrats that regularly vote with the Republicans). Also recall that President Johnson noted that ***** [g]etting Congress to do what you want is like herding a bunch of cats.*****


Take a look at this graphic from the New York Times (One Panel ...). It shows us the difference in emphasis by party during the recent confirmation hearings of Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Then take a look at the graphic on who is supporting and opposing the nominee (How Republican ...). Based upon what you have learned during this past week, your own observations of the hearings, and the data presented, what determines whether a nominee is successful? Are Senators doing their job of *****advice and consent***** appropriately?

How to Reference "Political Science in My Opinion the Realties" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Political Science in My Opinion the Realties.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Political Science in My Opinion the Realties (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Political Science in My Opinion the Realties. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Political Science in My Opinion the Realties” 2012.
”Political Science in My Opinion the Realties”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Political Science in My Opinion the Realties”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Political Science in My Opinion the Realties [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Political Science in My Opinion the Realties. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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