Essay on "Overarching Goal"

Essay 75 pages (18833 words) Sources: 40

[EXCERPT] . . . .

overarching goal of this study was to develop an improved understanding concerning assessing and developing the survey research methodology within an educational setting in general and the use of the survey research method to determine attitudes and behavioral intentions of the students in a university setting regarding their acceptance of e-learning in particular. The first part of the study presents the breadth component which is used to identify the differences between three important research paradigms which are defined, compared, and contrasted with various types of research methodologies with a particular emphasis on survey research methodology, using a selected bibliography to evaluate the methods.

Identifying Constraints to e-Learning for Rural Nigerian Students

The Breadth Component


This study is organized into three parts. The first part, the breadth component, is used to identify the differences between three important research paradigms which are defined, compared, and contrasted with various types of research methodologies with a particular emphasis on survey research methodology, using a selected bibliography to evaluate the methods. The second part of the study, the depth component, presents the respective strengths and weaknesses of the survey methodology, as well as an evaluation of data collection instruments and sampling strategies, and the key steps that must be taken to ensure the successful use of the approach; this part also includes an annotated bibliography aligned to the research objectives. The final part, the application component, provides details concerning how the survey research method
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will be specifically used in the author's thesis work that seeks to determine attitudes and behavioral intentions of the students in a private university in a rural area of Nigeria regarding their acceptance of e-learning? . This is accomplished by identifying a problem for the research, the research purpose, research questions, theoretical foundations of the proposed research, and the methodology used to conduct the research.

Breadth Objectives

The objectives of the Breadth Component were as follows:

1. Identify the differences between positivist, constructivist, and pragmatic research paradigms.

2. Define a wide range of commonly used quantitative and qualitative research methods in social and behavioral sciences, with a particular emphasis on survey research methodology.

3. Compare and contrast the survey research methodology against other research approaches.

Breadth Demonstration

Today, the people of Nigeria stand at an educational crossroads, with one path leading to a continuation of the lackluster status quo and the other leading to opportunities for improvement in the manner in which educational services are delivered. The former path will likely result in the country's literacy rate remaining low, its infancy death rate remaining high and its people relegated to a life expectancy of less than 50 years (Nigeria, 2010). By very sharp contrast, the latter path can lead to improvements in the access to educational services in general and for females in particular for the large numbers of Nigerian population who live in rural regions of the country in ways that will contribute to their ability to gain meaningful employment and contribute to the economic and social growth of Nigeria in the future.

According to Roffe (2004), Nigerians who live in rural regions of the country are faced with some profound and complicated challenges in overcoming the so-called "digital divide" that separates the information "haves" from the "have-nots." Although electrification efforts have proceeded apace over the years, many parts of the country remain without reliable sources of grid-based electricity. Moreover, even assuming that an alternative energy source such as solar or wind power can be used to power Internet-enabled computers, some Nigerians may live in regions where hills or mountains interfere with the line-of-sight transmissions needed with one of the country's Internet hosts for reliable Internet service. Assuming as well that these challenges can be overcome in a cost-effective fashion, the problem remains concerning whether Nigerians living in remote regions of the country will accept the technology and apply it for learning purposes. In this regard, Roffe emphasizes that, "People living in [rural] areas are assumed to be 'digital poor.' To benefit from technology, citizens will need a suite of e-skills, not just in digital literacy, but also in a range of associated key skills such as collaborative working and learning to learn" (p. 16).

Likewise, teachers will also need to develop new teaching skills to use a virtual learning environment effectively. For example, Stevens (2006) emphasizes that, "Teaching face-to-face and online are different skills and teachers have to learn to teach from one site to another. This is fundamental to the success of e-teaching. Teachers have to learn to teach collaboratively with colleagues from multiple sites and have to judge when it is appropriate to teach online and when it is appropriate to teach students in traditional face-to-face ways. These judgments have to be defended on the basis of sound pedagogy" (p. 120).

Research on teacher preparation and adult learning highlight several factors that exemplify high quality training of teachers for e-learning settings:

1. Subject matter must be made meaningful and understandable. Through activities and tasks, students must learn general principles to apply in authentic settings (field sites).

2. Subject matter is acquired best in environments where the knowledge and methods to be learned are modeled. Multi-media presentations generated from field sites can be used to demonstrate and analyze effective practice.

3. Online modules of evidence-based practices can serve this population well by providing practice, providing relevant examples, answering questions, and offering research citations to support the practice. Such modules can be increasingly easy to access, respond to consumers' "need to know," and be updated quickly as new evidence is published (West & Jones, 2007, p. 4).

Unfortunately, many of the benefits that are available to e-learners may remain unavailable even when these young Nigerian citizens are able to gain access to institutions of higher learning where there are modern learning tools available because they may lack of so-called "e-skills" needed to use e-learning tools to their best effect. It is reasonable as well to assume that students who lack these skills will hold a vastly different attitude concerning the introduction of e-learning initiatives compared to those who do have them. The advantages of e-learning in general and for higher educational institutions that lack geographic proximity to larger urban centers in particular are well documented, though. For example, Stevens notes that, "The growth of e-learning in schools has led to pedagogical considerations and to the development of new ways of managing knowledge that enable these institutions to assume extended roles in the regions they serve" (2006, p. 119)

Therefore, in order to formulate such a path to improvement, an appropriate research paradigm must be identified and used in an effective fashion. In this regard, Wright (2002) emphasizes that, "There is a current lack of relevance of educational research in Africa that highlights the need for paradigms that would link research better with policy and practice in education" (p. 279). Moreover, the unique nature of the Nigerian educational context requires a robust research paradigm that is capable of developing an understanding of the issues involved from an African perspective. As Wright concludes, "Any such [research] paradigm needs to be firmly rooted in the reality of a particular African educational context" (p. 279). It is in this African educational context that the review of the literature concerning the analysis and selection of an appropriate research paradigm which proceeds below.

Review and Analysis

The Age of Information is characterized by incessant research of all types by people from all walks of life. Indeed, Internet "surfers" routinely search Google and other engines billions of times a day for timely answers to their academic, professional and personal questions. More formal approaches to research, though, typically involve a more systemic and rigorous approach to data collection and analysis. For instance, Leedy and Ormrod (2005) advise that, "research is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information (data) in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon about which we are interested or concerned" (p. 2).

The emphasis on systematic as part of the requirements for formal research is also noted by Cohen, Manion and Morrison (2000) who point out, "Research is best conceived as the process of arriving at dependable solutions to problems through the planned and systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data" (p. 45). As an extension of formal research, research paradigms provide the general framework in which research can proceed in such a systematic fashion. In this regard, Olapurath (2008) reports that, "Research paradigms are coherent sets of beliefs about that the nature of social reality, purpose of social science research, nature of knowledge, and research procedures and criteria, held by practicing researchers, and that guide the research they do" (p. 37).

There remains a lack of consensus concerning which research paradigm is best suited for specific purposes and some authorities even reject the categorization of research traditions into paradigm form at all. For instance, Corby notes that, "Some researchers do not see the value of classification by paradigm. The choice and construction of research approach is a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Overarching Goal" Assignment:

Overall Learning Objective

This PAPER is about the understanding of assessing and developing the survey research methodology within an educational setting. (Use survey research method to determine attitudes and behavioral intentions of the students in a university regarding their acceptance of e-learning.) This paper has three parts; Abstract(1 page)+29 pages for first part, 25 pages plus 15 annotated references for second part, and 5 pages for the last part.(Total 75 pages) (Template of the paper is in Appendix A)

The first part, the breadth component, will identify the differences between three important research paradigms. Then, define, compare, and contrast various types of research methodologies with a particular emphasis on survey research methodology, using a selected bibliography to evaluate the methods.

Second part, the depth component will present the strengths and weaknesses of the survey methodology, evaluate data collection instruments and sampling strategies, and outline the key steps that must be taken to ensure successful use of the approach. This part will also include 15 annotated literature review including particularly relevant studies and dissertations (I have attached some literatures, you may have to find the rest), and an assessment of the research methods and findings covered in the literature, which may be applied to my dissertation.

The third part, application component will provide details of how the survey research method will be specifically used in my thesis work.(to determine attitudes and behavioral intentions of the students in a private university in a rural area of Nigeria regarding their acceptance of e-learningThis can be done by identifying a problem for the research, the research purpose, research questions, theoretical foundations of the proposed research, and the methodology used to conduct the research.

PART 1: The Breadth Component

Breadth Objectives

The objectives of this part are to:

1. Identify the differences between positivist, constructivist, and pragmatic research paradigms.

2. Define a wide range of commonly used quantitative and qualitative research methods in social and behavioral sciences, with a particular emphasis on survey research methodology.

3. Compare and contrast the survey research methodology against other research approaches.

Breadth Demonstration

For a demonstration, I will prepare a bibliography covering the survey and other research methodologies, and write an essay of approximately 30 pages that meets all the objectives I have outlined above.

Breadth References

The materials to be reviewed and interpreted in this paper include, but are not limited to, the following resources:

Babbie, E. (1990). Survey research methods (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Babbie, E. (2009). The practice of social research (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning.

Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. C. (1963). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company.

Creswell, J. W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: ***** Publications.

Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: ***** Publications.

Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2001). Practical research: Planning and design (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merill/Prentice Hall.

Maxwell, J. A. (1996). Qualitative research design: An iterative approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: ***** Publications.

Singleton, R. A. Jr., & Straits, B. C. (2005). Approaches to social research (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

PART 2: The Depth Component

Depth Objectives

The objectives of this part are to:

1. Present the strengths and weaknesses of the survey methodology.

2. Evaluate data collection instruments and sampling strategies used in the survey research.

3. Delineate key steps that must be taken to ensure successful use of this approach.

Depth Demonstration

For the annotated bibliography, I will prepare a minimum of 15 annotated literature reviews including particularly relevant studies and dissertations that apply similar research methodology dissertations (I have attached some literatures, you may have to find the rest). Then, I will prepare a written assessment essay of approximately 25 pages on how this research method may fortify my dissertation research design.

Depth References

The materials to be reviewed and interpreted in this paper include, but are not limited to, the following resources:

Babbie, E. (1990). Survey research methods (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Celik H. (2008).What determines Turkish customers*****' acceptance of internet banking? The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26(5), 353-370. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database.

Dwivedi, Y. K., Williams, M. D., Weerakkody, V., Lal, B., & Bhatt, S. (2008). Understanding Factors Affecting Consumer Adoption of Broadband in India: A Pilot Study. Journal of Cases in Information Technology, 10 (3), 35-48. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database.

Fink, A. (2002). The survey handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: *****.

Fowler, F. (2002). Survey research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: *****.

Li, Y. (2006). Certified health education specialists*****' opinions regarding direct third party reimbursement for health education services. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations. (AAT 3228771)

Murrey, C. (2009). Beliefs and attitudes regarding health-enhancing behaviors in African American and Caucasian women. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations. (AAT 3355023)

Petherbridge, D. T. (2007). A concerns-based approach to the adoption of Web-based learning management systems. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations. (AAT 3269445)

Ratten, V., & Ratten, H. (2007). Social cognitive theory in technological innovations. European Journal of Innovation Management, 10 (1), 90-108. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database.

Reynolds, R. B. (2008). A study to determine first year medical students*****' intention to use electronic health records. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations. (AAT 3310126)

Tan, X. (2006). Understanding information systems developers*****' modeling method continuance: A theoretical model and an empirical test. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations. (AAT 3216340)

PART 3: The Application Component

Application Objectives

The objectives of this part are to provide details of how the survey research methodology will be used to determine attitudes and behavioral intentions of the students in a private university in a rural area of Nigeria regarding their acceptance of e-learning. In this section I will:

1. Identify a problem of the research, the purpose of the research, the research questions, and the research hypotheses.

2. Present the theoretical foundations of the proposed research model and hypotheses.

3. Explain the methodology used to conduct the research and provide an overview of the target population, data collection and analysis of the data.

Application Demonstration

In this paper, approximately 5 pages, I will design a prototype of the proposal by identifying a problem for the research, the research purpose, research questions, research hypotheses, theoretical foundations of the proposed research, and the methodology used to conduct the research.

Application References

The materials to be reviewed and interpreted in this paper include, but are not limited to, the following resources:

Altinay, L., & Paraskevas, A. (2008). Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.

Babbie, E. ( 1999). The basics of social research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Babbie, E. (2009). The practice of social research (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning.

Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods Approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: ***** Publications.

Dooley, D. (2001). Social research methods (4th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Fowler, F. (2002). Survey research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: *****.

Gall, M. D., Gall, J. P., & Bong, W. R. (2003). Educational research: An introduction (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.

Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2001). Practical research: Planning and design (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merill/Prentice Hall.

Newman, I., & Benz, C. R. (1998). Qualitative-quantitative research methodology: Exploring the interactive continuum. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press

Singleton, R. A. Jr., & Straits, B. C. (2005). Approaches to social research (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An introductory analysis (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row.

Appendix A




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Level 1 Head 1

Level 3 Head 1

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Another Level 3 Head 3


Annotated Bibliography 4

Literature Review Essay 5

Level 3 Head 6

Another Level 3 Head 7


Level 1 Head 8

Level 3 Head 8

Another Level 3 Head 9

Discussion 9



AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Level 1 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Level 3 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Another Level 3 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Another Level 3 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

And so on until the Depth . . .


Annotated Bibliography

Dwivedi, Y. K., Williams, M. D., Weerakkody, V., Lal, B., & Bhatt, S. (2008). Understanding Factors Affecting Consumer Adoption of Broadband in India: A Pilot Study. Journal of Cases in Information Technology, 10 (3), 35-48. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database.

Each annotation should be a page or page and a half long. This paragraph should contain a summary of the research method and its findings. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

This paragraph should be a critical assessment of the article. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

This paragraph should be a statement about the value of this article for your research agenda or your profession generally. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Next annotation reference entry here

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. And so on*****¦

Literature Review Essay

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Level 3 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

AAA bbb cccccccccccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeeeeeeeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffffffffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvvvvvvvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAAAAAAAA bbb cccc ddddddddddd eeee ffff ggggggggggggg hhhh iiii jjjjjjjjjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttttttttttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Another Level 3 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

And so on until the Application . . .


AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Level 1 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Level 3 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.

Another Level 3 Head

AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz.


The discussion should show how the project has been informed by the theories in the Breadth component and/or the research in the Depth component. It should be about 10 pages. aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr sss ttt uuu vvv www xxx yyy zzz aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr sss ttt uuu vvv www xxx yyy zzz aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr sss ttt uuu vvv www xxx yyy zzz aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr sss ttt uuu vvv www xxx yyy zzz

And so on to the reference list . . . .


Andrade, H. G. (2005). Teaching with rubrics: The good, the bad, and the ugly. College Teaching, 53, 27. doi: 10.3200/CTCH.53.1.27-31

Csikszentmilhalyi, M. (1996). Creativity. New York: Harper Collins.

Geertz, C. (1973). The interpretation of cultures. New York: Basic Books.

Lee, J. (2003). Implementing high standards in urban schools: Problems and solutions. Phi Delta Kappan, 84(6), 449-455.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-110, § 115, Stat. 1425 (2002).

Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Restak, R. M. (2001). The secret life of the brain. Thousand Oaks, CA: Richard M. Restak and ***** Grubin Productions, Inc.

Silver, A. (2003). Missing links: On studying the connection of arts education to the public good. Arts Education Policy Review, 104(3), 21-26.


How to Reference "Overarching Goal" Essay in a Bibliography

Overarching Goal.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Overarching Goal (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Overarching Goal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Overarching Goal” 2010.
”Overarching Goal”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Overarching Goal”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Overarching Goal [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Overarching Goal. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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