Term Paper on "Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress"

Term Paper 4 pages (1401 words) Sources: 0

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Pathologizing Anxiety: When is it Healthy to be Anxious?

Psychiatry and psychology have a history of confusing normal behavior that is outside of the average with pathology. Anyone with any familiarity with the history of the DSM can look at conditions that were previously considered disorders, such as homosexuality, to see that there has been a push to pathologize the extreme normal ends of human variation. In modern times, the big push is to pathologize anxiety. This push started out with wonderful intentions. There is no doubt that severe clinical depression and its accompanying anxiety can be crippling to those who suffer from it, and there is a wide variety of available medications available to treat this subjective distress and alleviate many of the other symptoms of depression. However, as practitioners saw results in people at the ends of the spectrum, they began to treat people who were suffering but not necessarily diseased. This trend spilled over to some of the symptoms of depression as well, and because anxiety does respond well to medications, anxiety has been one of the areas that have been targeted for diagnosis and treatment as a pathology.

That is not to say that anxiety can never be indicative of pathology; the problem is developing a working definition of when subjective distress should be a criterion of mental disorder and when it should just be an indication of normal, human unhappiness. I think that most people would agree that a condition like agoraphobia, in which the person literally experiences enough anxiety about the thought of going out in public that he or she becomes a shut-in, has subjective distress as a criterion of mental disorder. However,
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if one looks at the surrounding conditions, it might be a healthy adaptation to avoid going into a certain location. For example, the fear of public speaking may be somewhere on the same continuum as agoraphobia, but most people exhibit some anxiety about public speech. The criteria for determining whether subjective distress is an indication of normal, human unhappiness or indicative of mental illness should be whether it substantially impairs the ability to participate in a functional life. Therefore someone who is literally unable to step outside of their front door would qualify as mentally ill. However, a person who only had to avoid certain locations to minimize anxiety, such as avoiding the mall, festivals, or other places with large numbers of people, might have anxiety that dictates that he alter his life in some way, but not anxiety that prevents him from leading a functional life.

The problem comes when one is trying to define a functional life. There are many common human activities that are outside of the realm of normal behavior for a lot of people. For example, many people say that they could not do certain jobs or interact with certain people. It is true that these self-imposed limitations, which are seen as part of normal human variation, do limit a person's options. However, labeling something a pathology should not simply look at whether that person's options are limited, but whether limiting those options causes the person further distress. In the essay prompt, examples were given including working on scaffolding, doing surgery, extracting teeth, or fighting in combat, and the vast majority of people avoid doing all of these activities, though people who do those activities are certainly not considered abnormal. To me, I would need to look at whether avoiding those situations creates additional stress, anxiety, or guilt in the person. I do not believe I have the temperament to be an air-traffic controller, which I understand is a very high-stress job. However, I have never once felt even the slightest twinge of guilt, anxiety, or other negative emotion related to my lack of willingness or ability to be an air traffic controller. Therefore, I would state that my aversion to that field is within the realm of normal behavior. However, imagine that I had a significant social phobia that prevented me from interacting with others, to the degree that I was unable to interview to get a job or interact with people to keep the job. In that scenario, I would label my subjective… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress" Assignment:

Psychiatry and psychology are confusing distress with disorder. These fields are stretching their umbrellas to include more and more variations in human behavior that are neither sick nor necessarily harmful. What is harmful is the attempt to include more and more human behavior under the label of mental illness.

In this paper, you are to address this issue by a) addressing the concept of *****subjective distress***** and *****impairment***** or *****disability***** as criteria for mental disorder, b) selecting one anxiety disorder that you think is the most likely candidate for exclusion from DSM-IV, that is, the one *****disorder***** that you think should not be labeled as a disorder and c) generating a new disorder that is associated with subjective distress and/or impairment. Specifically, you are to provide your own, thoughtful answers to the following questions.

Be sure to answer ALL of the questions below.


When should subjective distress be a criterion of mental disorder and when should it be just an indication of normal, human unhappiness? Most of us recognize that everyone is distressed or unhappy some of the time. Many unfortunate people are distressed or unhappy most of the time. Freud, for example, suggested that the goal of psychoanalysis was to reduce neurotic depression and anxiety and bring people to a normal, unhappy life. Therefore, when is distress a sign of disorder and when is it just a sign of human unhappiness? Be as specific as possible. Use examples to illustrate when subjective distress should and should not be a criterion of mental disorder.


When should disability or impairment be a criterion of mental disorder and when should it merely be a reflection of human variability? Many people say, with considerable justification, that they could not do a common human activity, such as fight in combat, work as a construction worker on scaffolding many floors high, serve as an air traffic controller, do surgery, or extract teeth. In the interpersonal realm, many people say that they could not be friends with someone who had particular religious or political views or who had a particular temperament. This inability or unwillingness to do certain jobs or relate to certain people could be considered impairments in occupational or interpersonal functioning in that they limit a person*****s options. Therefore, when is disability or impairment a sign of disorder and when is it just a sign of human variability? Be as specific as possible. Use examples to illustrate when impairment or disability should and should not be a criterion of mental disorder.


Which one of the following anxiety disorders that we have studied do you consider the most likely candidate for exclusion from the DSM because of the distress and impairment criteria you have discussed above: specific phobia, social phobia, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or obsessive compulsive disorder? Consider the category as a whole, not just one type from within the category (e.g., do not just exclude one type of specific phobia). Why do you think it may not be appropriate to consider it as a mental disorder?


Make up a new mental disorder by providing its name and criteria. Note that this disorder can be any kind of disorder; it doesn*****t have to be an anxiety disorder. In the criteria, include its essential symptom or symptoms and its associated symptoms (e.g., to have the disorder you must have symptom X and Y and have at least 2 of symptoms A, B, C, and D). For example, some people have what might be called an End of Life Regret Disorder, which is a strong sense of regret and/or guilt experienced toward the end of one*****s life as one contemplates mistakes that one made, opportunities that one missed, etc. You can imagine what the essential and associated symptoms of this *****disorder***** are. Of course, you can not use this example for your disorder. Come up with your own disorder. After describing your disorder, indicate why the disorder should or should not be included in DSM-V.

Please organize the paper according to the 4 questions above and use headings or numbers to refer to those 4 questions. The content of the paper and the quality of the writing are both important.

Please use master level writing as expected. This includes organization, coherence, clarity, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Double spaced, 1 inch margins, and 12-point font.

4 pages in length.

Since this is a thought paper, you do not need any references.


How to Reference "Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562. Accessed 4 Jul 2024.

Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562 [Accessed 4 Jul, 2024].
”Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562.
”Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562.
[1] ”Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562. [Accessed: 4-Jul-2024].
1. Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 4 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562
1. Anxiety Disorder and Subjective Distress. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/pathologizing-anxiety/7371562. Published 2012. Accessed July 4, 2024.

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