Research Paper on "Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations"

Research Paper 6 pages (2530 words) Sources: 5

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The children who suffered autism in this period are significantly minimal. For a fact, since the claim by parents to opt out of immunization is seen to cause more harm than good it is, therefore, preferable to embrace immunization. Among the parents, understanding that, the risk of not being vaccinated far much outweighs the minimal risks of being vaccinated needs to be emphasized. Although the disease may be cured, there are higher risks involved in treating the diseases than in preventing it (Geier and Geier 9).

To dispute claims that vaccine cause autism the general medical council established that Wakefield allegations were based on unreliable scientific research methods. The council established that wakefield allegation were made out of conflict of interest that led to wakefield ended up loosing the lincence to practice medicine. Additional assesments have further been made to determine whether the claims by wakefield were anywhere close to bieng the truth. The cliams emerged unrealistic and this asserts the fact that the vaccines administered are safe and unlikely to cause autism. Since there are sufficient dispute to the Wakefiled claims it is suffice to say that children are safe wwith receiving immunistaion injections (Geier and Geier 9).

With the increases seen in the number of parents opting out of children vaccination, the more vulnerable populations are now at a greater risk of contracting the disease. The vulnerable population comprises of those who have not received the vaccination for medical or age reasons. These are innocent lives whose well-being falls under the arms of their guardians and the state. Growth an acceleration in the trend and the number of par
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ents rejecting to vaccinate their children will only heighten a likely catastrophic outbreak of communicable diseases (Institute of Medicine 1). In Philadelphia, an outbreak of measles less than ten years ago resulted in a total of seven deaths. These deaths are potentially preventable with vaccination. According to a research by the Pediatric Academic Society, it is evidenced that childhood vaccinations facilitate elimination of numerous life threatening diseases that once threatened growth of a generation. From their research vaccinations have contributed to the prevention of more than 10.5 million potential infections and above thirty thousand deaths annually (Chen RT, DeStefano F. And Davis RL. 188).

Complications arising from acquiring diseases with immune measures such as mumps and measles include preventable deaths, endless hospital visits in a livelihood and permanent disabilities. The potential of averting a possible outbreak and potential wipe out to a generation is highly minimized by vaccination. It is important for parents to apprise that potential of a growing child can be hampered by their choice to opt out of immunization. While, it is difficult to predict and prepare treatment measures to a child, policy on mandatory immunization attends to this hustle by providing a guard against infection. Historical facts indicate that some practices in hygiene facilitated in reduction of infections and potential deaths in the 19th century. Similar to this, the vaccination programs facilitate reduction in disease spread by increasing children's immune capability to resist infection. Following the widespread introduction of the vaccine there have been irrefutable improvements seen in the health of children. Occurrence of numerous infectious diseases has been reduced significantly. One such case is the case for smallpox. Once a health threatening disease smallpox occurrence in the world is now minimal, and this is attributed to the vaccination exercise carried out from 1977 (Madlon-Kay and Harper 612).

It is imperative to note there are different measures of treating ailments but if it possible to prevent, previous experiences provide proof that the vaccine are effective. Over the year negligence from parents and misguided discredits to immunization programs has seen an increase in new infections and wider spread of diseases such as Measles, Whooping Cough and Mumps (Institute of Medicine 1).

From the arguments presented above, it is evident that both parties have a desire to attain a positive outcome. The only difference is in the approach that separates the potential for a common good. Both parties present viable arguments as to their course of actions an tend to make preferences depending on their individual understanding. It is true that the immunization of children is important, and the outcome from such immunization is beneficial to the community as a whole. The parents view for what is best for their children need to be altered to accommodate the greater good.


A community or state where the immunization rates are highest is considered as a common. The state's intentions to make immunizations manadatory seek to achieve a common where posibility of disease occurrence are erradicated. The eradication of such infection being a desirable outcome can be faced with challenges owing to lack of common understanding. It is for the good of the concerned persons and that of the state that a common understanding be achieved. Failure to such understaanding may lead to oposition from all fronts and crumbling of all efforts initiated. With high level of immunization, the likely outcome of diceases is reduced and the health of a community will be guaranteed. Therefore, it is imperetive that all concerned parties should share common desires and cohesively work towards enforcing the desirable outcomes.

Works Cited

Chen RT, DeStefano F, and Davis RL. "The Vaccine Safety Datalink: Immunization Research in Health Maintenance Organizations in the U.S.A. ." Bull WHO 78.1 (2000): 186-94. Print.

Dave, Gram. " Vt. Debates Letting Parents Say No to Vaccines. Http://Sks.Sirs.Com/Cgi-Bin/Hst-Article-Display?Id=Sor0339-0-4872&Artno=0000340741&Type=Art." 2012.

Geier, M.R., and D.A. Geier. "Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines, Neurodevelopment Disorders, and Heart Disease in the United States." Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 1.1 (2003): 6-11. Print.

Institute of Medicine. Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autism. Report by the Immunization Safety Review Committee, Institute of Medicine. Washington, Dc: National Academy Press,2001. Print.

Madlon-Kay, D.J., and P.G. Harper. "Too Many Shots? Parent, Nurse and Physician Attitudes Towards Multiple Simultaneous Childhood Vaccinations. ." Arch Fam Med 3.1 (1998): 610-17. Print.

Salmon, D.A., M. Haber, and E.J. Gangarosa. "Health Consequences of Religious and Philosophical Exemptions from Immunization Laws: Individual and Societal Risk of Measles. Jama 1999;282:47 -- 53." JAMA 282.1 (1999): 47-53. Print.

Welch, Matt.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations" Assignment:

researched argumentative essay that makes and supports a claim. Take the stance that yes PARENTS SHOULD HAVE A SAY IN IF THEY CAN OPT OUT OF VACCINES FOR CHILDREN, clearly using at least two of the specific argument types (definition argument, causal argument, evaluation argument, proposal argument, argument by analogy, and ethical argument.). (A hybrid argument blends two or more argument types.) Your essay must meet the following guidelines: You must have a minimum of 5 credible, relevant, and timely sources and a maximum of 8 credible, relevant, and timely sources that have informed your argument, and you must clearly use all of your sources in your essay in a way that makes their relevance clear and cite all of your sources correctly with in-text citations and a Works Cited page. At least 2 sources must present or argue for an opposing view, and you must treat these sources with equal respect (meaning that you must fully consider them, not that you must agree with them). Also, at least 2 sources must be from the SIRS library database (and I recommend that you use SIRS to find all of your sources). (The SIRS username is or0339; the SIRS password is 97914.) your essay must include a clear, precise claim (thesis); good, clear reasons and evidence to support your claim; fair engagement with opposing views, as well as concessions and/or refutations in response to those views, as appropriate; and appeals to logos, pathos, ethos, and kairos that are suitable for your argument. Your essay must have a logical organization that is easy for your audience to follow. You must have a clear introduction (one paragraph only) that begins with an attention-getter and ends with your claim (thesis); at least five focused body paragraphs, with at least three paragraphs focused on reasoning/evidence and at least two paragraph focused on opposing views/rebuttal; and a conclusion that is not too repetitive. You must also use topic sentences and transitions to help your readers follow your discussion. You must fully develop all of your ideas and paragraphs. (Your introduction and conclusion must be at least 5 sentences; your body paragraphs must be at least 8 sentences.)

Other Concerns to Consider:

• Absolutely do not use derogatory, racist, sexist, or otherwise insulting terms, tones, or ideas that could alienate your audience in your argument, and do not rant. This is not simply a matter of being “politically correct.” If you alienate your audience, you clearly have not grasped the concepts of constructive argument. • Maintain an objective, formal tone throughout your essay in order to appeal to ethos and avoid alienating your audience. Avoid slang and other informal language, which can hurt your credibility. • Carefully revise and edit your paper first for content concerns and then for sentence-level concerns. Aim for clarity in your ideas and sentences. Your audience cannot be convinced of your point-of-view if they cannot understand you, and mistakes can hurt your credibility. • Do not structure your essay around your research. Use your research to support your claim and reasons, not the other way around. • Use quotes from sources minimally, and only when a source’s exact wording is key to your argument. Instead, summarize and paraphrase the majority of the research you include in your essay.

How to Reference "Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations.”, 2014, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations” 2014.
”Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations [Internet]. 2014 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations. Published 2014. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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