Research Paper on "Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University"

Research Paper 7 pages (2092 words) Sources: 7

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Physical Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University

Harvard University and Salem State University have one thing in common and that is that they shared the same state. Harvard University is considered to be an American private Ivy League research university that happens to be in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. However, Salem State University is not considered a private school but it is a four-year public University with its location in Salem, Massachusetts. Harvard is considered to be the oldest organization of higher learning in all of the United States and Salem is not. Harvard's history, impact, and prosperity turned it into one of the most respected universities in the world. Salem University is far from being prestigious and not the oldest school. In fact, Salem State University was originated in 1854 as what was called at the time as Salem Normal School. Unlike Harvard, the Salem Normal School became the fourth normal school that opened its doors in Massachusetts and just the tenth to open in the United States at that time. Harvard is an elite school where a lot of sons and daughters of powerful people attend and Salem is just the opposite. Harvard very competitive to get in and Salem State University is not. With that said, there are other differences between the two schools and this essay will discuss those dissimilarities.


When it comes to size, Harvard is considered to be a school that is still growing. However, at the moment it is considered to be around 371 acres. On the other hand, Salem State University does not have a very large campus size. It actually weighs in about 107 acres which is 264 acres less than H
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arvard University. Salem State University is made up of five campuses and none of them surpasses the size of Harvard University.

Physical Environment

When it comes to the physical environment, Harvard has a more of a colonial look to it extends all the way into the surrounding Harvard Square neighborhood. Its physical environment includes a sole and different assortment of historic buildings demonstrating three hundred years of architectural styles. Salem State University has less of the colonial look. It also does not have a historical appearance to it but would probably remind many of a more contemporary look.

Architecture Structure

As mentioned above, the campus has structures that goes all the way back to the early 1730's, in addition to progressive architectural structures for instance Le Corbusier's single building in the United States, which is the Carpenter Center (Bentinck-Smith, 2004). Salem State University does not have the luxury of having old colonial buildings or structures that date back to important time periods. It has more of linear architectural elements with a modern appearance.

Building and Facilities

Salem State University is small in comparison to Harvard so there are not a lot of buildings and facilities. However, it is made up of five campuses totaling somewhere around 33 buildings. Salem State University will also start working on new construction of a new library in 2012. Harvard on the other hand, has many buildings that have red-brick facades, as do lot buildings that are located in Harvard Yard. Harvard contains a vast amount of facilities, as well as a sports center.

Surrounding Environment

The campus of Harvard University extends itself right into the nearby Harvard Square neighborhood. The environment that is runs in to an urban setting. Salem State University is located also in an urban setting but the environment is much smaller. However, it is much more reported crime on the Harvard Campus.


The neighborhood around Harvard University is called "Harvard Square" which is a large triangular zone located in the center of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is a place that has a park area with a community playground, baseball field, and many other monuments, numerous connecting to the Revolutionary War. Salem State University is located in a neighborhood that is much smaller residential neighborhood full of apartments and small houses.


Harvard has a huge faculty on their campus. It is ruled by a mixture of its Board of Supervisors and the President and Fellows of Harvard College which are also recognized as the Harvard Corporation, and these people in turn employ the President of Harvard University. There are 16,000 staff and faculty at Harvard University. The professors who teach at Salem State University are among the most knowledgeable and eager faculty on campus but their faculty is much smaller than that of Harvard.

Student Population

In the last eight years, the population of Harvard ranged among 19,000 and 21,000, across every program. Harvard had registered 6,855 students in undergraduate programs, 3,838 pupils in graduate programs, and 11,722 students in professional programs (U.S. News Report, 2012). The population of the undergraduate is roughly 52% female, the graduate population is roughly 49% female, and the professional population is 50% female. Salem State University is much more less (U.S. News Report, 2012). It does enroll roughly 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students that come from about 27 states and approximately 57 foreign nations. There are 52% of both undergraduate and graduate that is females.

Faculty Student Relationship

In Salem State University, the Undergraduate student/faculty ratio: 16 to 1. Sonce the University is smaller than Harvard; Students here are able to get more of a one on one with their professors. Harvard Student teaching relationships are not as intimate because of the vast amount of students (U.S. News Report, 2012). However, they are discovering new approaches to evaluating teacher-student relations aided them better understand the relations with student effects that they care about. Harvard that indicates that improving students' and teachers' volumes comprehend each other's thoughts and the way they feel -- that is, their volume for social viewpoint taking -- appears to be chiefly encouraging.

Academic Programs

Harvard's academic programs are different from Salem State University because they function on a semester calendar starting in early September and ending somewhere in mid-May. Undergraduates normally take four half-courses per term and have to uphold a four-course proportion average to be measured full time. In numerous attentions, students can select to follow a simple program or an honors-eligible program necessitating a senior thesis and/or innovative course work (Abelmann, 2004). Salem State University does not offer as much academics but have a little advantage over Harvard when it comes to online learning which makes a difference in the two universities.

Extracurricular Activities

Harvard's extracurricular and co-curricular occasions are almost limitless -- comprising more than 400 official student organizations, whose nature and number are always developing. Harvard offers things like dance, music and art classes to all undergraduate students. At Salem State University, they do not offer much curricular activities. However, they are known for their theatre and arts program.


One of the main resources at Harvard is the Library. The Harvard Library delivers complete admission to library holdings across the limits of single facilities and disciplines. The Library is also a section of the University's central direction through which the libraries cooperate in the regions of digital attainments and groups, information technology, high-density storage, and protection. At Salem State University, the library is also the hub of information for students, faculty and staff. However, it is not as big and up-to-date as the one at Harvard campus. A brand new, advanced library will be open by the end of 2012 and will be nearby 118,000- to 120,000-square-foot in size (Salem State College will replace closed library, 2012).


At Salem State University, nearly 2,000 Salem State students live in five residence halls, even though the mainstream of students travels to campus. Three of the dormitories are old-style halls, and two are apartment style halls (Salem Stae University, 2012). Those who are first-year students quad rooms at Bowditch and Peabody Halls, those that are sophomores live in double and limited triple rooms at Marsh Hall on Central Campus, while upper-class students select single and double rooms within six-person apartments at the Bates Complex on South Campus or Atlantic Hall on Central Campus. Harvard since they have more students have over 20 dormitories whose buildings date all the way back to 1897.

Analysis of Harvard and Salem State University

The differences say a lot about the structure of higher education when it comes to both universities. One is more prestigious high cost school where the other is a less expensive average college. Because these schools are so different I these backgrounds it speaks volumes to a newly graduated high-school student that is choosing their college life because one is more affordable that offers the same academics as the other and one is not.

As far as to the differences said with respect to how higher education is organized, has a lot to do with the school tradition and what is known about. Harvard University is an Ivey League school and the organization is certainly shaped around the life of the elite. On the other hand, Salem State University being less prestigious… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University" Assignment:

Assess difference between Harvard University ( Boston, MA) and *****State University ( Salem, MA) in terms of each of the following areas:

1. Size

2. physical environment

3. architectural structure

4. building and facilities

5. surrounding environment

6. Neighborhood


8.student population

9.faculty-student relationship

10.academic programs


12.extracurricular activities


14. dormitories

Include an analysis that answers the following:

1. What do the differences say about the structure of higher education?

2. What do the differences say with respect to how higher education is organized?

3. Do the differences effect the students educational experiences? How does one know?

4. Do you think that these differences effect the faculties experiences?

5. Do you think that people are aware of the disparities in educational experiences at the college level?

6. What do the differences suggest in terms of social equity?

7. What differences in outcome might the two educational experiences produce and why?

8. Why do these differences matter?

How to Reference "Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University” 2012.
”Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Assessing the Physical and Educational Differences of Harvard and Salem State University. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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