Essay on "Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther"

Essay 3 pages (1017 words) Sources: 2 Style: Harvard

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play 'Macbeth' and film 'Luther'

Both Macbeth and Luther made decisions which were catalysts for much bloodshed. Here the comparison ends. The internal conflict both men endured and the repercussions felt by many others as a result could not be more contrasting. Discuss this quote with reference to the play and the movie.

Both the historical Martin Luther and Shakespeare's Macbeth were men who took action, rather than thrived on reflection. At the beginning of their respective narratives, they had won great acclaim from the predominant authorities within their societies. Macbeth has just become the Thane of Cawdor because of the honors he had won for King Duncan. Martin Luther was a monk within the Roman Catholic Church, the most important ecclesiastical body in Europe at the time. However, both men were torn apart by the conviction that the way they were living their lives were wrong, and ultimately they moved heaven and earth to achieve their ambitions to do what they thought was 'right.'

And here the comparison does truly end, for Martin Luther's convictions were based in how Luther personally read and interpreted the Bible, while Macbeth's questioning of the fairness of Malcolm rather than his own succession to the English throne came from without, in the persona of his own wife and the temptations presented by the prophesying witches. Regardless of whether one agrees with Martin Luther's reading of the Bible, Luther clearly did believe that he had to speak out to honor the word of God. He believed that the practice of selling indulgences was theologically incorrect, and that faith alone, rather than works, justified a soul before Christ.

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Macbeth, in contrast, only developed a sense of disquiet about his place in the world after the three witches hailed him as king. This destabilized Macbeth's sense of contentment with his current king and position. At first, when confronted with the men who hailed him as the new Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth asked why they dressed him in borrowed robes, indicating that he did not expect to receive such a title in recompense for his efforts to protect Duncan. However, after being tempted with the prospect of more titles from the witches, and being urged on by the sexual taunting of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth no longer found being the Thane of Cawdor adequate compensation.

Both Luther and Macbeth eventually experienced terrible suffering because of their actions. Luther was excommunicated from the church, and shunned. The stunningly revolutionary quality of Luther's decision must not be underestimated, given how Catholicism dominated the political, social, and artistic aspects of Christendom. But Luther found strength to defend himself against the hatred and the punishments he was subject to from others from within his own character. He derived comfort and conviction from his sense of a personal relationship with God, and believed that he was duty-bound as a Christian to submit himself to suffering to speak the truth.

Macbeth was likewise shunned and despised, as his regime became increasingly bloody. To hold onto his title without a viable… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther" Assignment:

To be written for 16 year old student in Year 10 of high school in Australia. Length is to be 800 to 1000 words.

Essay topic is as follows: 'Both Macbeth and Luther made decisions which were catalysts for much bloodshed. Here the comparison ends. The internal conflict both men endured and the repercussions felt by many others as a result could not be more contrasting. Discuss this quote with reference to the play and the movie'.

The essay will be assessed on anaytical skills (evidence of comprehension of the play and the movie, evidence of interpretation of the essay topic), use of correct essay structure (construction of topic sentences, no retelling of the story, building the body of the essay using separate paragraphs which use the topic sentences and develop the argument) and use of literary language (expertise with literary language, polished sentence structure and clarity of expression, avoidance of colloquial language, contractions, or use of first person).

The Luther being discussed is ***** Luther the theologian responsible for the Reformation of the Cathollic Church. The storyline of the movie 'Luther' is consistent with the generally accepted history of Luther.

How to Reference "Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther" Essay in a Bibliography

Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther.”, 2007, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther (2007). Retrieved from (2007). Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther” 2007.
”Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther”,, 2007. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther [Internet]. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Play 'Macbeth' and Film 'Luther. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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