Term Paper on "Physical Education the Corporal Gesture"

Term Paper 8 pages (3325 words) Sources: 1+

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Physical Education

The corporal gesture as a result of muscles of the body amounting to utilization of energy is referred to as the physical activity. The physical idleness in U.S. is a mater of great concern. As per the estimates about fifty percent of the U.S. individuals do not cater to the required levels of normal physical activity and about 25% do not involve in relaxation physical activity. Physical idleness is more noticeable in case of the poor and low educated and starts at the period of youth that influences the females intensively than that of the males. A typical prototype of idleness starts at the early childhood being referred to as sedentism that makes the improvement of physical exercises essential for the young ones. There is no disagreement in emphasizing the advantages of physical exercise that exerts profound influence to be healthy and even a nominal increase in the exertion level influences health improvement. (Summerfield, 1998)

The physical education is considered to be a crucial part of the complete education for the students and incorporated in the syllabus of the every school in the states and districts of the U.S. The physical exertion improves the physical vigor of the students, improves the growth and development of the physique of the children and educates them about their world. At least the instructors of the young children are aware that most of the children are instinctively physically active. They are acquiring knowledge as they wander in their surroundings. A minute observation of a class consisting of young children at recess reveals about their activities of running, jumping, throwing and kicking in their free atmosphere. It is what the
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y practically visualize in getting pleasure out of an active play. As to why are we so much anxious to enhance the physical activity among the children? This is so because students presently are compelled to engage themselves in deskbound environments. To illustrate they travel to school in a vehicle, low priority is accorded in schools towards physical education, spend much of their time in watching the television, entertain themselves with deskbound games like video games and computer games and have no liberty in playing outdoor games. (the Issues: Children and Physical Activity)

Physical education programs of excellence quality are necessitated to enhance the physical proficiency, health related vigor, self-confidence and enjoyment of physical exertion for all students with an objective of making them fit physically though out the life. (Young, 1997) the children in the United States presently are considered physically less vigor than they were in the prior generations. Many exhibit the initial symptoms of vulnerability to the cardio-vascular risk elements like physical idleness, over-weight, high density of blood cholesterol and cigarette smoking. It is natural that the idle children weigh more in comparison to that of an active one and are prone to high blood pressure, low level of heart-protective high density lipoproteins. Even though the cases of cardio-vascular disorders are negligible among the children, it has got ample evidence that the process giving rise to such disorders initiates in childhood. (Children's Need for Physical Activity: Fact Sheet)

An analysis made by National Children and Youth Fitness Study conducted in 1987 revealed that about fifty percent of the youth do not prefer to involve in the physical activity that improves the enduring health. Only about one-third of the elementary and secondary schools incorporate the physical education class as a part of their daily schedule and the rest classes are not conducive for enduring physical activity. A program to judge the fitness patronized by Chrysler Fund Amateur Athletic Union monitored 9.7 million people at the age group of 6-17 years and concluded that the children are generally slower in stamina race and was considered weak. (Children's Need for Physical Activity: Fact Sheet)

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Study of 1999-2000 studying above 95th percentile of the CDC 2000 growth chart, concluded that the trend of overweight American adolescents in the age group of 12-19 years to be the 15.5% for males and females with a significant increase from KHANES-II. It has been observed that the cholesterol level is found to be higher than the 200 mg/dl, among the 10% of American children in the age group of 12-19. About fifteen million American children below the age of 18 are prone to the habit of second hand smoking inside their home. Smoking is prevalent among about 2000 American young people every day. Children usually engage themselves in watching TV for about 3 to 4 hours a day and it is quite perceivable that the idle children are prone to grow to become the idle adults. (Children's Need for Physical Activity: Fact Sheet)

The physical education makes the students aware of the means to supplement the practice of physical activity in their daily routine in consonance with the National Standards for Physical Education and with provisions for content and learning environment that improves the qualities and the inclination to remain active through out the life. The physical activity enhances the muscular potency and stamina, muscular suppleness and cardiovascular longevity simultaneously providing favorable atmosphere for continuance of self-esteem and endeavor for attainable and personal objectives. The report of the Surgeon General on Physical Activity and Health of 1996 infers that regular moderate and physical activity considerably declines the vulnerability to the fatal diseases of cardio-vascular disorders, diabetes, colon cancer and high blood pressures. (Young, 1997)

The revolutionary enhancement in plumpness and fatty among the grown up individuals of U.S. during the period 1976-1980 and 1999-2000 give rise to enhancement of obesity to about 59 million grown up individuals. Besides, the trend is not confined to the grown ups alone, the proportion of the young people those are overweight have enhanced to be doubled within the last two decades. (Physical Activity and Good Nutrition: Essential Elements to Prevent Chronic Diseases and Obesity at a Glance) the analysis made for depicting the connection between the physical activity and the fat pertaining to the abdomen concludes that the physically active men are less prone to gain deposits of fat at the abdominal area. (Summerfield, 1998) the plumpness of individuals enhances the vulnerability to heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis-related disabilities and to some extent cancers. The per annum cost of plumpness and overweight was estimated to be about 117 million USD during the year 2000. (Physical Activity and Good Nutrition: Essential Elements to Prevent Chronic Diseases and Obesity at a Glance)

As per an estimate made by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, the number of obesity among the children has increased to be doubled within the last two decades. During 1999, as per the estimates, about 13% of the children in the age group of 6 to 11 years were considered to be overweight and about 14% of adolescents within the age group of 12 to 19 were considered to be overweight. It has been observed that only fifty percent of youth in the age group of 12-21 years involve in the rigorous physical activity. About 25% are considered to be quite idle. About 17% of all the middle and junior high schools and 2% of all the secondary high schools only necessitate the daily physical activities for all the students. (Smothers, 2002)

Encouraging the physical movement on regular basis along with the healthy food and creation of a circumstance that is conducive to these activities are perceived to be necessary for checking the scourge of obesity. (Physical Activity and Good Nutrition: Essential Elements to Prevent Chronic Diseases and Obesity at a Glance) in addition to bringing a reduction in the childhood obesity the physical activity is also considered physically significant for several of other reasons. The physical activity on regular basis assists the children in sustaining the healthy bones, muscles and joints and constructs the lean muscles and checks fat deposition that avoids or slows down the process of increasing blood pressure, decreases the feelings of depression and anxiety and by influencing the mental health of the student increases their capabilities to learn. Keeping these in view it is quite essential that the teachers assist in reducing the amount of physical idleness with the scopes for increased quantity of physical exertion to the students during the school days. The physical movement of body not only is advantageous to maintain a healthy body but also have enough scope to learn through the movements. (the Issues: Children and Physical Activity)

Moreover, the physical activity among the children and the adolescents is considered significant as a result of the associated health, cognitive and emotional benefits. Moreover the study on 'Physical Activity and Sports in the Lives of Girls' made during 1997 reported that regular physical activity is prone to reduce the risk of girls towards chronic disease of adulthood and enhances the mental health of the girls by decreasing the signs of stress and depression and develops the self-confidence. It has also been observed that the female athletes are performing better in the academic… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Physical Education the Corporal Gesture" Assignment:

My research paper is...the importance of physical education. It should explain why children need physical education within the curriculum. Please do not do into the history of physical education. Keep it up to date. For example, with the obesity and body mass index. At least 6 sources must cited. Half must come from the internet and other half from library.

How to Reference "Physical Education the Corporal Gesture" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Physical Education the Corporal Gesture.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2004, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Physical Education the Corporal Gesture (2004). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747
A1-TermPaper.com. (2004). Physical Education the Corporal Gesture. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Physical Education the Corporal Gesture” 2004. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747.
”Physical Education the Corporal Gesture” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747.
[1] ”Physical Education the Corporal Gesture”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2004. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Physical Education the Corporal Gesture [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2004 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747
1. Physical Education the Corporal Gesture. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-education-corporal-gesture/7883747. Published 2004. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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