Assessment on "Culture Study"

Assessment 6 pages (1627 words) Sources: 1+

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Pearland High School

Culture study

Pearland High School is a Texas public high school located south of the city of Houston, Texas. It serves parts of the suburb of Pearland and neighboring Brookside village. Houston is a large, diverse city with an international outreach and a hub of modern commerce. It is also an extremely oil-dependent city and the city's historic ties to the oil industry are reflected in the name of the school mascot: the Oilers. Houston's -- and Pearland's -- demographic composition has been changing in recent years, becoming increasingly Hispanic and young, which is also reflected in the schools' demographics.

A number of facets do facilitate multicultural education at Pearland High School. For example, Pearland offers three LOTE (language other than English) foreign language programs, including French, Spanish, and Latin (LOTE, 2013, Pearland High School). The school has a no-bullying policy, and while it is not specifically designed to promote diversity, the program defines intolerance as unacceptable in the school community. The school has a dress code for all students, which creates a common sense of unity across racial lines because of its strict prohibition of gang-related paraphernalia. It also has a multicultural club. A number of students of a variety of different backgrounds (including Hispanic-Americans and Indian-Americans) have graduated in the top 10 lists of student graduates in recent years (PHS, DHS class of 2013 tips 1,300 mark, 2013, Pearland High School).

Possible impediments to multicultural education include the fact that the majority of the school is white (48.2%), with the second large
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st percentage Hispanic (30.2%), meaning that other minority groups may be relatively underrepresented (Pearland High School, 2013, Niche K-12). Relatively few foreign languages are offered, and according to the district's website, the curriculum emphasizes passing state standardized tests, rather than cultural understanding. "The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Languages Other Than English (TEKS for LOTE) are organized around five Program Goals" (LOTE, 2013, Pearland). There is a strong polarization between haves and have-nots, given that a quarter of the students receive subsidized lunches (Pearland High School, 2013, Niche K-12). The community outside the school is also relatively segregated and polarized. There are gang-related tensions (hence the need for the dress code (Student dress code, 2013, Pearland High School).

The demographic breakdown of the school is as follows:

Students: 2, 381 total students

African-American 336 total / 14. 11%

Hispanic 677/28.43%

White 1167/49.01%

Asian 110 / 4.62%

Native American 22/0.92%

Two or more races 65 / 2.73%

Economically disadvantaged 54 / 23.69%

Limited English 36 / 1.51%

Faculty: 133 total (73 Female; 61 Male)

5 School administrators; 11 school support; 14 aides; 13 special education teachers (School finder, 2013)

Although statistics are not provided in terms of student poverty rates, the fact that 24% of students receive free or reduced school lunches is illustrative of the percentage of disadvantaged students (Pearland High School, 2013, Niche K-12).. There is a significant minority of disadvantaged students.

As a whole, the demographics of the city of Pearland are as follows:

White - 44,522 (48.8%)

Hispanic - 18,694 (20.5%)

Black - 14,709 (16.1%)

Asian - 11,206 (12.3%)

Multiracial - 1,643 (1.8%)

American Indian alone - 255 (0.3%)

Other race alone - 194 (0.2%)

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 29 (0.03%)

Estimated median household income: $85,985 (Source: City data, 2009)

In terms of community resources, according to its website Pearland Parks & Recreation and the local YMCA offer a continuing series of camps and other resources for families with children, to ensure that the student's education continues year 'round, regardless of the socio-economic status of the family. The area also boasts a number of Indian and Mexican markets and restaurants to offer cuisine beyond standard 'Texan' fare, as showcased on the popular restaurant review website Yelp.

Part II

Pearland is a suburb of Houston, and like many Houston suburbs there is a relatively 'planned' appearance to the layout of the houses. The area is composed of a series of formal developments, although most of the houses are free-standing. Some neighborhoods do exist where there are areas where children can run and play, but the majority of the landscape could best be described as one of 'suburban sprawl.'

However, the community does have some positive aspects, namely there is a strong focus on residential businesses designed to serve the community, versus industrial centers. This reflects the fact that the majority of the occupants are not employed in factories: some of the most prominent employers include NASA, educational institutions such as the high school and nearby Rice University, and retail establishments. Pearland has many attractive malls and grocery stores like the popular HEB. The median level of income and house value of the average resident is above the state average (City data, 2009)

I stopped at a store located in the Pearland's Shopping Center, which included a wide variety of chain stores, including Macy's, the Sports Authority, and Barnes & Noble. While wandering around, I ventured into a Coldwater Creek, a clothing store predominantly targeting middle-aged women. The clientele and the retail staff was almost entirely Caucasian. This was interesting to note, given that the demographic data on the high school was considerably more diverse than what I witnessed around me, in terms of people's racial and ethnic identities. This highlighted to me the polarization of the community, both racially and socio-economically. Even the lower-level employees folding shirts at Coldwater Creek were relatively homogeneous. I spoke with the store manager at the clothing store, saying that I was doing some research on the area for a school project. She responded that most of the stores in the shopping complex targeted affluent middle-aged women or teens, and shopping was a popular 'pastime' for many residents. Having a prime location in an air-conditioned mall was critical in attracting recreational shoppers during the hot Texas summers, which she referred to as the 'ladies who lunch' crowd.

Pearland is not a particularly pedestrian-friendly city, and most people would regard a car as essential. While there is bus service throughout the town, residents I spoke with described the service as 'terrible' and seriously lacking in terms of 'getting people where they need to go.' This is problematic because once again it sharpens the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Poorer people are severely limited in terms of what jobs they can select if they do not have a car, and they lack the ability to take trips to go to supermarkets or bargain-shop because of the inferior quality of public transportation. Ironically, in many ways it is 'cheaper' to be wealthy and to have a car because of the flexibility it offers you in Pearland.

Part III

After conducting this observation, I resolved that I would, whenever possible, do a 'walking tour' of any area I served as a counselor. Looking at the demographic data on Pearland, because of its relatively high Hispanic population and diversity amongst the top 10 members of its graduating class, I might have been tempted to view the school as relatively inclusive and supportive of multicultural values. However, I witnessed many signs contradicting that thesis in my journey through the actual city. The community was designed in such a manner that there was little cross-pollination between neighborhoods, and neighborhoods were extremely segregated. Stores tended to be patronized by only one race or ethnicity, despite some diversity of actual shop offerings in terms of restaurant and ethnic markets. Communities can exist side-by-side but this is not the same thing as true diversity or multiculturalism. I was particularly troubled by the lack of foreign language offerings at the high school, which seemed insufficient to prepare students for a diverse global economy, particularly given the relative strength of the high school in terms of its college and graduation rates: 92% graduate… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Culture Study" Assignment:

*****¢ Individual Term Project

Pearland Texas, Pearland High School is the school and community

Attached Files: Sample_Culture_study_table[1](1).doc (40 KB)


Students in this course will be responsible for completing a term project. The fourth goal of this course is to develop skills for teaching, learning and leading in a pluralistic society. The best way to accomplish this goal is to apply the concepts learned in this course to a practical and real life situation.

This project asks you to look at the characteristics of a community to develop an awareness of how community resources can support or impede the process of incorporating multicultural education in schools. Note, this project should reflect your mastery of all components of this course. Please begin early on this assignment as it requires detailed information about the community and its residents.


By the end of this project the student will be able to

2. Collect demographic data on a community.

3. Critically evaluate how the community supports its schools.

4. Critically evaluate how community resources support or hinder multicultural education.

Part I ***** Compile your expectations

5. Briefly describe the location of the community and the school.

6. Critically evaluate the resources you found that would support multicultural education. Discuss at least 5, but no more than 10. Thoroughly explain why you have chosen these resources. Such resources can include but are not limited to: community centers, YMCA's, neighborhood libraries, local businesses.

7. Critically evaluate the resources you found that would impede the process of multicultural education. Discuss at least 5, but no more than 10.Thoroughly explain why you have chosen these resources. You may focus on facilities that are lacking in the community (e.g. no community centers for children or the elderly) and/or establishments that are unhealthy for students such as bars and nightclubs, etc.

You must complete and submit the following table below to profile your data on the community. The information in the School Community and Surrounding Community sections should be presented in percentage form. For example, if you have 230 people, what percentage of the population would this represent?

The information in the Community Resources section should be presented in numeric form. For example: There are 25 churches in XYZ community. Take care to use some thought identifying other categories that may not be listed in this table. Please view the sample table provided in a file for this assignment.

**Please see the TEA website ( for School Demographic information. If you go to this URL on the TEA website, it should give you all of the information you will need for any school campus:

The 2010 U.S. census data, which can be found online, can offer valuable demographic information about the community:

School Community

Demographic 8. School 9. District

10. Students 11. Faculty 12. Staff 13. Students Staff

14. Racial/ethnic groups

15. Language diversity 16. N/A N/A N/A

*****¢ Socio-economic status N/A N/A N/A

Surrounding Community

*****¢ Racial/ethnic groups

19. Language diversity

*****¢ Socio-economic status

Community Resources

Types Churches Ethnic Restaurants Ethnic Food Stores Community Centers Other

Part II ***** Complete the observation

21. Begin by walking and surveying the area you are to analyze. Does the community consist of multiple family housing, single family housing, or a mixture of both?

22. Would you describe the businesses as mostly commercial, industrial, or a mixture of both?

23. Briefly visit and speak with a local store owner or manager. Compare the cultural diversity in the community versus their store's patrons and employees.

24. Discuss the city's or community's public transportation system. How does it support or hinder the development of multicultural education in the area?

Part III ***** Action

25. Please explain how the information you gathered might be helpful/useful to you in your counseling career.

26. How might the cultural experiences of living in this community influence the academic achievement of students in the classroom?

27. What do you think accounts for any differences/similarities you find between the businesses and the community?

28. After your examination of the community, identify the characteristics that promote or impede the development of a multicultural philosophy.

29. Briefly explain in two or more sentences what you have learned from conducting this culture study.


Prepare a document (6-9 pages max) that satisfies the objectives and answers questions in Parts I, II, and III of this assignment. Please make sure that each question is address in paragraph form. Please do not use bullets, dashes, dots when addressing each question. This is a formal paper that must be type-written, doubled spaced, with indented paragraphs. Your grade will be based on how well your paper is organized, flows when read, and addresses the items listed above. You must include a reference page at the end of your paper. Please upload (attach) the completed paper as a Word document to the assignment tool by the due date and time. This should be your own original work, as it will give you a better understanding of how the community supports its schools.

Assignment Rubric

Part I Questions and/or evaluations addressed in detail 4

One question and/or evaluation addressed 2

Questions and/or evaluations addressed with very limited or minimal detail 1

Part II All 4 questions addressed with supporting table and details 4

All 4 questions addressed minimally with limited table information. 2

Very limited information given for questions and no table provided 1

Part III All 5 objectives/questions addressed with supporting details 4

Two to three objectives/questions addressed with limited supporting details 2

One objective/question addressed and no supporting details. 1

Assignment Submission Assignment double-spaced, with indented paragraphs, and each question or directive answered in order. Proper APA citations and referencing. 3-0

NOTE: Writing and APA style help is available at the UHCL Writing Center

How to Reference "Culture Study" Assessment in a Bibliography

Culture Study.”, 2013, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Culture Study (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Culture Study. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Culture Study” 2013.
”Culture Study”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Culture Study”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Culture Study [Internet]. 2013 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Culture Study. Published 2013. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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