Term Paper on "Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol"

Term Paper 4 pages (1164 words) Sources: 12

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol Consumption of College Freshmen Aged Men

Introduction to Area of Interest

Whether or not parents want to admit it, they have the biggest and most profound impact upon their children's lives than anyone else. Parents, by nurturing and encouraging their children, can develop securely attached children; overly criticizing children or punishing them in an overly-harsh way can develop children who are anxious or aggressive (Harris, 2011). By selecting a child's school or the neighborhood where a child grows up, the parent generally is directing the course of a life -- another aspect of evidence which demonstrates that parents have a tremendous amount of influence on their children and the way their lives unfold (Harris, 2011). Particular areas of parenting dominate more than others: the level of a parent's warmth and nurturance, how well the parents communicated with their children, what discipline was like in the household (too much being as a bad as too little) and levels of autonomy that the child was given (Harris, 2011). These elements are all present in the four different styles of parenting to a greater or less degree. It can clearly be inferred that these different parenting styles can definitely impact alcohol consumption of children during their freshman years of college.

Theories of Conceptual Framework (s) related to area of inquiry:

Bowlby and Aisenworth made massive strides in the field of psychology decades ago when they "suggested that early attachment experiences help people create an internal working model of the world and themselves. Children with sensitive mothers, in Bowlb
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y's view, will come to think of other people as supportive and helpful. In turn, this positive model will influence their later relationships in a healthy way. In contrast, children who develop a working model that the world is insensitive may be at risk for poor adjustment or difficult relationships" (Comer & Gould, 2012, p.81). Just these initial findings demonstrate how a child could develop not just a strong or weak attachment model to other peoples, but with it, to the surrounding world he lives in and the substances within it. Thus, it's not difficult to see how some people could develop dysfunctional relationships with alcohol, and others could develop healthy relationships. Once experts in child and family psychology understood attachment styles that allowed them to begin to explore how different traits of parenting were exclusive to distinct parenting styles, ultimately causing the emergence of the four styles of parenting. For instance, "Securely attached participants' parental representations were characterized by differentiation, elaboration, benevolence, and non-punitiveness. Representations by dismissing participants were characterized by less differentiation and more punitiveness and malevolence" (Levy et al., 1998). For instance, child psychology expert found that the attachment style the child developed was largely a byproduct of two majorly important parent-child interactions: how many demands the parent placed on the child and how responsive the parent was to the child (Comer & Gould, 2012, p.81).

Proposed Quantitative Two-Way- Anova Methodology:

Engaging in an ANOVA methodology would be ideal for such a research topic as determining how young men of a Jewish background use or abuse alcohol in their freshmen year of college as it would allow researchers to compare young men from a range of parenting styles. The two variable design would compare children of highly responsive, highly warm parenting styles (group a), versus children of parenting styles characterized by a lack of responsiveness or by punitive measures (group B). This would help illuminate the impact of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol" Assignment:

Please note that this project is not a research paper and does not require an abstract, introduction, or conclusion. Please clearly label each part of every section of the assignment. For example A) *****¦*****¦*****¦*****¦. B)*****¦*****¦*****¦.. C) *****¦*****¦*****¦*****¦..etc. Thank you.

F) Research Question From An Online Survey: *****What Do I Think About What I Do*****?


A brief summary of the research participated in online or read about. Be sure to state the research question(s) posed by the researcher. Explain the use of online survey tools for this specific study. Also describe the pros and cons of using online research in general. Identify any ethical concerns you think the researcher had to address when designing this study and assess the validity of the data collected. Finally, state whether or not you think online research has a role in your area of interest as a legitimate way to gather survey data, and defend your position.

G) Experience for writing components of a prospectus for a study that would incorporate a survey method.

Review the studies you have read in your area of interest. Reflect on patterns and consider *****"gaps,*****" that is, what is still unknown or could be known in the area.

Review this week*****'s required readings and Course Media, paying particular attention to the characteristics of survey research methods.

Review Chapter 7 in the text, specifically pages 132-137, Creswell, J. (2012) Research Design. (3rd ed.) New Delhi, India: ***** Publications, taking note of how to state quantitative research questions, null and alternative hypotheses, and variables clearly.

If needed, review supplementary Web sites explaining Correlation research (survey research is a common type of correlational research). Based on the reading, Discussions, and Applications you have completed thus far, and given your area of interest, consider a research question (this research question may or may not be one you have previously posed) that you could ask that would fill a gap (elucidate something that is still unknown or could be known in the area) that could be answered with survey research. Consider why a survey method would be an appropriate approach for the study of your question.

The assignment:

Create a document that has four clearly defined sections (listed below), and that totals no more than 3 pages in length.

Research Question(s) Proposition: College (Freshman) Alcohol Abuse (Frequency) and how it correlates to the 4 Parenting Styles (Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved) ?

Survey Research Method. Clearly state why a survey method would be appropriate given your research question(s), citing course text, video programs, and/or Dr. Smeaton*****'s article, as appropriate.

Hypotheses. State both a null and alternative research hypothesis. Be sure to articulate clearly the variables you are proposing to study.

Research Design. Include the following information in this section:

a. Population. Define the population you would propose to study and its characteristics (but is not limited to 1) age, 18-26) gender, male) ethnicity, White/Jewish 4) additional cultural factors, A)Ashkinas-orthodox B) Hasidic- ultra orthodox, C) Modern Orthodox- Askinas/Sfardy 5) education level, high school graduate

b.Sampling. Define your method of sampling the population - Random, convenience. State how you would gain access to the participants- Participants Are all over my neighborhood

c. Measures. Briefly describe the measures you will use to assess the predictor and the outcome. For example, if you were measuring efficacy, you would briefly describe and provide a reference for a self-efficacy scale. Accordingly, please list at least 2-3 possible measuring tools for the study.

d. Ethical protection of Jewish participants. Briefly state any ethical issues you foresee with your study. Also, make a preliminary assessment of the level of risk associated with participation in your study that might need to be raised with the Institutional Review Board.

Assignment is not to exceed 3 pages in length.

H) Think about quantitative research methods and the many different designs that could be used to elucidate answers related to an area of study. For this Discussion, you will specifically consider quasi- and true experimental methods. While there are other recognized designs (e.g. pre-experimental and single-subject) quasi- and true experimental methods are more commonly adopted for thesis and dissertation research.

Review the studies in area of interest (noted above). Reflect on patterns and consider *****"gaps,*****" that is, what is still unknown or could be known. Note particular attention to the characteristics of experimental research methods.

Based on the total research completed thus far, and given area of interest, consider a research question (this research question may or may not be one you have previously posed) that you could ask that would fill a gap (that is, elucidate something that is still unknown or could be known in the area) that could be answered with an experimental research design.

Consider how you could use both a quasi- and a true experimental design to study your area of interest.

Think about possible threats to validity for each of these designs, compared to the survey study you designed last assignment (G).

Please provide a brief (1-3 sentences) area of interest (noted above), then re-state the research question developed for a survey design followed by two more research questions: one that could be answered with a quasi-experimental design, and one that could be addressed with a true experimental design. Explain the implications for using survey vs. quasi-experimental vs. true experimental designs including, but not limited to, the various threats to validity posed by each.

I) Review the studies you have read in your area of interest. Reflect on patterns and consider *****"gaps,*****" that is, what is still unknown or could be known in the area.

Review this week*****'s required reading in the course text, paying particular attention to the characteristics of experimental research methods.

Review Chapter 7 in the text, specifically pages 132-137, taking note of how to clearly state quantitative research questions, null and alternative hypotheses, and variables. Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: ***** Publications, Inc.

Review articles and Study Notes related to power analysis and consider the importance of determining an adequate sample size. Estimate a sample size for a study in your area of interest.

Based on the reading, Discussions and Applications you have completed thus far, and given your area of interest, consider a research question (this research question may or may not be one you have previously posed) that you could ask that would fill a gap (elucidate something that is still unknown) that could be answered with an experimental research design (either quasi or true). This research question may or may not be a slight modification of one of the questions you have previously posed, as you may have received feedback and would like to refine it.

Consider why an experimental method would be an appropriate approach for the study of your question.

The assignment: Fine Tuning From Assignment G (Please see above)

Create a document that has four clearly defined sections (listed below), and that totals no more than 3 pages in length.

Research Question(s). State the research question(s) you are proposing to study.

Experimental Research Method. Clearly state why an experimental method would be appropriate given your research question(s), and clearly state the type of experimental method (quasi- or true experimental) you would propose to use, citing the course text, as appropriate.

Hypotheses. State both a null and alternative research hypothesis. Make sure the variables that you are proposing to study are clearly stated and that you identify your independent and dependent variables.

Research Design. Include the following information in this section:

a. Population. Define the population you will propose to study and its characteristics. This should include, but is not limited to 1) age; 2) gender; 3) ethnicity; 4) additional cultural factors; and 5) education level.

b. Sampling. Define your method of sampling the population (for example: random, convenience, etc.). State how you will gain access to the participants.

c. Measures. Briefly describe the measures you will use to assess the predictor and the outcome. For example, if you were measuring efficacy, you would briefly describe and provide a reference for a self-efficacy scale. d. Sample Size Analysis. Given your area and past research, give a rationale for the sample you will attempt to obtain for your study. Be sure to cite references, as appropriate.

d. Ethical protection of participants. Briefly state any ethical issues you foresee with your study. Also, make a preliminary assessment of the level of risk associated with participation in your study that might need to be raised with Walden*****'s Institutional Review Board (IRB). No more than 3 pages in length.

(Please Review Assignment G)

J) Review the studies in area of interest. Reflect on patterns and consider *****"gaps,*****" that is, what is still unknown or could be known.

Review Learning Resources, paying particular attention to the characteristics of the different types of qualitative orientations of inquiry (also referred to as strategies or traditions). As you read about each different orientation of inquiry, ask yourself if and how it could apply to your area of interest.

Accordingly, completed thus far, and given area of interest, consider a research question (previously posed) filling a gap (that is, elucidate something that is still unknown or could be known in the area) that could be answered with a qualitative approach. Consider the orientation of inquiry that you believe fits best with your research question and why it would be appropriate. With these thoughts in mind:

Please provide a brief (1-3 sentences) description of area of interest, then describe a qualitative research study, including the research question(s), which could be conducted for your area of interest. Explain which of the orientations of inquiry you would draw most heavily from and why you believe it to be an appropriate orientation. While it is possible to draw from a number of orientations, try to limit yourself to one for this specific assignment.

K) The Paradigm Debate: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Consider the *****heart***** of the debate, its history, and its current status. Think about on which side of the debate you stand. With this in mind:

please provide a description of what you believe to be the heart of the debate regarding the paradigms (the use of quantitative vs. qualitative research). Then state on which side of the debate you stand, and support your position.

L) There is a stark difference in the roles of researchers who are engaged in quantitative versus qualitative research. As a qualitative researcher, your relationship with your participants is extensive. Rather than striving for *****"objectivity*****" as in quantitative research, your role becomes one of actively interpreting someone else*****'s experience.

Review Learning Resources. Reflect on how your role as a researcher is different in a qualitative study (compared to a quantitative study) and how that role may affect the study. Review your area of interest and the research question(s) you would like to examine. Consider the inquiry orientation you would use and the sampling procedure you would likely adopt.

Reflect on your experience in your area of interest: What could be your biases as a religious Jew and in your values? Consider how your role may have an effect on ethical issues. Consider how your role may affect the findings and how you could ensure validity. Review the study you described in assignment *****K*****: Qualitative Strategies.

With this in mind. Please provide a brief (1-3 sentences) description of your area of interest (noted above), then describe your role as researcher for the study described in assignment *****K*****: Qualitative Strategies. In addition, explicitly identify your biases, values, personal interest (Adolescent maladaptive behavior outcome/Alcohol Frequency) in the area and experience with it, explaining how each would affect your study. Finally, comment on potential ethical issues and validity concerns, as well as how you would go about validating your findings, given your role.

M) The assignment below will give you experience writing components of a research prospectus that would adopt a qualitative method.

Review the studies read in area of interest. Reflect on patterns and consider *****"gaps,*****" that is, what is still unknown or could be known in the area, paying particular attention to the characteristics of qualitative research methods and generic as well as specific steps taken for analyzing qualitative data.

Review Chapter 7 in the text, Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: ***** Publications, Inc. specifically pages 129-132, taking note of how to clearly state qualitative research questions.

Review the Study Notes related to qualitative sampling procedures and sample size. Choose a sampling procedure and sample size for a study in your area of interest (noted above).

Based on applications completed thus far, and given your area of interest, consider revising your research question (previously posed) that you could ask that would fill a gap (that is, elucidate something that is still unknown) that could be answered with a qualitative research design.

Consider why a qualitative method would be an appropriate approach for the study of your question(s), which specific inquiry orientation would select for your research question(s), and why you would select this approach.

The assignment:

Create a document that has three clearly defined sections (listed below), and that totals no more than 3 pages in length.

Research Question(s). State the research question(s) you are proposing to study.

Qualitative Research Orientation. Clearly state why a qualitative method would be appropriate given your research question(s), the inquiry orientation you would draw upon, defending why it is an appropriate strategy to use.

Research Design. Include the following information in this Research Design section:

a. Role of Researcher. Briefly, but explicitly, state biases, values, personal interest in the area, and experience with it, and discuss how these would affect your study.

b. Sample Size. Given the type of research you would conduct, state how many participants/items you would plan to study.

c. Sample and Context. Define the sample you would propose to study and its characteristics. If studying human participants, this should include, but is not limited to: 1) age, 2) gender, 3) ethnicity, 4) additional cultural factors, and 5) education level (all noted above). If studying artifacts, media, etc., state relevant characteristics. Also give the context as appropriate, for example, city characteristics, organizational characteristics, etc. d. Sampling Procedure. Define your method of sampling. Your description should include how you would gain access to participants/items.

e. Data Type and Collection. State the type of data you would collect and how it would be collected. f. Data Analysis. Briefly describe the steps you would take to analyze the data. g. Ethical Protection of Participants. State briefly any ethical issues you foresee with your study. Also, make a preliminary assessment of the level of risk associated with participation in your study that might need to be raised with Walden*****'s Institutional Review Board (IRB).

N) From The Research area Of Interest (Consistent With Above) Consider a Mixed Methods Approach.

When would the two approaches be implemented (concurrently or sequentially)? Which approach would be given priority (equal, quantitative, or qualitative)? When and how would the data be mixed (integrating, connecting, or embedding)? What theoretical perspective would be dominant (explicit or implicit)?

Having considered the above questions, in the Johnson and Onwuegbuzie article, Map out the strategy you would adopt (sequential explanatory, sequential exploratory, sequential transformative, concurrent triangulation, concurrent embedded, or concurrent transformative).

Please write a brief (1-3 sentences) description of your area of interest (above), explain how and why you might use a mixed methods approach for a research study in your area of interest. Detail which of the six strategies (sequential explanatory, sequential exploratory, sequential transformative, concurrent triangulation, concurrent nested, concurrent transformative) you would you choose and why (2 pages).

*****¢Nb) Review the studies you have read in your area of interest. Reflect on patterns and consider *****gaps,***** that is, what is still unknown or could be known in the area.

Review Tables 2, 3, and 4 in the Johnson and Onwuegbuzie article, and consider the weakness of the primary approaches when used alone, as well as the weakness of a mixed methods approach. Consider the quantitative and qualitative studies proposed previously, taking note of the weaknesses of each individual design. Consider how a mixed methods approach could reduce or eliminate some of the identified weaknesses, as well as any weaknesses that would come with using a mixed methods design.

Provide a brief (1*****3 sentences) description of your area of interest, and the mixed methods approach you proposed in Discussion 1: Mixed Methods Strategies. Then explain how the mixed methods approach you proposed could eliminate the weakness inherent in using only one of the primary approaches. Also identify and describe the weaknesses in the mixed methods approach you proposed (2 pages).

How to Reference "Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013.
”Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013.
[1] ”Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013
1. Parenting Styles and the Impact of Alcohol. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/parenting-styles-impact/2142013. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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