Assessment on "Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge"

Assessment 4 pages (1158 words) Sources: 0

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Personal leadership beliefs: Overview

Leadership: current knowledge

Teamwork is an essential aspect of optimizing organizational performance. According to the Keirsey Temperament test, I have an intuitive ability to facilitate teamwork and create a team atmosphere that can optimize organizational performance. Interpersonal and communication skills are some of the most important leadership qualities when doing business today. Exercising leadership in a diverse environment requires understanding how people's different value orientations impact organizational behavior. I believe that my Idealist (NF) and Intuitive Feeler orientation gives me the required patience and understanding to create a leadership environment where all the contributions, of every member of the organization, are valued. My style is that of a participatory managerial approach that strives to draw forth the skills of all organizational members.

Leadership skills

Media and public relations have become especially important in today's economy, and I believe that my communication skills make me ideally suited for the demands of today's business environment. Good listening is a skill: so is being able to say the same things in different ways to appeal to different types of people.

Even though many corporate workplaces are quite segmented, departments such as it and marketing must engage in more joint efforts than ever before. I have always enjoyed being a part of multidisciplinary teams and acting as a liaison with other companies and departments. Teaching, diplomacy, and negotiating are all skills which I -- and a good leader -- must possess in
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abundance, just as much as traditional leadership capacities of managing, delegating, and exercising authority. Authority in modern organizations no longer exists in a top-down fashion.

Disposition towards leadership

On an ethical orientation test, I was characterized as an 'organizational person,' who puts the value and goals of the organization ahead of personal values. Once upon a time, I suppose, this type of orientation was seen as antithetical to strong leadership. However, now I believe that this type of disposition is an asset. Instead of stressing personal advancement, I strive to create a common mission and goal for those with whom I work. I have long understood that no person is an 'island.' Every leader is dependant upon others to realize organizational goals, and a leader who places the needs of him or herself above that of the organization is no leader at all.

Of course, even the most popular and congenial leader cannot lose sight of his or her values: someone who is overly yielding will not be respected. But I am strong as well as supportive: I try to use the need to put aside personality conflicts and accomplish the task at hand as a way of keeping team members highly focused. In this sense, my desire to be an organizational cheerleader can work to my advantage.

Those whom I supervise know I prefer to lead through dispensing praise, not with sanctions. I am always quick to note peoples' different accomplishments, and when there is a problem, my approach is 'how do we fix this,' rather than to ask 'who is to blame.' I believe that making people want to please you is more effective than leading through fear: I take a genuine interest in subordinate's professional development. Showing that you care about team member's growth and advancement beyond their immediate relevance to the project creates stronger organizational bonds and makes employees more willing to make sacrifices when necessary. Investing in workers through education and showing sensitivity to individual needs ultimately makes for a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge" Assignment:

In this assignment, student will first complete readings on leadership eras and complete the task versus people profile, Keirsey Temperament, ethical orientation, motivation beliefs, attributes of leaders, and stress and coping assessments. Following the compilation of personal information from these activities and reflection on previous experience, beliefs, dispositions, and personal/cultural values, the student will write a 4 page Personal Leadership Beliefs Paper.

The paper will include, but not limited to: current knowledge, skill, and disposition on leadership, key ethical beliefs, values, about self and others, leadership attributes, and methods of coping with the demands of leadership.

Keirsey Temperament Test

Please use the reference list to recheck work.

According to the Keirsey Temperament test I am an*****" Idealist (NF) an Intuitive Feeler*****" The descriptor categorized intuitive feelers or idealist as enthusiastic and often has strong communication and interaction skills. And these people excel at public relations and can be effective as a liaison to other companies or departments. An intuitive feeler also often make a good teacher, especially on the elementary level because of his or her patience and understanding. Such as person is excellent at setting the atmosphere necessary for quality learning and training.

However, their descriptors include vivid imagination, seductive, mysterious, interpersonal skills, hypertensive to conflict, supportive of others, autonomy, sympathetic, need encouragement and recognition, integrity, give strokes freely, interaction, and cooperation*****'.

Reflection: The Keirsey Temperament emphasis my personality and character .

Please add more to this reflection.

Ethical Orientation

In the ethnical orientation test, I scored high in two category- category two and three.*****" In category two I am view as the organizational person. This category states that my concern is to achieve the goal of the organization or group. Individual values and personal opinions are subordinated to organizational group needs*****"

Reflection: This is true to some extend, I am concern with meeting the organization or group mission. Please add to this reflection.

The next category- is category three- the *****"Socially Aware*****" according to this module the socially aware person is the person who believes that the need of society ( the need of all people) transcend the needs of any one person or group. The primary concern of the socially aware leader is the welfare of others, even when that may conflict with his/her personal and economic self-interest or his/her business or organizational goal*****".

Reflection this is true, Please add to this reflection.

Motivation Theories & Theorist

Attributes of Leaders

I scored pretty high in the questionnaire of attributes of a leaders of the 14 questions 10 were *****"High Degree*****"( HD) while 3 were*****" Moderate Degree*****" ( LD).

Reflections: In regards to using any of the questions as strengths and any that needs developing. I would have to say that I need to be able to motivate others , Please add to this reflection.

How Well Do You Cope?

I scored high in the *****"Feel Very Comfortable*****" category. My second highest was *****" Feel Moderately Comfortable*****"


I feel comfortable dealing with certain things like solving problems, using my authority to get things done etc.-*****"Feel very Comfortable*****"

In the *****"Feel Moderately Comfortable*****" when it comes to speaking in front of a group. Apologizing to someone , and making eye contact is uncomfortable for me. Please add to these reflections.

Some Strategies to Help You Cope

In Coping Strategies that I thought was helpful was items number 4,7,8,13,and 14.

Conflict Style Questionnaire

After tallying my scores from the conflict styles leaders. My leadership style is *****"Integrating Leader*****" According to the reading high on both concern for the relationships and concern for goals; seek new goals which incorporate those of both parties and which lead to growth in the working relationship; stresses collaboration and problem solving.

The two other conflict style which I score moderately high or low in are negotiating-moderately high and avoiding which was low

In negotiating my main concern is for both relationship and goals; middle-group aimed at achieving compromise in order to resolve the conflict.

Please add an Reflection.

References:*****¦. Retrieved on 4/13/2010*****' Retrieved on 4/13/2010*****¦ Retrieved on 4/13/2010*****¦ Retrieved on 4/13/2010

Https://*****¦ Retrieved on 4/13/2010*****¦ Retrieved on 4/13/2010

Https://*****¦.Retrieved 4/13/2010

How to Reference "Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge" Assessment in a Bibliography

Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge” 2010.
”Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Personal Leadership Beliefs: Overview Leadership: Current Knowledge. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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