Essay on "Personal Leadership Development Plan"

Essay 4 pages (1488 words) Sources: 4

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Personal Leadership Development Plan

As a managerial leader, I have many strong suits. I am a detached and rational decision-maker, which manifests itself in a number of key strengths. I have scored highly, for example, in setting goals and objectives and in presenting ideas. This speaks to the clarity with which I see the organization and its mission. I can translate that mission to goals and explain my ideas easily. I can organize the teams and power bases required to meet the objectives.

My rational nature ensures that I am adaptive. Change does not bother me and I score well in managing time and stress. These are both traits of highly rational leaders. Many of the points on which I score at moderate-to-high levels also relate to planning, organizing and negotiating. I have clearly demonstrated the ability to make the best use of my technical abilities to guide my leadership style.

Technical skill and vision, however, represent only a couple of the key traits of a leader. Edwin Locke proposed that vision and technical ability are important leadership factors, but that the ability to implement the vision is just as important (Locke, 1999). My most significant areas of weakness relate to this component of leadership. For example, I score poorly at managing projects and fostering a productive work environment. While I can conceptualize a project with my technical skills, I do not appear to have much ability to convince others to perform their tasks, which affects my scores. I am relatively weak at managing core processes, managing conflict, developing employees and understanding self and others. Each of these speaks to the human interactive element of l
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eadership. The clear divergence between the types of strengths and weaknesses illustrates very clearly that my leadership style relies heavily on technical ability and much less on interpersonal skills.

My two weakest roles are managing projects and fostering a productive work environment. My weakness in these roles derives from my lack of ability in interpersonal skills. For example, I recorded a low score on aptitude/tendency towards a supportive leadership style. My relationship scores on the style questionnaire also were low. I am an ISTJ. My style emphasizes control, planning and structure, and as a result I have a natural tendency to de-emphasize the human elements of leadership. I am weak on most human competencies, such as understanding others, relating to others and motivating others. Because I am internally driven, I have little concept of how others might be motivated -- I naturally assume them to be internally driven just like me.

While fostering a productive work environment is clearly related directly to my interpersonal skills, it is a little more difficult to pin down my weakness in project management. Whereas motivation roles can be based largely on an understanding of interpersonal dynamics, project management seems as though it would incorporate both interpersonal and technical aspects. The technical side of project management incorporates a significant amount of project design, flowchart development and other tasks where I should score well. It may be that I perform as poorly as I do at project management specifically because I overstate the role of technical competencies in the task and understate the role of non-technical competencies. The role that interpersonal factors such a motivation, listening, and work environment play may render my technical skills nearly worthless in a project management environment. Indeed, Perce (1998) identified that the three most important skills in project management are negotiation, conflict resolution and interpersonal problem solving -- all three being oriented to the interpersonal.

The primary objective of my personal leadership development plan is to improve my interpersonal skills within 180 days. It is essential to my ability to leader in the future that I address my deficiencies of today with a sense of urgency and determination. Interpersonal skills can be difficult to acquire because they speak to the core of one's innate nature. However, by putting some basic interpersonal skills into practice, good habits can develop. Being aware of the problem is the first step, as it allows for weaknesses to be identified. I have reached this part of the process, and now need to focus on the individual competencies that are held by those with strong interpersonal skills. By imitating these behaviors and by being cognizant of the need to develop these skills, I can construct and execute a plan that I can follow.

The individual skills of those who perform strongly on interpersonal skills tests… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Personal Leadership Development Plan" Assignment:

During the course of Managerial Reasoning we have studied based on Competing Values Framework and the objective of the course was:

"This course will enable you to use diagnostic methods, conceptual frameworks and practical tools to make sound judgment about the types of managerial roles and competencies that are essential for effective management. The theoretical basis for this course is the Competing Values Framework (CVF), which differentiates successful managers as high performing managers with a deep capacity to develop paradoxical skills and learning abilities to deal with divergent problems. Making sound judgment about the kind of behaviors and responsibilities, or roles, which one must assume to get people to accomplish particular goals also has ethical and moral ramifications. Thus, this course will help you develop the sensitivity skills associated with reasoning about what you value most and how it might affect others."

And During the modules of the courses we have studied :

Module 1*****”Roles Managers Play

Module 2*****”Living with Environments of Change

Module 3*****”Culture and Ethical Leadership

Module 4*****”Integration

I will send you my first survey results attached with my first assignment during the course which is the analysis of our competing values profile, and I will add a file showing you my second results at the end of the course.

The assignment I am asking you to write is stated below:

1. Retake the survey that you took at the beginning of the class; print off the new profile. ( I have taken the survey and I will send you my results)

2. Drawing on ALL of the data you have collected so far, prepare a Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP). The elements of your PLDP must include the following:

· Summary of your strengths and weaknesses as a managerial leader, and the basis for your assessment.

· Identification of your two wea***** roles and associated competencies and why these two roles are the wea***** ones for you.

· Options available to you for improving your skills over the next 180 days.

· Detailed plan of sustained improvement efforts on the two roles and their competencies over the next six months. Present your plan of what you will do within the next 30 days, 60 days, and 180 days.

· Detail steps on how you will evaluate your plan and adjust as needed.

· Summarize with an evaluation of your strengths. *****

How to Reference "Personal Leadership Development Plan" Essay in a Bibliography

Personal Leadership Development Plan.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Personal Leadership Development Plan (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Personal Leadership Development Plan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Personal Leadership Development Plan” 2009.
”Personal Leadership Development Plan”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Personal Leadership Development Plan”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Personal Leadership Development Plan [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Personal Leadership Development Plan. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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