Essay on "Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership"

Essay 9 pages (3184 words) Sources: 15

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Personality and Transformational Leadership

Most of the time, it is really not that difficult for some people to easily recognize differences of the other people. Others' working ways can be totally different from one's own. At times they can even be annoying. A lot of the time their subordinates can experience their leaders as very adverse and others can undergo the same leaders one of the best that they have ever seen. Vice versa, it can also be said about leaders and it is true: some subordinates are looked at as better and some as worse. Some portion of this mutual recognition is because of the personality. Recognizing the differences of personality difference is much calmer than accepting and understanding them. The emphasis of this essay is basically to discover out personality differences in the situation of transformational leadership, so that they are able to help in understanding and accepting those dissimilarities and to improve transformational leadership. In cooperation subordinates' and leaders' personality features are taken into deliberation.

Personality does have a way of affecting the leaders' favored leadership responsibilities (Nordvik & Brovold 1998), leadership behavior (Furnham 2009) and occupational distribution (Jarlstrom 2002). Usually, personality has been studied by focusing on the personality of leaders, e.g. what is the personality of leaders that are effective, from leaders' own opinion or from subordinates' standpoint (Demarest L. 2008).

Lately, the emphasis only on the leaders' personalities has been broaden even further when

Attentiveness stayed on subordinates' personality also. Self -- aware
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ness in leadership is known to be very vital and each of them being transformational and having self -- perceptions that are accurate and able to improve leader effectiveness (Demarest 2008). When considering personality and helping to enhance self -- awareness, numerous likely instruments are accessible. These are for instance Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire and the Five -- Factor Model of personality (Big Five) and (PF16). In this essay the Myers -- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) will be talked about, for the reason that it has been proven to be suitable in the study of organizations, leadership and management, and because of its positive approach in the direction of personality. With that said this essay approaches the relationship between personality and transformational leadership firstly d introducing the theory and earlier studies in these areas and then presenting the research of the subject. The research keeps the focus on both subordinates' and leaders' personalities' influence on transformational leadership assessments as well as personality's impact on subordinates' prospects of their leaders

Leadership Theories

In this part of the essay, the leadership and personality theories are concisely designated in order to recognize the setting of where the transformational leadership and Myers -- Briggs personality theory fit. The essay hits on some valuable points in describing the transformational leadership and Myers -- Briggs theory more exactly thinking on the previous studies of them.

Figure 1 This graph shows that transformational leadership is a mediator.

The most utilized standards of leadership have been well-defined by Stogdill (1974). As stated by him, leadership initially allocated with the qualities of great leaders. These great leaders were those who that had influenced sure single features or traits making a difference

That is among leadership and non-leadership. This theory makes the assumption that leaders were basically dissimilar from followers. Many of trait studies have been settled

since the year of 1879. They focused on, for instance, leaders' height, popularity, social skills weight, age, appearance, intelligence, and collaboration. The issues which were linked with leadership can be distributed into general headings for instance capability, achievement, accountability, contribution and rank. On the other hand, the trait method acts appropriately as each trait acts as individually to regulate leadership properties and, after these studies, the assumption was that leaders were not essentially unlike from other followers.

Secondly research that had been concentrated on leaders behaviors, on what they do. These studies started to observe the leaders in the setting of organization. Leadership readings of the universities of Ohio State and Michigan had went for this approach. Each of these studies recognized that two kinds of leader behavior. In the Ohio State leadership studies

Hemphill along with his connections recorder about 1800 leader behaviors sometime in 1949.

Contingent theories (or situational leadership theories) are what signified the third method to leadership. The contingency theory makes the assumption that the things of one variable in regards to the leadership are very much contingent on other variables (Horner 2007). One of the recognized is Fiedler's contingency model which derived from the year 1967, where the forecast is that task -- oriented leaders are much more real when confronted with extremely unfavorable or extremely promising circumstances and relations -- oriented leaders are at their best when circumstances are abstemiously promising (Furnham 2009). Socio -- independent leaders (halfway among the relationship -- oriented and task -- oriented) are most real in very favorable circumstances. Fiedler established the Least Preferred Co -- worker (LPC) questionnaire so that it could evaluate his theory.

Likewise, Reddin's 3 -- D theory House's path -- goal theory, Blanchard's situational leadership theory and Hersey are encompassed in contingent theories (Den Hartog 2006). The pathgoal theory adopts that active leader aids in subordinating to attain task goals and create some kind of efforts that will turn out to be satisfying and rewarding. For instance, supportive leader raises the approval of followers when the responsibilities turn out to be frustrating, demanding, or disgruntling (Den Hartog & P. Koopman 2006)). Reddin's 3 -- D theory contains of four rudimentary styles of decision-making behavior, any one of which could be operative in positive circumstances and not in others (Reddin 1970).

Figure 2 This graph shows that example of Transformational leadership and personality.

The leadership research and theories still do depend deeply on the study of motivation and expending motivational theories as provision, e.g. transactional vs. transformational leadership theories have arose. Transformational leadership is founded on the procedure where the leader is aware of the followers' requirements and then brings up the level of incentive and ethical of them in addition as of themselves (Demarest, L. 2008). The transactional leadership procedure is more founded on interchange: if the work is done right they will get some rewards.

Personality theories

"Personality can be described as the characteristic and distinctive patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that describe an individual's personal approach of interacting with the social and physical environment" (Deluga, R. 2005), personality approaches can be separated into three methods: phenomenological approach and psychoanalytic approach, and behavioristic approach. The first two methods are founded on the individual's motivational or support history when forecasting behavior. Some distribute personality theories in a different way: e.g. Deluga (2005) enhances the trait theory into this list, and Hjelle and Ziegler (1985) divide these theories more precisely into psychoanalytic, individual psychosocial theory, trait theory, cognitive theory, need theory, psychology theory of personality, behavioristic learning theory, social -- learning theory, humanistic theory and phenomenological theory (Charbonneau, D 2004).

Transformational leadership

The studies and theories of transformational leadership initially had its start by (Church, a. & J. Waclawski 2008). Burns (1978). Burns' concept was really established the evidence that transforming leadership brings up both leaders' and subordinates' phases of morale and motivations. When transformational leadership reasons more active behavior of all contributors because of inner motivation, the transactional leaders are the ones that will try to inspire subordinates by punishing or rewarding them (Allinson 2001).

Research has specified that, for instance, higher efficiency, lower employee turnover rates, bigger job gratification and incentive are because of transformational leadership in excess of transactional leadership or non-transformational leadership. Lessons of transformational leadership have lately fixated on the training and development of transformational leadership, exact parts inside it in addition to things like developing and testing its extents. Since Burns, a lot of researchers have defined and studied transformational leadership. Bass' (1985) definition of the connection among transformational leader and subordinate contains charisma (or perfect effect), individualized consideration, inspirational leadership, and intellectual stimulation (Alban-Metcalfe 2007).

Figure 3 This graphs shows the ethics of transformational leadership.

Posner's and Kouzes (1988) opinion is founded on trust. If a leader is apparent by assistants to be dependable, the subordinates will contribute to gain the shared vision. They exposed that managers who influenced others to join them shadowed the path: the vision-participation-persistence (VIP) model. The more exact dynamics of this model contains of five sections: challenging the procedure, inspiring a common vision, allowing others to act, demonstrating the way, and reassuring the heart description of transformational leadership is troubled with change, origination, and free enterprise. As stated by them, transformational leadership is administered through distinguishing the necessity for renewal, generating a new vision and institutionalizing alteration. More than a few instruments have been established to measure transformational leadership. These contain, for instance: the leader behavior questionnaire (LBQ) the multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) by Bass and Avolio (1990).

Earlier studies concerning transformational leadership and personality

The transformational leaders have been able to succeed in… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership" Assignment:

Read the attached paper:-

Tiina M. Hautala, (2006), *****The relationship between personality and transformational leadership*****, Journal of Management Development, Vol.25 Iss:8 pp.777-794

After reading the paper you are required to write a 2,750 word essay which addresses the following:-

*****¢ Provide a brief analytical review of the paper outlining the main themes and issues discussed.

*****¢ Drawing on other journal papers and academic materials critically evaluate the extent to which personality determines leadership capability. Consider the practical implications of this for the development of leadership skills within your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.

*****¢ Provide conclusions and recommendations which address the practical implications you have identified.

Your answer should present a balanced mixture of theory and practice and refer to practical organisational examples.

The assignment should be around 2750 words in length, plus any appendices, references and bibliography.

I will send this journal to you for answer the first question. After that you need to find more journal or other paper for answer the second question. And please provide conclusion and recommendations to my essay.

In case of that you have any question about this paper, please do not be hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much indeed.


How to Reference "Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership" Essay in a Bibliography

Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership” 2012.
”Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Relationship Between Personality and Transformational Leadership. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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