Essay on "Poetry and Beverage Analysis"

Essay 3 pages (1219 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

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Poe Poem and Drink

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven"

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most well-known American Gothic literature writers of the 19th century. Poe is often identified by his dark and macabre writing style that examines a variety of issues such as the death of a beautiful woman and an individual's descent into madness. These two themes are a focal point of "The Raven" in which an unnamed narrator mourns the loss of his lover, Lenore, and is inexplicably haunted by a raven.

Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809, the second of three children born to David and Elizabeth Arnold Poe. Poe's father abandoned his family shortly after his younger sister was born, and Poe's mother died when he was two years old, which may point to the foundation of his obsession with the death of a beautiful woman. Poe's literary career began during his brief enrollment at West Point. After being expelled from West Point, Poe worked as an editor, writer, and literary critic. Poe married Virginia Clemm on May 16, 1836 and although he was deeply committed to her, she fell seriously ill in 1845, which sent Poe into a maddening depression. Virginia died in January 1847, which drove him into further despair. After his wife's death, Poe wrote, "My enemies referred to the insanity…it was the horrible never-ending oscillation between hope and despair which I could not longer have endured with total loss of reason. In the death of what was my life, then, I receive a new but -- oh God! how melancholy an existence" (Poe, 1480). It is this oscillation between hope and despair that pervade "The Raven" and illustrate not only the narrator's descent into grievin
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g madness, but also Poe's.

In "The Raven," an unnamed narrator is mourning the loss of the woman he loves. In the poem, the narrator is trying to lose himself in "a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore" vainly seeking "to borrow/From my books surcease of sorrow -- sorrow for the lost Lenore,/for the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore:/Nameless here for evermore" (lines 2, 9-12). The narrator is attempting to forget his sorrows when he is distracted by a mysterious noise, "As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door" (ln 4). Because of the time of night, "a midnight dreary," and the weather and time of year, "bleak December," the narrator quickly becomes concerned about who might be knocking at his door, and though he tries to assure himself by telling himself, "Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door,/Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door:/This it is and nothing more," he grows to realize that his late night visitor is not there to comfort him, but rather torment him (ln 1,7, 16-18). The longer the narrator attempts to discern the reason for the raven's visit, the deeper into paranoia he falls, and the poem becomes more maddening. It is interesting to see how the raven's sole response of "Nevermore" drives the narrator deeper into insanity because despite the narrator's changing line of questioning, the raven says nothing else but "Nevermore," which seems to indicate that the narrator is asking questions that are rooted in his personal fears. The longer the narrator attempts to question the bird, the more convinced he becomes that the raven has been sent by the devil to taunt and torment him. The narrator exclaims, "Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil! Prophet still, if bird or devil!/Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed the here ashore,/Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted -- /on… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Poetry and Beverage Analysis" Assignment:


This is your final *****essay***** for this course, so it should be intensive in research and design, but also kind of fun and appealing to view. The purpose is for you to explore a poet and his or her works, then write and design a creative presentation of your findings in a multimodal or mediated form. Your final project will show your effective synthesis of literary knowledge and your own ideas about this literary genre.


You will create a multimodal composition, which means that your final product will not only be a white background with text in paragraphs. Instead, you will insert photographs, images, designs, links to Youtube videos, and any other kinds of multi-images that you want to include. The Internet offers us mountains of information, so this is your chance to gather some of it up and put it into an academic composition/project.

The most popular version of this assignment is using power point slides. With power point, you can choose background designs and easily insert photographs and links to create an exciting presentation. If you are uncomfortable with power point, or just don*****t have time to learn how to use it, you can also insert much of the same content right into a word document. However, for the squeamish, I like to tell how I learned to use power point: when my daughter was in second grade, she taught me how to copy and paste my word document information into power point slides. We then had fun adding colors, images, and we even got carried away with the animation (flashing words on the screen!). If a second grader can teach me how to use power point, surely you can give it a try!

Your content is rather sublime in that you are to choose a POET from our textbook (POET AND ONE POEM MUST BE FROM OUR TEXTBOOK!), include a biography and a list of his or her other literary works, explicate just one of his or her poems in our textbook, and then compare your poet to a beverage! Make sure your author is a POET! See the requirement details below:


1. Choose a poet from our textbook and find interesting biographical facts, along with the standard info (birth, death, literary accomplishments, and literary focus).

2. Write your descriptive essay citing at least three other poems/stories/essays for which your poet is noted. ONE of these poems must be from our textbook, and you must explicate that one; in other words, provide a non-Sparks Notes analysis with the title and page no.

3. Finally, imagine if your author were a beverage (alcoholic or non-), what would he/she be? Defend your choice using poem content and/or author information!

4. Use a minimum of three outside sources and our literature book as a primary source. You may use any credible web information from TCC library databases or reliable off-campus sources (find other sources besides Wikipedia for the text). You should also cite sources for your images and Youtube links, so provide URLs for them. YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE A WORKS CITED LIST on your last page (or last screen of power point).

5. This essay choice can either be in Word format, MLA with 11-12 point font OR presented as a power point (great for images and videos). Pictures of your chosen poet and beverage must be included!

Some power point instructions:

(Don*****t rely on my class power points as good models because I break the rules! .)

6. The assignment focus is on well-developed analysis and creativity. Don*****t insult your readers with obvious or simplistic information like definitions of poetic devices or generally known biographic information (i.e. Poe died a strange death which reflects in his writing).

7. Your text should be at least 700 words in a word document or as a power point. Most of the successful power points were a minimum of 10 slides. Please do NOT load paragraphs of text onto your power point! A good guideline is about a half a paragraph per screen. Better yet, use bullets for your information. Good presentation will be part of your evaluation.

8. Submit a statement of what poet and poetry you are presenting a week before the Project due date. Download your final project into the assignment portal or email it to your writing consultant on due date.

Partial student example on poet E.E. Cummings:

*****If E. E. Cummings were a beverage, he would probably be a club soda, also known as soda water, which is fizzy and bubbly. Many of Cummings***** poems possess this same whimsical, bubbly ambiance. For example, both poems, *****anyone who lived in a pretty how town,***** and the *****the sky was can dy,***** have fun, bubbly tones just like club soda. In *****˜the sky was can dy***** the words are fragmented and pop into random positions on the page, just as the bubbles in carbonated drinks randomly fizz throughout them. Another unmistakable characteristic of club soda is its poignant, yet sobering taste*****only a select group of drinkers choose to tolerate or enjoy its distinctive flavor. The poems *****l(a***** and *****next to of course god America I***** both exhibit these characteristics as well; one must get past their *****unique taste***** or unconventional arrangement in order to realize the strong points the poems make.*****


How to Reference "Poetry and Beverage Analysis" Essay in a Bibliography

Poetry and Beverage Analysis.”, 2013, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Poetry and Beverage Analysis (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Poetry and Beverage Analysis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Poetry and Beverage Analysis” 2013.
”Poetry and Beverage Analysis”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Poetry and Beverage Analysis”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Poetry and Beverage Analysis [Internet]. 2013 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Poetry and Beverage Analysis. Published 2013. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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