Research Proposal on "Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership"

Research Proposal 44 pages (14190 words) Sources: 5 Style: Harvard

[EXCERPT] . . . .

perceived effect of culture on event leadership style at the Jet Metropolitan Night Club Thailand?

Event managers all over the world fear that they may end up loosing their jobs. Research shows that nearly 25% managers loose their jobs when companies streamline their business processes and rely more on teamwork to do the job. Versteeg (1990) outlined two typical aspects of managerial jobs that lure managers into looking away from adopting business structures which depend on high performing teams from different cultural and social backgrounds: they are accustomed to be in control; and they are inclined to having perks and privileges. Some of the most common perks and privileges include: reserved parking; executive bathrooms; and time cards.

These along with other perks that managers are benefiting from need to be dealt on a regular basis by the event manager with so that high performance teams can be created. Versteeg (1990) points out that creating high performance teams, especially in the event management business, are more difficult in America than probably any where else as managers are reluctant to share their power with others.

Like this, event managers and leaders are an essential existence for the events as well. Many event managers are often emerged with each step of events. Also, most people would not agree that all managers are leaders and all leaders are not managers. People sometimes considered managers and leaders have same roles. Nevertheless, where definitions differ is with regard to the outcome of the attempt to influence or leadership style.

"Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence and support among the p
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eople who are needed to achieve organizational goals" (DuBrun, 2004, p.12)

Several challenges need to be confronted by event mangers in creating high performance teams for non-outsourced resources. For instance Retkwa, (1992) asserts that dedication from the top level management is the biggest challenge that event management companies face in creating high performance teams. Support and commitment are instrumental in enhancing normal team performances into high performance teams. These notions are also expressed by other scholars as well. For instance, William Band and Marty Syme stated (as cited in Evans, 1991), "I am convinced that unless senior management is committed, positive change won't happen." They further state: "Sometimes the CEO is committed but the vice-presidents are just mouthing the words. There is nothing worse than a middle-management group that is trying to make something work when its vice-president does not care."

In the normal business environment, mostly things are stable. There are prepared systems for dealing with market force changes. Although, staff turnover is high, the main structure of organization features still unchanged. For the domain of events, numerous essentials change at an alarming pace. This involves new venues, policies, operational procedures and, most importantly, new temporary people. When we look at the events, many elements have included such as; ready-made formulas, diverse cultures, unique in concept. Therefore events are requiring flexible leadership. (Wagen, 2007)

Research Question and Significance

What is the perceived effect of culture on event leadership style at the Jet Metropolitan Night Club Thailand?

This particular approach is important and significant as it will help us understand the dynamics of creating and managing high performance teams in an ever-changing setting like a night club and help us understand the overall impact that the cultural aspects of a community have on the overall leadership formula and structure used within Thailand.

Aim of the paper

To analyze the tendency of leadership style at the Jet Metropolitan Night Club as a cultural point-of-view, and to investigate how the specific tendency was has been assimilated, settled and developed.

Research Objectives

This paper seeks to explore the perceived effect of culture on event leadership style at the Jet Metropolitan Night Club Thailand and develop ideas that can be applied to a range of event organizations and sectors. Through building up a definition and interviewing investigated the specific leadership tendency, it is expected that the findings may highlight what types of leadership culture can impact on creating an environment where the club leader or event manager can thrive. This will be done in such a way that external appropriate is maintained if findings are to be applied in different event organizations. Examination of what currently exists in the literature around culture and leadership in the event industry, provide a background against which individual club managers were interviewed.

Chapter 2:

One of the biggest challenges in creating high performance teams within the event industry is the lack of trust amongst team members, as well as, between the administrative divisions and the team members. For instance, Natale, Libertella and Rothschild (1995) write, "Trust is a critical component to the whole concept of teams. First, management must have trust in the employees in order to step back and delegate responsibility. Then the employees must trust in the fact that they will be allowed to have control and make real decisions. This trust develops over a long period of time through a process of trial and error (Natale, Libertella and Rothschild, 1995)." Once again, top management commitment and dedication is required in creating high performance teams. They have got to not only divert resources towards their training, but also take active involvement in supervision activities. Natale, Libertella and Rothschild (1995) assert "This requires the management to function in training and facilitating capacity as well. Each person in any team begins with a different understanding of what constitutes trust, how it can be assessed and when to give oneself over to a process which is bigger than an individual (Natale, Libertella and Rothschild 1995)."

Natale, Libertella and Rothschild (1995) assert high level training is another challenge that event management companies face when attempting to create high performance teams. They divide the challenge of training into two different groups: training teams with functional and operational skills; and training teams with high levels of communication skills, which is extremely important during the process of launching the event and the event itself.

Natale, Libertella and Rothschild (1995) assert that misconception about the character and nature of the teams amongst the top management is also widespread. Many believe that the business teams function very much like sports teams where individual performance and coach participation matters more than the overall team performance. Getting rid of this concept of business teams and replacing it quickly is a big challenge that has got to be dealt with in the event industry (Natale, Libertella and Rothschild, 1995)

Ost (1990) asserts that team performance is also influenced by the standards of promotions, compensation and rewards. He then presents a four dimensional model which encompasses the fundamentals around which all methods of rewards ought to be constructed. His four dimensions are as follows: no less than one team-based performance objective; compensation should be given when this goal is achieved; team members should be made to believe that this compensation is the sole result of their hard work; and this compensation ought to be perceived reasonable, at least.

Parker et al. (1994) outline the fundamental challenges that event management companies face when they embark upon creating new teams. They write: setting new benchmarks that separates normal teams from high performance teams; making high performance teams should be less costly and more productive simultaneously for the event industry; extending team roles and functions to include strategic and tactical thinking and decision making; giving authority to high performance teams to tackle problems in complex situations (parker et al., 1994).

Similarly, Parry et al. (1998) asserts that event managers find it difficult to let go of "one size fit all" training and solution packages. Katzenbach and Smith (1993) assert that creating high level commitments from the top management down to the teams is another challenge in establishing high performance teams. Ramsay (1996) asserts that level of commitment is directly proportional to the level of involvement and Beech and Crane (1999) assert that commitment is connected to the perceived outcome of the task.

Currently, the focus of most event management leaders has been on building team skills for solving complex and difficult situations. Models have been developed by researchers that emphasize on the cultivation of soft process-related skills; whereas other models emphasize on development of hard task-related expertise. Similarly, some learning models focus on development of both hard and soft skills. Cannon-Bowers et al. (1995) have developed a model which includes both soft and hard skills. The soft skill set includes: process and interpersonal skills; communication; and collective orientation. Whereas hard skill set includes: trade/craft skills; procedures needs; equipment needs and location needs. Both skill sets play a very significant role in the event industry.

Similarly many others have proposed models of soft skills with special emphasis on communication. For instance, model of soft skills developed by Steven and Campion (1994) has six dimensions: soft knowledge; conflict resolution; collaborative problem solving; communication; goal setting; planning and task synchronization.

Smith (1997) asserts that models of soft and hard skills need to be integrated with the event management and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership" Assignment:

1. please focus on "Culture" "Leadership" "Event management" "Thailand"

2. I prefer to analyze following small questions on my proposal writing-written in blue color. Do not need to write exactly same as those small titles, and do not need to write all of those title (You can skip or add if some small topic if those are inaccurate.) However, I prefer you to write based in my research proposal please.

3. Please write well *****what are special traits of leadership style in the Jet Metropolitan Night club?***** part. supervior said that this is a weak part of my proposal.

4. Please include 1)Hofstede*****s research, 2) Fons Trompennars*****s research, and two more cultural behaviour researchers' theory. (Supervisor suggested that I need to compare some researcher*****s theory)

5. Please use qualitative analysis (I will attached 4 interviewe files as soon as possible)

6. I do not very mind being delayed 1~2 days. However, Please write well.


How to Reference "Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership” 2009.
”Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Perceived Effect of Culture on Event Leadership. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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