Essay on "Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds"

Essay 8 pages (2435 words) Sources: 1

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Orgazational Behavoir

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior: McDonalds

In any organization people can make the assumption too that the very key objective of that corporate is to make it in the world; what precisely does having an organization that knows how to win mean? And what exactly does it take to make it? At one time, organizations had put a huge ton of focus on the quality and how to achieve that quality. The people who really actually get to the point of actually achieving those statistics were graded on their technical skills, efficiency, and finances. Employees were basically seen as moneymaking machines and how they accomplished those statistics was not an interest of their administrators as long as the facts were being taking care of. Organizational behavior studies are becoming more vital today years in the past since companies must learn to adapt to the fast altering business cultures that have curtailed from an inexpensive and fast-paced marketplace. Organizational behavior was a subject that was not being talked about until an employee had a change of attitude, productivity changed, or sales went down. In today's business world, supervisors are really looking at more how employees react to situations rather than if they respond. They are beginning to view organizational behavior as an intricate piece of training and development of the workforce. Soft skills were never a part of management training and it was rare that managers were commended for having those skills. In the business world today, I feel organizational behavior is an elemental tool for handling effective teams. If you can zoom in on an staffs ' personality, origin
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ality, and adaptability, motivating that employee the way they need to be motivated is never a gray area and a guaranteed success. With that said, this essay will discuss the organizational behavior in McDonald's.


McDonald's is made up of over 30,000 local restaurants and it also serves around 54 million individuals all over the world not to mention in more than 100 countries every day. The corporation is the biggest retailer food chain in the world and most consider it a part of the American way of life. In order to stay useful and an iconic American organization, McDonald's has formed procedures and approaches for rousing staffs and training leadership. Therefore, the organization believes that McDonald's does show an outstanding chance to detect organizational behavior in action.

In this observational study, the researcher pursued to determine what leadership methods and group abilities were really experienced by McDonald's employees. This field experiment would entail the researcher going to four different McDonald's stores in his community area during separate shifts that were ranging from morning to night shift. Throughout each visit, one of the people from the group made a purchase and sat at a table where the observation of the behavior of managers and employees and customer interactions, without intruding with usual actions could be done (Corporation, 2009). By reason of the fact that the researcher was limited to a small sample of McDonald's restaurants, he would not be able seize the entire spirit of the business. However, the researcher would be able to narrate his findings to leadership and organizational behavior theories and a little bit of McDonald's corporate standards. Throughout a sequence of explanations and corporate investigation it was learned that McDonald's employees demonstrate superiority leadership and that the company as a whole puts noteworthy exertion into inspiring and functioning for its employees.

Corporate & Work Culture

When examining an organization's management and cooperation skills, it is very beneficial to first investigate the organization's work culture and how this culture is maintained. The work culture of McDonald's appears to highly depend upon the specific line manager in who happens to be in charge at any given point in time. A person would probably envisage that the boss would normally always use their status of power and would use an effective design of leadership because the usual employee is inexperienced and young. Of course, some of the supervisors were watched as overseeing the acts in a machine like method, particularly during top business eras. Nevertheless, in the bulk of cases the administrators were comparatively calm and sometimes were vague from the other workers. One boss in specific was using a selling method, which designates a higher willingness height of her team (Daft, 2008). The boss merely gave the orders, but acknowledged response and alternatives to her decisions. While it was understandable she was the boss, her team was clearly in the advanced phases of expansion and was contented outside of their predefined parts.

On the whole, the managers were not trying to put any intense vertical barriers between themselves and those that are working for them. Managers normally appeared to show real interest and concern in their emotions and well- being of their workers, which were not thought of in this workplace. For instance, one supervisor had been seen asking young worker that was mopping the floors about his weekend and his kids. There appears to be genuine exertions in order to stimulate workers even at the line worker area. Herzberg's two-factor theory clarifies that working conditions that are good can really go so far, and that workers will need a higher level of contentment such as enthusiasm and acknowledgment in order to be content with their location (Daft, 2008,). Even in a position that is considered low skill, the turnover is wanted. Furthermore, happy workers will go on to lead to customers that are happy.

McDonald's commercial management trusts in leadership and training at most levels within Hamburger University. On Hamburger University's website, they cite McDonald's creator Ray Kroc's exercise absorbed philosophy: "If things are going to take off, we've got to have ability. and, here we are going to put money on the talent." This philosophy proves that McDonald's does not have faith in its restaurants' staff crew are just things in a mechanism that can be effortlessly substituted. Since training is not really just proposed to managers or executives, McDonald's is at the stage where they can reinforce and spread its values and culture any every direction, not just descending. McDonald's business ethics also have "people" as one of its supports (McDonald's Corporation, 2008). Corporate policy mentions that the workers should be salaried at or beyond the local market amount, and would need to value both their salary and their profits. By tackling workers higher requirements by delivering training that they generate so that their workers can feel valuable and important. Training also provides in order to strengthen the culture at all levels throughout education and promoting an optimistic appearance of the workers' significance to the company.

McDonald's Inspiring Elements

As Daft theory explains that fear has a way of weakening communication and trust, and a lot of the times do impede the employees instead of giving them the motivation that they need (Daft, 2008). For a you teenager in High-school who is busy with doing their school work and other extra-curricular events, it could be ideal to work in a laid back environment like McDonald's. A student's life sometimes can be very stressful, and low- ability, low-stress job provided by McDonald's can give them a break from an otherwise life that is stressful. Furthermore, for the elderly that are elderly, the environment that has low stress can also be necessary since they would not be overcome with accountabilities that can be a little new to them (Northouse, 2007). Another likely motivator is the social chance that is awarded by such a job. As already talked about above, workers have managed to have an extremely casual setting where they could socialize and talk while they are doing their job. For instance, a lot of those who are employees who work during the evening shifts are high school students. According to Draft's theory this gives the workers a feel of encouragement since they have a little bit of what to say when it comes down to their schedule and are not as likely to call in sick to evade coming to work, which would then bring down team morale and the admiration that goes on between the managers and the staff (Daft, 2008).

Team Work at McDonald's

Even though not every worker can be what is called the "superstars," McDonald's give its achievement because of its team work and functionality instead of just leaning on one person. McDonald's does not really have very extremely united teamwork, but they would be powerless to provide their service and products without adequate team cooperation and unity. The team that is on the floor of a McDonald's eatery is best defined as a practical team (Daft, 2008). During their shift, team members have one area that they keep their focus on. If the employees decide to leave their post or are not constructive, members on the line will not be able to achieve their vocation and also their production line will grieve. For instance, when a client enters the restaurant locations and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds" Assignment:

Description of assigment

In order to complete this assigment you will need to:

1. Choose a multinational organization and find information (in academic literature, popular business literature, onile and/or by interviewing a pracititioner) on how people work individually and in teams in this organisation. Please discuss similarities and differences.

2. An***** why there are similiarities and differences referring to ONE area of organisational behaviour that is relevant to the way people work in multinational corporations (e.g., motivation, teamwork, communication, leadership). Please write a review of the literature (i.e. theory and research found in journal articles) in the area you have picked.

3. please discuss the main challenges and implications for management that arise from your chosen are of organisational behaviour.

4. Reflect possible limitations - what might work and what not?

page count: 7-8 pages (excluding title page, contents page and references), font: Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, line spacing: 1.5, margin: 1 inch all around.

Your work should be based on, and make accurate reference to (i.e using Harvard stlye referencing), relevant theory and research in organisational behaviour, Further guidance and informatiom on structure and format will be given in the courcework setting lecture.

How to Reference "Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds" Essay in a Bibliography

Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds” 2012.
”Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Orgazational Behavoir Organizational Behavior: Mcdonalds. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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