Term Paper on "Physical Activity in Contemporary Society"

Term Paper 4 pages (1813 words) Sources: 1+

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Physical Activity in Contemporary Society

In the cartoon "The Answer to Youth Obesity," the artist makes an obvious statement regarding the nature of one America's biggest problems. He portrays an extremely overweight child sitting at his kitchen table with his skinny mother. He has a distressed look on his face signaling his annoyance at the healthy foods which sit in front of him. His mother is attempting to soothe his distress by explaining that "so you'll make a smaller target at school." This represents the idea of curbing unhealthy ways of raising our children, not for their health, but for social acceptance. It is an ugly truth that obese youth have to deal with being ostracized by their peers.

The problem of youth obesity can be addressed in various ways. However, it is important that they all appeal to the social stratosphere which makes up their world. Children are prone to mimic those around them and the school yard can be a necessary ally when trying to influence the minds of children. In order to curb this issue, we need the kids to eat healthier. Therefore, by making these foods appeal to children through TV. Or other facets will ensure that some will convinced and eat them. Children also need much more exercise in order to keep burning the fats they eat. Enrolling kids in sports is effective, but ensuring those children are surrounded with friends makes the process much more fun. It becomes less of a chore or a forced activity and enjoys exercising with their friends. However, when children still put on weight, something must also be done to ensure that they do not have to suffer torment from their peers. Children need to be stopped from ostracizing overweight
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children, for it could cause serious psychological problems later in life.

2a. Increasing healthcare costs are obvious in today's economy; one of their major factors is inactivity. This then leads to various diseases and conditions which could have initially avoided. Once a large enough population falls ill to conditions, which cost the aggregate healthcare companies millions of dollars annually, these companies to increase prices in general to the rest of the public.

3a John, Black Male with heart disease

Due to Health Disparities-Inactivity in older age. Then leads to Diabetes. Then leads to Heart Disease.

Health Care Inequalities- His whole family is not covered by his healthcare. His copays are too much for him to cover. His other coworkers get better rates.

Health Care Access- job did not provide healthcare for a while. Now it does, but very limited. His surgery and much other needed costs are not covered.

John was a forty-five-year-old male who is now suffering from heart disease. He has worked all of his life in the city he was born in. Yet, as he has gotten older, he has developed diabetes due to his increasing lack of physical inactivity. On top of that, he has begun to gain excessive amounts of weight, leading to his heart problems; these problems are standard for minorities around his age (Jet, 2001). However, he is now having problems paying his copay to his insurance company in order to get the surgery he needs. He doesn't understand why he always had a higher rate than some of his coworkers. Although he knows research has shown that minorities have much more trouble getting proper healthcare (Guy, 2000).Plus, the plan he has doesn't have that good of coverage. He didn't even have insurance until a few years ago when his boss decided to include benefits in his hourly-based job. This helped, but not enough, and is typical as seen in research based on minorities having trouble getting proper healthcare (Guy, 2000) for the insurance he was given does not cover a lot of what he needs, nor does it cover any of his family members. So he is continuing to work and do everything he can to put off the surgery until he can afford the insurance quote.

4a. The term acculturation refers to the idea that different cultures begin to assimilate within each other after prolonged contact. In this particular study it refers to the assimilation of Hispanic and Asian youths within America's culture of eating unhealthy fast foods and increasing levels of inactivity.

4b. The research produced by the study showed much higher levels of acculturation on the part of the Hispanic group of participants with assimilating Americans bad eating habits when compared to the Asian participants, although there was no real difference between physical activity or inactivity. The authors used surveys in order to collect data which was later analyzed to produce the results.

4c. There were several weaknesses which could have threatened the base of the study. The first being the honesty with which the young Asian and Hispanic students answered the questions regarding their eating habits. This could have created false results to be analyzed. Also, the survey regarding physical inactivity could have been more detailed in order to get a better picture.

5. There are several ways in which each age group can increase their physical activity through inter-institutional change. For the very youngest, the child's mother should be responsible for increasing outings and playtime with other infants and babies. For the childhood stage, incorporating sports or other outside activities with friends involved will help curb inactivity. The youth stage should center themselves more in higher level competition sports in school, for these also build confidence. For the adult stage, voluntary exercise is needed in order to help improve physical activity possibly through a work centered fitness program.

6. At the Macarthur Park Recreation Center near Downtown Los Angeles, a Community Organization is forming to help increase physical activity within the Hispanic community. This program values the cultural heritage of the Hispanic community in Los Angeles, which is important to keep members coming back. They incorporate activities which are centered on Hispanic tradition, such as Latino dancing and soccer. The faculty there shows the members high levels of respect, which is also important in establishing a relationship between faculty and members. The faculty is in fact members of the same community, so they are simply strengthening a relationship which is already there. This fact also ties into the strategy of faculty willing to learn about the member's own life experiences, for those experiences are in a way their own experiences. These tight knight relationships will also ensure the community's acceptance of the program. The program includes membership for entire families, ensuring that more members of the family will participate. This is not only good for the family at large, but it is also greater encouragement for the individual. Lastly, the program will be bi-lingual. They will offer both Spanish and English courses and teachings, so to further align themselves with their community while also offering a chance to get more familiar with English.

7. There are several recommendations which would improve George's quest to become more physically fit and therefore avoid serious health problems. Because he is divorced and lives a relatively solitary life, it will be difficult to keep him focused. Faculty at the program he is attending should encourage him to make friends at the gym in order to mutually keep each other on track and make the work out more enjoyable. Also finding a friend who is also trying to quit smoking will help George get through the tough time. Because he is so far away from his health club, he might want to find someone who lives near him to carpool. This would not only save him time and gas, but also create relationships with others at the health club. He was sore for two whole days after his first work out, so he should understand the limits of his body and start off slow, maybe a few times a week and then pick up the speed once his body feels capable. It might also be recommended that he asks his boss at work to give him a little less hours until he starts getting his health back on track. He needs to listen to his doctor's advice. Also because everyone is on a relatively similar program, he might want to ask the faculty to take a look at his individual needs to address certain problems which he might have while the others don't. He said that he liked the program being out of his hands, but it still needs to be tailored to his specific needs and wants. He needs to take some time and think about what he wants to accomplish in order to have the faculty help him efficiently. Despite the fact they will not be setting any goals for six months, George needs to set his own during that period. The better he knows himself, the better they will know how and when to step in and help him more efficiently. He should also try and incorporate his hobby of collecting old tapes into his work out routine.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Physical Activity in Contemporary Society" Assignment:

You are free to use the resources I emailed and any other

materials you choose to use.

Question # 1

Examine the cartoon entitled "The Answer to Youth Obesity" and respond to the following.

Given our discussions regarding the limitations to relying on individual responsibility

a) describe the message the cartoonist is sending (make sure to identify at least two points and

make sure to connect your answer to elements in the cartoon)

b) using any of the various sociological perspectives provide

three ways in which we can address youth obesity. Make sure you explain why your answer

reflects a sociological perspective.

Question # 2

Examine the table entitled "Poor diet and inactivity raise health-care costs." What is the

appropriate term used to describe these health care costs due to disease and poor diet and

physical inactivity?

Question # 3

a) Write a short biographical sketch of an African American male who is dealing with heart

disease. The biographical sketch should outline the difficulties/obstacles this person is likely to

face. The biographical sketch should be based on the Minority Health Disparities Model

b) Make sure that you include 3 factors that can be classified into each of the three categories of

the model for a total of nine factors. You must include an outline of your choosing which

demonstrates how each factor fits into the appropriate category. The biographical sketch must be in narrative form.

c) For one factor from each of the three categories identify a research statistic that supports the

challenge this man is likely to face. Make sure that you provide a complete source for each of

your statistics. It is not sufficient to indicate the research statistic came from the notes.

Question # 4

Read the article, "Acculturation, physical activity, and fast-food consumption among Asian

American and Hispanic adolescents" and respond to the following:

a. Describe what is meant by the tenn acculturation.

b. According to the results of this study did the authors conclude that acculturation differs when

comparing Asians to Hispanics? Specify how the authors arrived at this conclusion.

c. The authors identify several weaknesses or limitations that may have impacted the results of

the study. Briefly identify two of these weaknesses and determine whether you believe the

weakness over-estimated or under-estimated the presence of acculturation. Make sure that you

carefully explain how you arrived at your answer.

Question # 5

Examine the cartoon drawing, "The Four Ages of Man" and respond to the following:

a) For each age group provide a specific example of an inter-institutional change (from the

McElroy Recentering framework) that is likely to decrease the watching of television. Make sure

that you provide a brief explanation for why each recommendation is likely to work.

Question # 6

a) One of the important Competencies for the 2151 Century advanced by the Pew Health

Professions Commission is the following: Provide culturally competent care to a diverse society.

Use any 5 strategies and develop a culturally sensitive community-based program

designed to get members of minority groups to become more physically

active. Make sure you include the following:

a) a brief explanation of each of the five strategies

~ b) a specific place-(rec center,-Regional Hospital, etc) where each

strategy can be incorporated into the community

c) explain why your strategy is important to a specific race/ethnicity group. Make sure to be


Note: Make sure you explain WHY your strategy is culturally competent.

race/ethnic groups and each strategy should be directed at one specific

group. You may use a minority group more than once but you must develop five different


Question #7

Read the attached biography of George from Topeka, Kansas. Using the McElroy "Recentering

Social Institutions framework" provide 12 specific recommendations that will help George

become committed to participation in regular physical activity. Make sure that you state each of

the recommendations clearly and explain how each is linked to the recentering framework.

Question #8

Read the attached biography of New York Yankees pitcher Chien-Ming Wang. Using the

socialization into physical activity/sport framework answer the following.

a. Identify a specific physical activity/sport role

b. Classify ALL the factors in the article into one of the three categories (personal attributes,

socializing agents, socializing situations) that can be used to predict the specific physical

activity/sport role

c. Determine if each factor is a facilitator (+) or obstacle (-) to his entering the role you have

determined. Provide a very brief explanation to justify this.

d. According to the article, has Chien-Ming Wang experienced. acculturation? Make sure you

explain your answer using two specific pieces of information from the article.


How to Reference "Physical Activity in Contemporary Society" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Physical Activity in Contemporary Society.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Physical Activity in Contemporary Society (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Physical Activity in Contemporary Society. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Physical Activity in Contemporary Society” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450.
”Physical Activity in Contemporary Society” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450.
[1] ”Physical Activity in Contemporary Society”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Physical Activity in Contemporary Society [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450
1. Physical Activity in Contemporary Society. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/physical-activity-contemporary-society/7266450. Published 2008. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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