Essay on "Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back"

Essay 9 pages (2720 words) Sources: 3

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Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back

One of my key values today is efficacy. I like to get things done and I am highly result-oriented. However, based on previous experiences I acknowledge the fact that in the race for the result I often tend to move fast and not wait for my teammates. I believe that being a leader in the working field is an important accomplishment and I realize that a lot of work is needed in this direction. Nevertheless, I realize that being a leader implies so much more than dedicating all the attention to myself. As others have made me understand, I should try to be a better listener. I rely highly upon myself, but I should also open myself more in order to appreciate the insight others can bring.

An important episode from which I have learned is the leadership trip where the school sent us to the mountains in order to develop our leadership skills. Some of the characteristics mentioned above were actually highlighted on this occasion. A further important lesson that the this episode allowed me to learn was the flexibility. If a solution which one considers to be good is applied and fails to achieve its goal repeatedly, then it is time to come up with another solution.

As far as I'm concerned, it is important to have an open mentality. It is true that are some basic things that one ought to know, just as it is true that experience is a solid source of knowledge. However, keeping an open mind to new and unexpected alternatives might be a strategic factor in becoming a good leader.

I think that a good leader has a strong background in terms of both knowledge and experience and is also capable of sharin
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g it with his teammates. The mountain trip I have written about was an opportunity to demonstrate that I am a good communicator when it comes to passing knowledge and information.

Speaking of more general values I must confess that my personal history and that of my family played an important role in shaping them. My father died when I was nine, therefore my single mother had to take care of me and my brother and sister. This fact marked me in a very profound manner, teaching me the fundamental value of coordinates such as hard work, honesty, integrity, faith, excellence, honor and determination.

One of the people who marked my life and the way I am in an extremely profound manner was my mother. She started out as a school teacher and progressed to become the director of northern Saudi Arabia education board. For me this is an example that hard work and a strong will, together with courage and strong moral principles are the key to self development. A professional career is not something that is desirable because society teaches you this. It is desirable because it is a means of developing the self and realizing your potential. Fundamentally it is an act of creation which gives meaning to life.

Another person who influenced my life profoundly is my older brother Abdul. It is safe to say that he was my mentor. He always believed in me, supported me and never judged, regardless of the situation. This sort of unconditional support was extremely helpful for me. After high school I joined the KSU University in Riyadh Saudi Arabia as an industrial engineering student. However, I did not take the opportunity seriously and I never graduated. After five years spent at the university and no future plans, it was my brother who asked me some fundamental questions which made me have a better level of self-awareness. These questions were: what are you doing right now and do you see any future in what you are doing now. Naturally, I was unable to answer these questions because I was too ashamed of the answers. My brother told me that only a fool follows a street which he knows that leads nowhere. He advised me to drop everything, go to the U.S., take a degree I was interested in, change my life and do something which actually offers me a future perspective.

And this is exactly what I did. I graduated in Denver with a bachelor of science in international business. I was honored by the school in five different occasions during my undergraduate degree. Now I am doing a masters in the science of finance. Oen of the things which my brother taught me was the importance of doing what you want. This is rewarding and motivating. I learned that in life one must set his own goals.

I am generous and I like to help people, my tutoring activities being a proof in this regard. I believe that work is a powerful source of knowledge therefore I try to do my best in achieving practical experience.

1.B. Personal vision on leadership

I believe that a leader is not someone who already possesses the solution and is meant to impose it on others, but a skilled communicator who knows how to stimulate his teammates in a manner that will help the team achieve outstanding rewards. I enjoy managing people, but not to the extent that they are forced to follow my lead. I believe that the efficiency and efficacy of people's actions diminishes in a tragical manner when they are forced to do something .

I want to be a leader, but at the same time I have to underline that I do not value my opinion better than the opinions of others. On the contrary I think that everyone's opinion is just as credible of mine. Hence the importance of listening to the others. Naturally, a leader must have the intelligence to select the most relevant information and put it together in a s smart way.

When it comes to leading techniques, I think that communication plays a fundamental role. I think that verbalizing one's thoughts is essential and that dialogue can be used as a strategic tool. I have a personal example when it comes to leadership and it is embodied by Nelson Mandela. I love his leadership style, his compassion and piercing vision. I agree to the fact that business is profit oriented. However, I believe that a leader must never forget that business is made, driven, supported by people and that the well being of those people will impact the well being of the business (just like the contrary is also true). Therefore, a leader should think in humanist terms as well, and not only in formulas meant to improve the quantity of production.

Leadership is directly connected to power and influence. I believe that power and influence should be used for the benefit of the humankind. I must underline that according to my view, power should be accompanied by good judgment. I like to be in a position which allows me to help other people. Leadership is such a position, which allows you to actually make a difference in people's lives. I believe that the most important legacies I could leave as a leader include love, hope and compassion. For example, if I could think of a situation in which after having invented a genius theory in economics, I could choose between using it in order to gain a lot of money (by let us say selling it) and using it for the improvement of everybody's lives, I would definitely choose the second option.

I think that leaders ought to lead by providing a support system for their followers. In addition, it would be important for leaders to contribute to the improvement of the circumstances the others find themselves in. I feel that I lead best by collaborating with others in the problem-solving process as opposed to discovering the answers entirely on my own. I believe that a good leader is one who encourages others to strive for their best. Creating the circumstances in which the other team members can fulfill their potential best is one of the conditions which I think are required by a good leader.

I believe that a leader must lead through communication but also through the power of the personal example must be motivating and inspiring, he must become a role model. It is very difficult to motivate people to give the best of them through financial rewards or through punishment systems. I believe that the best way to motivate them is to insist upon the development and realization of the self. As far as my personal leadership dream is concerned, it refers to being nominated for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Sciences in the memory of Alfred Nobel. There could be no higher legacy that I could leave after I am gone, but not through the nomination itself, but through the contribution which has led to it- because it would mean having actually contributed to the improvement of people's lives. In this manner I will have contributed to a better life for… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back" Assignment:

this assignment has two parts

To complete this paper i will send you the following documents:

1- a doc file called template it contains the same assignment information it also has bulletpoints that will deal with part 1 - a & b, it also deals with part 2-a (i have included the completed table). my own words are colored red in the document, please use it for your write up.

2- if you read the assignment carefully it calls for utilizing *****"the insights*****". this is a self assessment test and it generate a personality profile. i have included it as a PDF file called insights.

3- a doc file called Saad_Careerleader its another professional self assessment test, it*****'ll help better understand the perspective you write with.

4- 5 other general articles, the assignment calls for utilizing the readings, i have included the ones that relates to this topic.

please remember that:

1- part 1 (5 pages) includes two section

2- part 2 (4 pages) includes two section

3- i have completed part 2-a, it only requires your analysis (discussion), and you may want to add stuff to the threats section.

4- please utilize as many articles as you need.

5- read on for the assignment.


This assignment is designed to enable and enhance your future personal development and leadership effectiveness, and includes leadership self-reflection, and personal development plan. Synthesis between your personal reflections and academic material is the key to success for this paper. This is an academic as well as a practical assignment, so use applicable course leadership theories, models, and materials studied to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply them in a real world situation. This material could include your Insights profile, the experiences from working with your team, plus any of the models studied in the course.

PART 1.......(5 pages). Personal Reflections and Vision ***** Looking Back: The first step, utilizing your log, is a personal reflections and vision section, addressing the following:

a. Personal reflections: What are your key values today and what people and events influenced those values during the development stages of your life? What are a few of the key *****˜defining moments***** from your personal history? What have you learned about yourself, self-management, social awareness and relationships? How do the readings, leadership, team-building models, and Insights help you understand who you are today and who you are as a leader?

b. Personal vision: What is your personal leadership vision? Who do you want to be as a leader? How do you want to be remembered? How will you have uniquely impacted the world from a leadership perspective? Please consider from both a personal and professional standpoint, and, as with the reflections portion, discuss your vision in relation to the readings, models, etc. that you*****ve studied in the course.

These questions are meant to be illustrative and to spur your thinking about yourself. You are not required to answer each question; in fact, papers that are just the answers to these questions usually don*****t do a good job of conveying your reflections. Your job is to clearly identify who you are now, as a leader, and who you want to be, as a leader. Use the questions to help you think about those issues.

This portion of your paper should be no longer than 5 pages.

Part 2......(4 pages)... SLOT Analysis and Leadership Development Plan (LDP) ***** Looking Forward: The second portion of your paper starts with an analysis to identify the gap between where you are as a leader and where you want to be. Use the SLOT format to give a very brief summary of your Strengths, Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats.

Given your assessment of where you are and where you want to be, plus your SLOT, what steps will you take to move closer to your vision? You should consider the feedback you received from your teammates during the Edge weekend to decide on specific steps you can take to develop your leadership potential. This paper has two components:

a. SLOT Analysis: Who are you now and who do you want to become?

Your Plan starts with a SLOT analysis of yourself. Based on your reflection/vision paper, identify your Strengths, Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats, as they relate to your leadership vision.

b. Leadership Development Plan: How will you become the leader you want to be?

Based on your reflection/vision paper and SLOT analysis, create a set of specific goals and action steps that are responsive to your identified development needs. Your goals should relate either to limitations or threats you need to deal with, or with strengths or opportunities you need to leverage to attain your leadership vision.

This plan is not a job search plan or career plan; i.e., it is not about what job titles you aspire to. This plan should identify the personal characteristics and qualities you need to develop to become the person you need to be to accomplish what you want to accomplish in life, both personally and professionally. So, for example, *****I want to attain a division management position within 5 years***** is not the type of goal this assignment calls for because that goal tells you nothing about how to become a better leader. Your plan can include the leadership skills and characteristics you need to develop to obtain that division management position.

Your LDP will be assessed against SMART criteria. For each of your goals, ask whether the goal is:

*****¢ Specific: Provide enough detail so there is no indecision as to what exactly you should be doing when the time comes to do it.

*****¢ Measurable: Ensure when you are through with your goal you have some real evidence of completion.

*****¢ Achievable: Create goals that motivate and challenge. If a goal is too easy or too difficult, it becomes meaningless.

*****¢ Relevant: Create goals that link to your department and organizational objectives.

*****¢ Time-bound: State when you plan to achieve your goal. Your goals should have target dates within the next six months.


How to Reference "Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back" Essay in a Bibliography

Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back” 2010.
”Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Personal Reflections and Vision- Looking Back. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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