Research Paper on "Overeating Poor Eating Behavior"

Research Paper 8 pages (2589 words) Sources: 8

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Overeating / Poor Eating Behavior

Your definition of health

Health refers to the level of metabolic and functional efficiency of living things. In human beings, health means the general condition of the mind of a person. This normally refers to being free from injury, pain, or illness. According to the World Health Organization, health is the state of complete mental, social, and physical well-being of a person and not the mere lack of infirmity or disease. However, this definition of health has drawn controversies. Critics argue that this definition of health lacks operational value and because it has used the term "complete" it remains to be a system of classification mostly used in measuring and defining health components (Carlat, 832).

How the consumer health behavior relates to the definition

Poor eating behaviors refer to abnormal eating habits that involve either excessive or insufficient intake of food that detriment the physical and mental health of a consumer. The most common eating disorders in the U.S. are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder whose features include the fear of the weight and binge eating. Initially, it was believed to be a disease affecting only women; however, researchers have established that the disorder is also affecting males, as well. They have estimated that 15% of people suffering from the disorder are men (Lucas 917). There is an increasing percentage of people with eating disorder all over the world among both women and men. Reports conducted by researchers indicate that women in the Western countries have shown the highest degree of suffering from the d
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isorder. In addition, 50% of Americans have indicated to be aware of someone with an eating disorder. The major components of eating disorders include self-regulatory processes and motivational interactions (Busko 2007).

Poor eating disorders have been associated with medical situations and conditions. Cultural idealization of youthfulness and thinness are key contributors to poor eating habits that affect people. Studies indicate that females suffering from ADHD are the high risk of getting poor eating disorders than those who do not suffer from ADHD. Other researchers demonstrate that girls with PTSD arising from sexual abuse have a greater chance of developing anorexia nervosa (Biederman et al. 302). Further, studies demonstrate that foster girls have a greater chance of developing bulimia nervosa. However, idealized body types and peer pressure are significant factors contributing to poor eating habits. However, some researchers show that poor eating habits develop in some people due to generic related issues. While people suffering from poor eating disorder may require appropriate treatment, poor eating habits results in severe consequences that may lead to death. This can be from either indirect or direct such as medical impacts of disturbed eating behavior or suicidal thoughts (Cummins and Lehman 217).

Research the health problem of over eating / poor eating habits include information about factors surrounding the practice of positive health behaviors

According to the U.S. secretary of Health, poor eating disorders are the key causes of death among people. This has been worsened by lack of physical exercise and activity. In a report released by the Secretary of Human Services, consumers are taking in too darned fat. The report indicates that consumers are suffering from weighty problems arising from poor eating habits. The report demonstrates a steady rise in the percentage of adult with obesity. Further, it shows that in 2001, over 20% of adults in America were suffering from obesity (Patrick 186). In addition, 10 years later, researchers established that the problem was spreading to other states. The report shows unequivocal increase in surplus poundage throughout the nation while it reveals a surprising inverse link between customers' waistlines and their income. This means that the higher the income the lower rate of obesity. High obesity rates have been observed among consumers with low incomes (Lucas 919).

In a symposium done at the Harvard School, it was established that a high percentage of American were obese not because they prefer to be obese but because they cannot afford to become thin. Further, the symposium established that the economics of producing food have heavily favored cheap foodstuffs that contain high calories. In this regards, added sugars, added fats, and refined grains have been reported to be the cheapest elements of consumers' diet (Biederman et al. 303). Those commodities that are not appreciated by consumers seem to be the cheapest. Sugars, fats, and refined grains are the greatest contributors to high calories in the diets of consumers. This is because they contribute the highest degree of calories in the diets. The early man considered excess intake of poundage to be a sign of success or prosperity. For example, people who lived in early years associated voracious eating with fame. They believed in packing dozens of food such as oysters for appetizer. Dozens of steaks, which were eaten at once, followed this (Cummins and Lehman 220).

Advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits

The daily life of consumers has been filled with advertisements making it inevitable for consumers select what they eat with consideration of adverts. This has made some consumers believe that advertisements are the key causes of improper eating habits. However, some people believe that unhealthy eating habits develop due to factors such as workload and the cost involved in choosing healthy food. Heavy loads of work have some negative impacts on consumers' eating behavior. When people are extremely busy, they lack enough time to eat while other may prioritize their work to eating. Such people would not eat until they finish their work. For example, auditors work for longer hours and their utmost concern is energy and not necessarily eating healthy food. Such people are less concerned about advertisements and proper eating habits (Lucas 919).

Healthy food is associated with high costs. Many consumers are familiar with healthy eating, but they may not afford healthy food. For example, the prices of organic food is usually doubled the price of ordinary food in shops. Most consumers purchase food that rhymes with the financial capability. In addition, consumers might prefer to eat Chinese food or healthy food only once a month while regularly taking ordinary food like fried chicken. As much as advertisements contribute to unhealthy eating habits, they also have a positive influence on positive eating habits. Advertisements promote healthy food. This leaves consumers to decision of whether to purchase healthy food or junk food. In summary, as much as researchers have attributed poor eating habits to advertisements it is not the key cause. For now, poor eating habits have been seriously held as the main contributors to poor eating behaviors.

Determination of a plan for behavior change with discussion as to appropriateness of plan for the consumer

Most consumers would like to make changes in their lives. This begins with exercising appropriately, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, maintaining the appropriate body mass index, limiting alcohol intake, developing hobbies and interest promoting healthy living, keeping the appropriate blood sugar and reducing stress. Healthy lifestyle does not only improve consumers' health: it also enables their body to function independently later in life. Adopting healthy living is easy to plan but a challenge to implement it. Even when consumers are greatly motivated, adopting a new eating habit or to break and old eating habit it terribly difficult (Snooks 32).

What helps?

Different researchers have focused their efforts towards establishing factors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle change and effective tools for clinicians. These tools are aimed at counseling patients on how they can adopt appropriate eating behavior. An emerging problem is that consumers are motivated by a sense of fear, regret, and guilt. Experts in researching behavior argue that a long lasting change is likely to occur when the change is self-motivated and based in positive thinking. A report released by a British Research company confirms that strategies that arouse regret and fear have been the least successful in embracing change (Biederman et al. 304).

Previous studies indicate that it is easy to reach defined goals than general ones. Setting too many goals is likely to limits divide concentration while working towards the goals. Another problem is that having a goal is not enough. Consumers are required to set goals and work towards achieving those goals. For example, if a person has a goal of sticking to a diet with low calorie, the persona must have a plan for meeting his or her hunger needs. This includes chewing sugarless gum, keeping a cup of tea or a bottle of water nearby. Researchers have also developed models of helping consumers account for failure or success. This provides explanations on the need to embrace healthy eating habits takes so long. Any efforts made by consumers in the right direction is worthy even if the consumer encounters setbacks or finds himself or herself backsliding frequently (Carlat 836).

Change is a process, not an event

Researchers have developed different behavior change models; however, the most effective behavior change has been… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Overeating Poor Eating Behavior" Assignment:

The paper should include the following:

Your definition of health

How the consumer health behavior relates to the definition

Research the health problem of over eating/ poor eating habits include information about factors surrounding practice of positive health behaviors

Determination of a plan for behavior change with discussion as to appropriateness of plan for the consumer.

How to Reference "Overeating Poor Eating Behavior" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Overeating Poor Eating Behavior.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Overeating Poor Eating Behavior (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Overeating Poor Eating Behavior. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Overeating Poor Eating Behavior” 2013.
”Overeating Poor Eating Behavior”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Overeating Poor Eating Behavior”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Overeating Poor Eating Behavior [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Overeating Poor Eating Behavior. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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