Research Proposal on "Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education"

Research Proposal 40 pages (10115 words) Sources: 30

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Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education

Action Research Outline

Description of Community

Description of Work Settings

Problem Description

Problem Documentation

Causative Analysis

Outcomes and Evaluation

Expected Outcomes

Description of Selected Solutions

Improving the success rate of students with uninvolved parents in their education is important. This research is designed to improve the success rate of parents' involvement in their children's early childhood education. The researcher found that 50 of the 100 students in the preschool whose parents do not communicate school and do not support children's education at home. These children are identified as slow learners and not getting ready for the next step of their education. Analysis of the data and a review of student portfolios and progress reports indicate 50 of the 100 students are receiving failing grades in one or more of the academic areas and not prepared for the next grade. Teachers' grade rosters indicate that these students do not turn in homework assignments regularly and they are not learning basic reading, math and other skills. The researcher found that the community is experiencing a rapid growth of illegal immigrants, minimum wage learners and jobless parents, 65% of the population is African America and 35% of the population is Hispanic. 25% population is illegal immigrants. 50% of this population works for minimum wage and some of them work two jobs to support their families. 50% of the parents are single parents.
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40% parents are limited English speaking. The writer recommended multi-faced solution strategies to improve this population's involvement in their children's education. Researcher believes that, family involvement is an important aspect of the learning process. Many families are not aware of how important their involvement is to their child's academic learning. The purpose of this family involvement plan is to educate parents and families how to get involved and be an effective supporter of the education process. The researcher believes that, providing parents with the knowledge needed, will enable them to become parents that are more effective and create strong lines of communication between home and school. The researcher also suggests school to reform the communication method and trained teachers and staffs to become an active part of the family involvement plan. The researcher believes schools and educational professionals must provide information and resources for parents and families to help their children at home. Teachers have a variety of suggestions and resources that can be shared with parents in order to help support a child's newly acquired academic skills and learning. The plan described in this paper provides families with research based information to allow parents to make educational choices for their children to help them practice literacy skills and provide opportunities for parents to be involved with their child's learning. Research supports the fact that children who have parents and families that demonstrate an interest and involvement in their child's education will experience a more positive educational experience. By using the suggestions and activities included in this Family Involvement Plan, schools can provide quality information to parents and family members to support children.

Improving the Rate of Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education is Important for Academic Success and School Readiness of Young Children.

Chapter I. Introduction

Problem Statement

The problem identified and at focus in this study is the lack of parent's involvement in early childhood education. Lack of parental involvement in the education of their children who are in early childhood education effectively delays the academic success of these children in school.


The purpose of this study is to determine some causes for this problem and to develop some strategies for improving the situation with in a particular preschool setting.

Description of the Community

In order to meet the needs of these particular students certain inner city school districts have begun implementing different programs to involve parents in their children's early childhood education. Presently, the community is experiencing a rapid growth of illegal immigrants as well as minimum wage earners and parents who are without jobs. (Marital Status & Living Arrangements, 2008) Approximately 65% of the population in this community is African-American and another approximate 35$ of the population is Hispanic.

Approximately 25% of the total population that form this community are illegal immigrants to the United States. Of those who form this community fifty percent are minimum-wage workers and some of these individuals are presently working two jobs in order to provide support for their family. Single parents represent 50% of the population and 40% of the population are English speaking. The school district in which this study has taken place has experienced growth proportionate to that of the community (Education: School Enrollment in the United States: 2006). This school district has five preschool and three elementary schools as well as one junior high school and 1 high school. There are approximately 1,200 children attending school in this school district. The certified staff in this school district number 350 teachers and administrators. The school district's goals are focused on academic excellence for all students and programs are designed to meet the needs of a multicultural and diverse society. Community involvement in education is greatly encouraged in this school district and the school district holds the belief that 'all students can learn'. The involvement of parents in the education of their children is encouraged and emphasized.

Description of Work Setting

The research project will take place at 1 of the 5 preschools located in the inner city with a student population of approximately 100 students. The cultural makeup of the school is approximately 65% African-American and 35% Hispanic. There are fifty students in the preschool whose parents do not communicate with the school and who do not provide support for the education of the children at home. These children are identified as slow learners and are not becoming prepared for the next step of their education.

The school has been practicing extensive plans to educate parents and involve them in their children's education for one year. All parents receive handbooks in English and Spanish to understand what is going on in school and all teachers are required to participate in parent involvement rights. Teachers and educators have strong administrative support at the district and building level to introduce any new ideas to educate parents and family members. All people involved in parent's involvement plan of this preschool will be participants in the research project. Fifty students without parents' involvement in their learning and their parents will be included in the research project. Fifty students whose parents are actively involved in their education will be included in the research project. Three teachers and three paraprofessionals will be involved in this research project.

Writer's Role

The writer's role at the school is head teacher of the preschool and the coordinator of the parent-teacher involvement committee of the school. The writer is responsible for coordinating workshop to educate parents how to be part the of their children's education. The writer is responsible for scheduling parents, teachers, and paraprofessionals associated with involvement plans in classes and on campus. The writer consults with class teachers and paraprofessionals who are experiencing problems in the classroom settings with non-cooperative parents. The writer administers the achievement of the parent's involvement plan.

Chapter Two: Study of the Problem

Problem Description

Parental involvement is the "one component" that is continually and "repeatedly added to the equation" of the debate which is ongoing among policy makers relating to the reform of public education. (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2009) According to the publication "Family Involvement in Children's Education: Successful Local Approaches Idea Book' sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education reports that "students whose parents are actively involved in their education have better grades, test scores and long-term academic achievement." (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2009)

It is the belief of some researcher that a disconnection exists between parents and teachers which is the "two immediate environments that influence children's educational progress." (Michigan Department of Education, 2001) in fact the work of Bronfenbrenner describes the effect of the immediate system in which one operate and the broader ecological factors impact on human development. He explains that the ecology of human development is the scientific study of progression, mutual accommodation, throughout the life span, between growing human organisms and the constant changing environment in which they live. This process in both a formal and an informal way affects the conditions within and between the immediate settings and the larger social context. (Michigan Department of Education, 2001)

The micro system is inclusive of the immediate settings in which the child is developing including home and school. The microsystem is a significant determiner of the activity, roles and interpersonal relations and the individual patterns of these. Community is a term used to describe individuals linked by their cultural, ethical or racial background and may also be considered to be a group of individuals sharing common interest, goals and needs. The findings stated in the work of Pollard (1990) states the influence of the home and school… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education" Assignment:

Hi my topic is Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education.

I have completed my Action Research Outline, the ***** will need to follow my outline as a reference when completing the proposal. I will e-mail that as an attachment.

***** will also need to follow the university's Action Research Handbook as a guideline to complete the proposal. All the components of the handbook will need to be completed, NO EXCEPTION.


How to Reference "Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education” 2009.
”Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Parents Involvement in Early Childhood Education. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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