Research Paper on "Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter"

Research Paper 10 pages (2840 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

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Political Science Foreign Policy


The matter of personal and national security has been a long lasting one throughout history. Leaders were selected and favored due to their ability to safeguard the interests and well-being of the peoples. States with lower levels of security would be attacked and conquered by larger and better developed countries.

While we would like to think that armed conflict is no longer applicable as a means of resolving disputes and that the references to national insecurity refer the times of the Roman or Ottoman empires, fact remains that international disputes continue to be present through today. Just remember Vietnam, the Gulf War, the ongoing wars in the Middle East or the most recent War on Terrorism, as forwarded by the Bush administration.

Given this context, one can easily come to the conclusion that we live in a dangerous world and that our safety and well-being could easily be disrupted. The question that is being posed at this level refers to the actions which could be taken in order to reduce the incidence of armed conflicts and further increase national security. Each country implements a different approach, as they see fit. While one party decides to intervene in the conflict and help end it, another party will choose to remain aside. Each of these stands attracts both praises as well as criticism. On the one hand, the interfering country could be blamed for following personal interests in its interference, the most eloquent case being the intervention of the American troops in the Middle East and the perception that they did this so that the country could gain access to the region's o
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il reserves. On the other hand, remaining aside and neutral to an interstate conflict could bring about criticism of the manifested lack of care for international safety and stability.

Regardless of each perception, the actual stand a country takes is directly pegged to the nature of its security policies. The aim of this report is then that of assessing the foreign security policies promoted by the European Union. The importance of the topic is given by the fact that security issues impact each and every one of us and the interesting element about this particular research on the EU is given by their past actions in situations of international insecurity.

From an economic standpoint, and measured by the size of the gross domestic product, the European Union is the largest international player. This makes it an incredible force within the global context. Nevertheless, despite this great power, the EU has remained rather distant to matters of international security and has often delayed taking an official stand relative to emerged conflicts, or even a decision on how to handle it.

Given this status quo, it would be interesting to reveal some of the most pivotal policies of the European Union relative to security. The theory at the basis of the research is however that these policies are rather prudential and passive, in the meaning of not promoting pro-active approaches. This theory is based on historical observations of the European Union's approach to conflicts, such as the fights in Somalia, where the United Nations and the United States intervened promptly, but where the European Union delayed action. The reticence to the War on Terrorism is also a relevant example of the rather "held back" approach of the EU to international insecurity.

Having presented the importance of the topic, as well as the elements which raise the curiosity of the observer, it is now necessary to reveal the variables of the equation. The dependent variable is the European Union's security policy and the independent variables refer to interstate collaboration with the field of foreign and security policies, the international context, including the security policies of the United States of America, United Nations or other global entities, or the internal characteristics of EU's member states. The premise for commencing the research is that each of these three variables generates an impact upon the security policy. These three hypotheses will be revealed throughout the third section.

B. Literature Review

The first step to be taken in any research endeavor is that of assessing the already existent materials with the intent of revealing the major research areas or the pivotal variables. In achieving this desiderate, it is necessary to review at least three articles, all presenting features of the European Union's security policies.

B.1. Explaining Government Preferences for Institutional Change in EU Foreign and Security Policy

This first article was written by Mathias Koenig-Archibugi in 2004 and was published in the International Organization journal, the 58th volume, first number, under the aegis of the Cambridge University Press. Koenig-Archibugi currently teaches courses in global politics at the London School of Economics.

Explaining Government Preferences… is a complex and lengthy article detailing the reasons which determine different perceptions relative to political cooperation between the EU's member states. Koenig-Archibugi begins at the premises that the fifteen, at the time, members of the European Union reveal different perceptions relative to the possibility of an integrated stand in terms of foreign policy and security. Otherwise put, while some countries declare in favor of an integrated stand, united under the umbrella of the European Union, other countries militate for independency in terms of foreign and security policy.

Given this situation, a question is being posed relative to what determines these different perceptions of an integrated vs. A divided policy of security. Mathias Koenig-Archibugi strives to answer this question by looking at four independent and one dependent variable. His considered independent variables are:

The role of relative power capabilities

National interests linked to foreign policy

The strength of the European culture as perceived by individual nations, and fourth

The internal governance structures which determine the preference relative to the integrated or independent security policy

The dependent variable is the resulting perception relative to the country's stand on security policies, whether they should be integrated and uniform for the entire European Union, or whether they ought to be independent and reflect the individual stand of each country.

Mathias Koenig-Archibugi retrieves his information from a wide series of sources, meaning that the complexity of the article's data source increases the work's reliability and relevance within the current context and helps better explain the perception of the states relative to a potentially uniform security policy. The data source can be divided into two categories. First of all, there is the theoretical evidence, represented by the works of other economists and political experts, such as Thomas Banchoff's German Identity and European Integration, Robert O. Keohane's After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy and many more. The second set of data source is constituted by primary sources which deal directly with the national perceptions of the EU member states. Official documents are retrieved on fourteen countries and reveal the official positions of the government. These countries are (in alphabetic order): Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The article leads the reader to three major conclusions. First of all, it indicates that the governments of weaker states are more willing to accept an integrated security policy that the governments of stronger states. Secondly, countries with multilayer governmental structures are more likely to embrace supranational foreign and security policy than the countries which perceive leadership as indivisible. The remaining two variables did not generate a quantifiable impact on the national perception of an integrated approach to foreign and security policy.

B.2. The End of Architecture and the New NATO

Paul Cornish's article was featured in the October edition (1996) of the International Affairs journal, published by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The underlying question refers to the elements which trigged the massive debate of 1996 in terms of the European stand to security policies. Additionally, it strives to answer the question relative to the prospective future of the notions and policies relating to European Security and Defense Identity. In answering the questions, Cornish assess the evolution of the three institutions which shaped policies in European security in the aftermath of the Cold War -- the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Western European Union and the more recent European Union. He also assesses the relations which developed and changed between these three entities.

Similar to the previous article, the End of Architecture and the New NATO is constructed on a complex data source, including both secondary as well as primary sources. Some of the secondary sources of information include J. Solana's NATO in Transition, a. Menon's From Independence to Cooperation: France, NATO and the European Security, or various other articles from specialized journals and magazines, such as the Economist, the Independent, Foreign Report or Financial Times. The usage of primary resources is fairly limited in comparison to the amount of sources introduced by Explaining Government Preferences…Nevertheless, some notable components of this set of data sources are represented by communicates of the North… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter" Assignment:

This will be an ongoing project so I hope that you can keep a file on my requests. For the one day delivery request I just need papers for sections a, b and c. The final paper and section D, I will request at a later time. I would prefer a topic on any European Union policies. I really do not care much about the topic, so any other will do. Se requirements below.

Paper and Presentation. You will write a 6 page research design for a research question of interest to you. In the paper you will present the findings of the research and evaluate the research methodology that is used. You will also include a proposed research design of your own. You will present the material from your paper in class in an informal presentation. You will not be graded directly on your presentation, but you must do a presentation to receive a grade for the paper. The paper will be the final draft of the work you have done for your notebook.

The notebook consists of four assignments a, b,c and d. They are listed below. D is not available yet but will require me to choose a research design.

A. Topic and Theory

PSC 411 *****“ Introduction to Research Methods

Name __________________________________

This assignment should be typed, double spaced, and written in essay form. It should be sufficiently long to cover the subject matter, 1-3 pages. Be sure to use correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling. The assignment will be graded on part on these mechanical aspects of your writing.

You must have your paper completed at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. Late papers will not be accepted. Emailed papers will not be accepted.

Choose a topic for your research design assignment. This topic should meet three criteria. First, it should involve some aspect of politics. Second, it should be of interest to you. Third, it must be a topic that can be studied empirically. In this course, you will be constructing a plan of action for researching this topic. Consider this as you choose the topic.

Describe your topic. In your description, be sure to include the reason why you think this is an important topic and worthy of study. In other words, include an explanation of why it is an important part of the governing process, or important for the functioning of democracy, or why it is particularly interesting, for example.

Explain your theory about the political phenomenon that you have chosen as the topic for your research design. The theory should be a general statement of what you believe influences your dependent variable. It should include at least three independent variables. Explain the way in which the independent variables influence your dependent variable.

B. Literature Review

PSC 411 *****“ Introduction to Research Methods

This assignment should be typed, double spaced, and written in essay form. Be sure to use correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling. The assignment will be graded on part on these mechanical aspects of your writing. You must have your paper completed at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. Late papers will not be accepted. Emailed papers will not be accepted.

Use the JSTOR database available on the Sterne Library web page to locate articles. Use only the journals listed in the Journal Sources document.

Identify the three articles that you will use in your research design paper. The articles you choose must use data. State the following:

a. the authors***** names

b. the title of the study

c. the year of the study

d. the journal in which it was published

e. the central question of the study

f. the data source used for the study

g. the central conclusion of the study

C. Identify Your Data Source

PSC 411 *****“ Introduction to Research Methods

Name __________________________________

This assignment should be typed. Be sure to use complete sentences, correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling. The assignment will be graded on part on these mechanical aspects of your writing.

You must have your paper completed at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. Late papers will not be accepted. Emailed papers will not be accepted.

1. Identify the source or sources of your data. Explain what type of source this is (governmental, academic, or other type). Provide the URLs for the data sources.

2. Describe the data for each of your three independent variables and your dependent variable. Include the following information for each.

a. What is the variable?

b. What are the values of this variable?

3. State your hypothesis for each independent variable and the dependent variable. Be sure to follow the guidelines for constructing good hypotheses.

How to Reference "Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter” 2009.
”Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Political Science Foreign Policy Theory the Matter. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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